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Creating Creators in the age of Generative AI: Introduction to the Activities of the international startup AICU ⽣成AI時代に「つくる⼈をつくる」 国際スタートアップ企業『AICU』活動紹介 Project Professor (特任教授) at Digital Hollywood University Graduate School [CEO] Akihiko SHIRAI, PhD [@o_ob]

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AICU is happy to be here…!

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Happy to support Student Volunteers…!

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AICU is… International Creative AI Media Developer

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Emotional Chat Friends “Creating people who creates in AIDX era” International Promotion for AI Creators AIDX Lecture And Learning Media Media Publication for Creators (Book, Web, Kindle) Professional Visual Dev “AI Driven” Social Media X@AICUai

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[Case] Cover Art of CGWORLD Nov 2024 vol.315 Requested by the CGWORLD magazine to myself. produced and released a commercial quality image generation workflow for Prof Tomoyuki Sugiyama, president of Digital Hollywood University, who suffers from the intractable disease ALS, using the latest in-camera VFX technology, AI image generation, and AI avatar technologies. Made Stability AI API + Google Colab. CGWORLD編集部よりの依頼。 ALSという難病を抱えるデジタルハ リウッド大学学長・杉山知之を 最新のインカメラ VFX技術とAI画像 生成、AIアバター技術、を使って商 用レベルに耐える画像生成のワーク フローとして製作・公開。

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Motivation Why AICU? Why Creating Creators?

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CONFIDENTIAL 2018-2023 ▶Akihiko Shirai in a page manga

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Akihiko SHIRAI, Ph.D in a Manga - 30 years in Entertainment R&D Manga from my book ”The future of game design - Science in Entertainment systems” (2013) 1973[born] in Yokohama, Japan 1983[10y.o.] Studied programming by magazine. Made 3D flight-sim by character graphics in PC-6001mkII. 1988[15y.o.] Played NES until forget high school admission. Met camera, publishing (news paper editing) and sciences. 1990[18y.o.] Worked arcade games operator and paperboy. (Financially, difficult to go university directly) In 1992 to 1998. I studied in Tokyo Polytechnic University. "Photo engineering" contains a lot. Optics, functional chemicals, electronics, laser holographics, printings...and CG As a club activity, I immersed into art photography. Fortunately, I met to photoshop and Ray tracing program in 1994. And my first laboratory, Prof Yuichiro Kume give an opportunity to study virtual reality, I was fevered about real time graphics. Because it is a latest technology since the video game. In 1998, I was offered a job at Namco as a planner (rare). However, joined Canon, it was offered a job on the recommendation of his professor. Then, I assigned to the office administration section at the Fukushima Plant.

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Akihiko SHIRAI, Ph.D in a Manga - 30 years in Entertainment R&D Manga from my book ”The future of game design - Science in Entertainment systems” (2013) In 2000, I moved to Criterion, Inc. in UK. It was game engine developer named "RenderWare", which was applied as an official game engine for PlayStation2. So, I got a chance to become a game development consultant in a family of canon. It was very good opportunity to study about game development and its industry. After launch fever of PlayStation2, I have some hit titles thanks to the middle ware, multi-platform technologies and shaders in early GPU environment. In this era, there were common sense "Once graphics become greater, the games becomes more fun." but in my mind, I also had a different hypothesis, "Exploring VR experience makes it more interesting and meaningful". In 2001, I moved to Tokyo Institute of Technology, as a full time PhD student. (Prof. Sato’s lab, well-known about SPIDAR interface) After years of practice about the Japanese mass product industry and its work in IT division,

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Fantastic Phantom Slipper (1997) The another key technology is the “Phantom Sensation”, a special psycho-physical phenomenon on human skin. When two mechanical stimuli of the same intensity are applied to different locations of skin surface with appropriate spacing, the two stimuli are fused and one sensation is perceived. When the intensity of one stimulus increases, the location of fused sensation shifts to the location of stronger stimulus. This psycho-physical phenomenon has been known as phantom sensation, which was found by Bekesy, a Novel Prize Winner in 1961. This project was realized before the rumble pad of game controllers as known as vibrotactile in 1997. The system has been realized with a real-time optical motion capture system using PSD and Infrared-LEDs. In the system, two LEDs are fixed on each slipper. The locations and directions of slippers on the floor are measured in real-time. Since feet are usually on the floor, two dimensional measurement is sufficient for this application. The similar technology of this is used into Nintendo's WiiRemote as its image sensor with sensor bar in later.

