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Deep Dive into Elixir v1.6 Code Formatter In 7 Minutes

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Who am I? me |> name # Takayuki "Taka" Matsubara |> job # Software Engineer |> work_at # M3, Inc. |> like # Ruby, Elixir and OSS |> twitter # ma2ge |> github # ma2gedev |> oss # PowerAssertEx, bundle-star, breadcrumble, # chrono_logger, faraday-encoding

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PowerAssertEx ⭐ 153

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My Keyboard

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Deep Dive into Elixir v1.6 Code Formatter In 7 Minutes

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Deep Dive into Elixir v1.6 Code Formatter In 7 Minutes

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Dive into Elixir v1.6 Code Formatter !

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Code Formatter • like gofmt • https:/ /

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Formatting code in Elixir • The mix format command formats your code # Elixir lang example ## before IO . puts ("Elixir is Nice") ## after `mix format` IO.puts("Elixir is Nice")

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But is it safe to format?

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In Elixir

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It's safe with --check-equivalent option $ mix format --check-equivalent check if the file after formatting has the same AST. If the ASTs are not equivalent, it is a bug in the code formatter. This option is recommended if you are automatically formatting files. — https:/ / Mix.Tasks.Format.html

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Why is it safe? What is same AST mean?

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What is AST? • AST is Abstract Syntax Tree ! • Elixir's internal representation of code • Elixir parses code into AST before executing your program • Same AST means that code behavior is also same Code ! -> AST " -> ... -> Execute #

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Detail of formatting process with --check-equivalent option 1. generate formatted code from original code • ! -> " 2. generate AST both the codes • ! -> # • " -> # 3. then compare • # ≒ #

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Let's experiment

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Example code # before defmodule My do; def coooolest do; "one-liner"; end; end # after `mix format` defmodule My do def coooolest do "one-liner" end end

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:elixir.string_to_quoted!/4 • this function generates AST from the code

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Original code's AST iex(1)> string1 = "defmodule My do; def coooolest do; \"one-liner\"; end; end" "defmodule My do; def coooolest do; \"one-liner\"; end; end" iex(2)> :elixir.string_to_quoted!(to_charlist(string1), 1, "nofile", []) { :defmodule, [line: 1], [ {:__aliases__, [line: 1], [:My]}, [do: {:def, [line: 1], [{:coooolest, [line: 1], nil}, [do: "one-liner"]]}] ] }

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Formatted code's AST iex(1)> string2 = """ ...(1)> defmodule My do ...(1)> def coooolest do ...(1)> "one-liner" ...(1)> end ...(1)> end ...(1)> """ "defmodule My do\n def coooolest do\n \"one-liner\"\n end\nend\n" iex(2)> :elixir.string_to_quoted!(to_charlist(string2), 1, "nofile", []) { :defmodule, [line: 1], [ {:__aliases__, [line: 1], [:My]}, [do: {:def, [line: 2], [{:coooolest, [line: 2], nil}, [do: "one-liner"]]}] ] }

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Compare both of ASTs • The diff shows almost same but [line: X] is indifferent ! • But this is metadata so it does not affect behavior " # diff + [do: {:def, [line: 2], [{:coooolest, [line: 2], nil}, [do: "one-liner"]]}] - [do: {:def, [line: 1], [{:coooolest, [line: 1], nil}, [do: "one-liner"]]}]

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Code formatting is safe with --check-equivalent option $ mix format --check-equivalent

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Recap • Elixir's code formatter can compare formatted code with original one at AST level so its safely to use

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Thanks ! M3 Tech Talk #87 2018/02/16 #m3dev @ma2ge