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--- author: “Jake Trent” --- #Anatomy of a Blog

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--- title: “” category: “” keywords: “” tags: “” description: “” banner: “” — ## introduction ## headers ## voice `code` ## Length ## Conclusion

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## Types of Posts Technical Thought

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## Choosing a Title My search term Whimsy, abstract

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Recent titles: “Format JavaScript with Prettier” “Working in an Open Space”

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## Meta Data Category “Code” “Leadership” “Book”

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## Meta Data Tags Reusable Site themes

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“a” - “b” Tags a4j 1 accessibility 1 aes 1 agile 2 ajax 6 angularjs 14 aop 1 apache 1 api 1 art 2 auth 1 autonomy 2 backbone 6 bash 4 bcrypt 2 bind 1 blog 6 bower 2 branding 1 broccoli 2 browser 4 burn-out 1

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## Meta Data Description Google result One sentence

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Recent Descriptions: “Format your code automatically on commit with pretter.js.” “In the trendy open spaces of today’s tech environments, we need to find space for focused attention.”

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## Introduction The “why” Value proposition Keep reading

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Recent Intro: “My favorite thing about React is how it simplifies the mental model of the developer when coding a UI. The key is the repaint.”

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## Headings Thought groups SEO, search terms

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Recent Headers: “Yaks to Shave” “Add Middleware to Store” “Top-down Rendering” “Ask Nicely”

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## Voice Positive, fun “you” (technical) “we” (thought) Like I talk

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Recent silliness: “Install Prettier on your project today. Be within the first 5M npm downloads to receive free semicolon demolition.”

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## Code Short Rm cruft, expose essence

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No content

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## Length 500 words Keep interest

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Recent counts: 463 words 616 words 467 words 483 words

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## Conclusion Quick End with question Invite reflection, sharing

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Recent prompts: “How has React changed your mental model of UI dev?” “How are you productive in your open space?”

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## Banner Interesting Fun to draw

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No content

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Ship it!

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