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Tangible Playroom: Penguin Hockey (2001-2003) Demo at SIGGRAPH KIDS 2003, Best Multilingual and/or Omnilingual award. "Tangible Playroom" was designed as a future computer entertainment system for children. It can provide some Virtual Reality contents with a safe force feedback and a large floor image. Players can interact with content's world using their full body. To feel force feedback, player grasps a tangible (graspable, perceptible by touch) grip like a cork ball. It is linked to encoder motors by strings. Then it can input 3D location to system. When player touch to some objects, system calculate a correct force feedback to player via string and tangible grip. Our system can provide high quality force representation with safe rather than metal linked arm system. "Penguin Hockey" is a typical demonstration content. It is a simple 3D hockey game playing with automotive penguins. The pucks are snowmen. To get points, players should throw snowmen to the enemy's goal hole. Our software has a real-time dynamics simulator then children can interact with computer-generated characters with real reactions.

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[Book]WiiRemote Programming A Programming Study Book on Interactive Technology Using WiiRemote  Programming using the "WiiRemote," the distinctive controller of the popular home video game console "Wii," on a PC has been attracting attention. With the introduction of the WiiRemote, it has become inexpensive and readily available, and many people are interested in it. With the advent of WiiRemote, it has become cheap and readily available, and many people are interested.  This book explains how to program the WiiRemote from a PC for beginning programmers who are interested in applying the WiiRemote. As a hardware-oriented introduction to game programming, it explains the source code step by step. You can learn interaction techniques by yourself while developing specific samples. Languages supported include C/C++, C#, ActionScript 3, and Processing.

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[Mirakan]Songs of ANAGURA (2008-2010) In Miraikan permanent exhibition since 2010 to 2023 August 31st. Concept design and technical basement research. - 10x16m projection clusters - Laser tracker clusters - Players don’t wear any tracking devices - “Wall of Wisdom” - observation console - Unity based contents creation

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[Labo Project] Manga Generator (2013-2019)

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Akihiko SHIRAI, Ph.D in a Manga - 30 years in Entertainment R&D Manga from my book ”The future of game design - Science in Entertainment systems” (2013) 2003-2005 [Post-doc in NHK-ES] Axi-Vision & Projection Lighting for next-generation digital TV broadcasting and production environments. 2005-2007 [Post-doc in Laval France] ENSAM Presence & Innovation Lab, in Laval France. Studying theme park attraction development and social deployment through “Laval Virtual ReVolution” exposition. 2008-2010 [Science Communicator in Museum “Miraikan”] At a national science museum in the Tokyo Bay area, she learned the specialized skills of communicators, interpreters and service engineering through her work in the science communicator training program, and developed exhibits that incorporate entertainment ideas into the world of science.

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Akihiko SHIRAI, Ph.D in a Manga - 30 years in Entertainment R&D Manga from my book ”The future of game design - Science in Entertainment systems” (2013) 2010-2018 [Teacher] Associate Professor In Information Media in KAIT, Japan. “Creating people who create!” 2018- Visiting Professor in Digital Hollywood University Graduate School

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VTuber and Metaverse R&D (2018-2023) Joined the GREE Group in 2018, working in R&D management of the GREE VR Studio Laboratory, the R&D department of REALITY Corporation, which develops and operates the REALITY metaverse for smartphones, which has achieved 10 million downloads worldwide, and as a professor at Digital Hollywood University. He has written two technical books "Collaborate with AI to become a god painter" within two months of the release of the much talked about AI image generation "Stable Diffusion" (2018/Oct) outside of work while working as a professor at the University of Digital Hollywood.

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“REALITY”, metaverse via your smartphone 3D Avatar Driven Ecosystem for 5 years (Director, GREE VR Studio Laboratory) Avatar Creation Live Viewing Gifting & Collaborating Live Streaming Games

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What I learned at the Metaverse Research Institute as a high school student with little knowledge of Unity

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GREE VR Studio Lab / REALITY, Inc.

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Made lots of interesting things but the world won't change… So, Creating People who create!

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[事例] 社内向けクリエイティブワークショップ(電通) Case: Cloud Creative Workshop in Ad Agency [Dentsu] ■The true value of AI is not cheap or fast, but "making the impossible possible" Dentsu News 2024/10/04 AIの真価は安い・速いではなく「不可能を可能にする」こと 電通報 2024/10/04 斧 涼之介 株式会社 電通・白井 暁彦 AICU Inc. ■Workshop and hackathon using cloud GPU for 175 Dentsu employees at the same time! ▼Art-photo by AICU Creative ▼Textbook [Stable Diffusion Start Guide」(published by Softbank Creative)

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超⼊⾨ Stable Diffusionではじめる 画像⽣成AI 超⼊⾨ Stable Diffusionではじめる 画像⽣成AI The process from advertising planning to video production The process from advertising planning to video production

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Slide 31 text 初級者:広告企画から 動画制作までのプロセス 初級者:広告企画から 動画制作までのプロセス The process from advertising planning to video production

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Slide 33 text ComfyUIマスター: カスタムノードとアプリ開発 ComfyUIマスター: カスタムノードとアプリ開発 ComfyUI Master: Custom Node and App Development ComfyUI Master: Custom Node and App Development

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[事例] 国際ラーニングメディアへのコンテンツ供給 韓国をベースにする国際ラーニングメディア「Coloso」への3件のコンテンツ開発 ‧『超⼊⾨:Stable Diffusionではじめる画像⽣成AI』 ‧『初級者:広告企画から動画制作までのプロセス』 ‧『ComfyUIマスター:カスタムノードとアプリ開発』

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Generate theme subjected image In 10 min! “Robust Security” “Nilvana” “New AI service AD”

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Live Demo

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[事例] Kindle AICUマガジン「AniFusion」コラボ ドイツの研究者が開発する「漫画を描く」ためのAIツール。雑誌連動企画。 [PRTIMES] クリエイティブAI入門誌 AICUマガジンVol.4「特集!完全解説Anifusion」9,363円分の割引クーポン付録付き ! 印刷版もリリース

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[事例] スーパーデフォルメ漫画スタンプメーカー LINEやSlack、Discordで利用できるオリジナル漫画スタンプ生成サービス 国際ハッカソンから、プロトタイプ化、サービス化、論文化を実施。 🗒「Discordにおけるキャラクター IPを活用したUGCコンテンツ生成サービスの ラピッドプロトタイピング ~ 国際ハッカソンでの事例研究」情報処理学会コンピュータグラフィックスとビジュアル情報学研究会 (CGVI) 第194回研究発表会

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[事例] 障がい者向けクリエイティブワークショップ(公共) メタバースで(ともいき)漫画を描く(技術書典15) 主催:神奈川県

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[事例] デルタもん漫画展開・ガンマミィジェネレーター AI画像生成によるキャラクター安定性・漫画・チャットボットによる画像生成

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Why AICU? - the name means… [AI Creator Union] [Art Inspired Creators Universe] [Augmented Image Consult Unit] [AI Character Cookie Utility] [AI Creators University] … And “I see you”! 「あいきゅー」

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AIDX Lab - Dev Team and collaborators Akihiko
 VTuber R&D
 25years in
 UX Dev
 ChatBot Dev
 VTuber Producer
 Live Entertainment
 Character Dev
 IP management
 Experienced in
 Anime company,
 Hatsune Miku
 Live Stages
 Live Entertainment
 Music AI - VJ
 Fortnite - UEFN
 IP dev

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AICU Japan - Team and collaborators (part) Akihiko
 VTuber R&D
 25years in
 UX Dev
 Lead Artist
 AI Illustration
 VTuber Producer
 Live Entertainment
 Character Dev
 BlendAI, CEO
 Character AI
 IP rights
 Interim CTO
 Full stack
 CEO of 
 Interim CFO
 AICU Inc.

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Emotional Chat Friends “Creating people who creates in AIDX era” International Promotion for AI Creators AIDX Lecture And Learning Media Media Publication for Creators (Book, Web, Kindle) Professional Visual Dev “AI Driven” Social Media X@AICUai

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AICU Business Domains [2C Media Services] to Creator Consumer/Prosumer Readable media: Book, Web, Kindle Common sense/confidence-building through books Workshop/Event/contest organisation Supporting top runners in computer graphics domain. Building public opinion with significant creator users → New prosumer UGC  Expansion of B2B2C market Creating people who create! Business field through expansion of Creative AI's 'sunny side' AICU media AIDX Lab International Certification [2B consulting Services] International Creative AI consulting Workshop development PoC development Intellectual property dev. AI Ethics Assessment Training service Investment in new AI BizDev (SDSD, NISHIKI-E) [2C/2B Services] Professional License, recognition and affiliations

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▶ contact For professional/commercial use! Official Partnership: AICU Inc. and Stability AI collaborate on creative AI media and AIUX service development through partnership

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Emotional Chat Friends “Creating people who creates in AIDX era” International Promotion for AI Creators AIDX Lecture And Learning Media Media Publication for Creators (Book, Web, Kindle) Professional Visual Dev “AI Driven” Social Media X@AICUai

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[The Yellow Book] Image Generation AI Stable Diffusion Getting Started Guide #SD黄色本

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Official Workshop For creative enterprises! 170+ creators in a same time!

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Stable Diffusion Workshop for Professional

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Stable Diffusion Workshop for Professional Empty sandy beach Wonderful summer skies Trash-free beach New vehicles before launch (undisclosed) Sandy beaches with no tire tracks Nice surfing It is "not impossible" to make pictures by hand, but it takes too much luck and manpower! (almost impossible)

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The workshop aims to Creating people who create, not for AI taking away human works, can make the impossible possible.

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Creating a reel of leading AI creators in Japan!

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Creative AIDX for everyone “Tomoiki Metaverse Art” Project Work with Kanagawa Pref

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[Inclusion Workshop] Metaverse Manga Creative workshop for challenged person Person with disabilities can create their own character trading card and their original manga story using REALITY and IbisPaint on iPad. Organized by Kanagawa Prefecture, Executed by REALITY xr cloud Inc. AIDX Lab “Communication” 10 years old girl on stretcher Face expression collaboration 8 person max in 2 hours workshop

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[AICU Magazine] Free by Kindle Unlimited

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AICU Magazine Vol.2 How to create Your MANGA by AI?

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sad… ??? ぬわー! HMM… Super Deformed Stable Diffusion OMG!! Hehe

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SDSD is ready on

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For Investors/Engineers: What is the interest of Creating People who create?

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Gartner’s the Hype cycle

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Gartner’s the Hype cycle the hype cycle consists of the following five stages

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Issue: Who is the user Who can create the profit?

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Singularity + Marginal utility in the timeline

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[Example] Followers behaviors

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[Example] Average number of followers increased (one week) by events and Articles in [AICU media] Animagine 3.1 vs Animagine 3.0 Animagine XL 3.1 Create a character LoRA using VRoid Studio Meetup Event

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AITuber Projects Butler, Servant, Gatekeeper, Guardian, Secretary… And it can work as your Profiles site! FAQ: Is it only for Kawaii characters? -Yes! You can bring yourself, if you want! = We donʼt limit chatbots as your copy. FAQ: Can we bring our services to AICuty? - Yes! It is a smooth Interface in GenAI era.

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Global market for Japanese animation: 2.74 trillion yen (2022) The global Japanese animation market is approaching 20B USD (3 trillion yen). In addition, top studios are seeking further efficiency and cutting-edge expression through CreativeAI. AICU will drive this 10%. 世界での⽇本アニメ市場は3兆円にむかっ ています。さらにトップスタジオは CreativeAIによる更なる効率化と先端的な 表現を模索しています。この10%をAICU が牽引します。 日本動画協会 The Association of Japanese Animations trillion yen

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AICU 各事業ユニットと(主要)取引実績 一般向け Webメディア (自主事業 ) X@AICUai ←AI+人間で運用 [一般member] [グローバル ] medium [オウンメディア ] [窓の杜]生成AIストリーム 中高生向け AIメディア KDP [AICUマガジン ] KDP LINE [全力肯定彼氏くん ] @LuC4 ワークショップ実施 (全年齢向け ) LINE[AI確定申告さん ]@ChaTax つくる⼈をつくる クリエイティブAIの 「陽のあたる場所」 の 拡⼤による 事業フィールド AICU media AIDX Lab 国際CreativeAI 従事者検定試験(構想中) B2Bコーポレート向け Web/メーリング [] AIDXコンテンツ開発 [SBクリエイティブ ] [某国際ラーニングメディア ] AITuber/Metaverseコンサル PoC/人材/WS開発/Advocacy [Stability AI][電通][ADK] [グリーグループ ][神奈川県 ] [プロ漫画家スタジオ (秘)] [某AITuber事務所] [某有名国際 AIモデルSNS]

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AICU Business Domains [2C Media Services] to Creator Consumer/Prosumer Readable media: Book, Web, Kindle Common sense/confidence-building through books Workshop/Event/contest organisation Supporting top runners in computer graphics domain. Building public opinion with significant creator users → New prosumer UGC  Expansion of B2B2C market Creating people who create! Business field through expansion of Creative AI's 'sunny side' AICU media AIDX Lab International Certification [2B consulting Services] International Creative AI consulting Workshop development PoC development Intellectual property dev. AI Ethics Assessment Training service Investment in new AI BizDev (SDSD, NISHIKI-E) [2C/2B Services] Professional License, recognition and affiliations

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AI UX with surprises will be soon to the law of diminishing marginal utility… But who will create a concrete profit in this context? Creating People who create!

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Get your future Enthusiastic users via AICU Media! Follow X@AICUai

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Next Challenge Certification and Recognition

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「2024年 第2回 G検定」開催結果を発表(5,527名が受験し、3,760名が合格)

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2024年 第2回 G検定(ジェネラリスト検定)概要より 名称  : JDLA Deep Learning for GENERAL 2024 #2 試験日 : 2024年3月8日(金)16:00開始 2024年3月9日(土)13:00開始  申込期間: 2024年1月19日(金)13:00 ~ 2024年2月29日(木)23:59 試験詳細: G検定公式ページにてご確認ください。 受験資格: 制限なし 試験概要: 120分、小問191問 、オンライン実施(自宅受験) 出題範囲: シラバスより出題 受験料 : 一般13,200円(税込)、学生 5,500円(税込)

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G検定シラバスの改訂 【2021】 人工知能とは 人工知能をめぐる動向 人工知能分野の問題 機械学習の具体的手法 ディープラーニングの概要 ディープラーニングの手法 ディープラーニングの社会実装に向けて 数理・統計 【2024】法律・倫理分野の追加 【技術分野】 人工知能とは 人工知能をめぐる動向 機械学習の概要 ディープラーニングの概要 ディープラーニングの要素技術 ディープラーニングの応用例 ディープラーニングの社会実装に向けて AIに必要な数理・統計知識 【法律・倫理分野】 ・AIに関する法律と契約  著作権法,特許法,不正競争防止法 ,独占禁止法 ,AI開発委託契約 ・AI倫理・AIガバナンス  国内外のガイドライン , プライバシー , 公平性, 安全性とセキュリティ , 悪用, 透明性, 民主主義, 環境保護, 労働政策, その他の重要な価値 , AIガバナンス ※重要性はわかるが、範囲が広くなりすぎて いる上に、クリエイターにとっての必要性が 多い要素がより希釈されている

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想定する市場規模: 5年以内に3億円~3000億円。 Global market for Japanese animation: 2.74 trillion yen (2022) The global Japanese animation market is approaching 20B USD (3 trillion yen). In addition, top studios are seeking further efficiency and cutting-edge expression through CreativeAI. AICU will drive this 10%. 世界での⽇本アニメ市場は3兆円にむかっています。 さらにトップスタジオはCreativeAIによる更なる効率 化と先端的な表現を模索しています。 この10%をAICUが牽引します。 日本動画協会 The Association of Japanese Animations trillion yen

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Market size and evidence 1年間でnoteフォロワー1000名突破 Over 1,000 note followers in one year まいにち最低1件の「つくる人をつくる」記事投稿 At least one "Creating creators" article posted every day 一度も下降したことがない Number of followers has never declined 書籍の販売などのイベントで急増する Surges at events such as book sales SIGGRAPH Asia 2024↓ ↑Book Released [Stable Diffusion Start Guide] ↑Magazine [AniFusion]

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Get your future Enthusiastic users via AICU Media! Follow X@AICUai

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Creating Creators in the age of Generative AI: Introduction to the Activities of the international startup AICU ⽣成AI時代に「つくる⼈をつくる」 国際スタートアップ企業『AICU』活動紹介 Project Professor (特任教授) at Digital Hollywood University Graduate School [CEO] Akihiko SHIRAI, PhD [@o_ob]