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Things to avoid in a keynote Meta-talk about the keynote itself Antagonizing the audience Anything “sexy” Hitler / contentious world history Racing through too many slides & topics Running over time ?

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Why me?

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The Web’s history is JavaScript’s history

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The Internet’s history is JavaScript’s history

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Commodore VIC-20

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BBC Micro

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My pivotal GCSE “options” choice..

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So.. the Web.

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Vannevar Bush 1945

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1961 Brendan Eich is invented born CC licensed - Gen Kenai -

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1965 “Hypertext” coined by Ted Nelson

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1965 Douglas Engelbart develops and demonstrates NLS - the “oN-Line System”

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1975 Two network comms test Stanford - UCL

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1982 Paul Irish is born! CC licensed - Ben Alman-

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1983 ARPANET moves to TCP/IP The “Internet” is born

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1983-1984 DNS is invented and deployed

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January 1, 1985 Generic top level domains born com, org, net, edu, gov, mil, arpa

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March 15, 1985

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1990 Tim Berners-Lee creates WorldWideWeb at CERN

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August 1991 The Web becomes publicly available!

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October 1991 First document showing off all HTML tags at the time (18!) Including oddities like and

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1992 ViolaWWW browser released

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1992 First Web server outside of Europe

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March 1993 NCSA releases alpha of Mosaic for X Windows

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Marc Andreessen

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1993 CERN agrees to let anyone use Web protocols and code royalty-free

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June 1993 HTML published as an “Internet Draft” by the IETF

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October 1994 W3C founded

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October 1994 Eolas founded Patented plugins for browsers

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"Distributed hypermedia method for automatically invoking external application providing interaction and display of embedded objects within a hypermedia document"

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October December 1994 Netscape Navigator

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December 1994 Netscape NetSite Web Server

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1994 HoTMetaL HTML Editor

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May 1995 Netscape licenses Java to run “applets” in the browser

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May 1995 Brendan Eich gets 10 days to build a programming language for Netscape Navigator

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Language requirements Must let developers interact with Java Must be simple (Visual Basic-like) Can it look like Java, please? Oh, and get it done quick.

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What we got Object oriented scripting language Prototypal inheritance (a la Self) Java/C family-esque syntax Dynamic, and loosely typed First class functions (hello Scheme!)

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Self + Scheme + Java = Mocha

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Self + Scheme + Java = LiveScript! (a gross simplification! - see Douglas Crockford’s fine videos for more on this story)

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June 1995 Netscape and Macromedia partner to run “Director” movies direct in the browser

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September 1995 Netscape Navigator 2 Now with.. FRAMES! LiveScript! DOM!

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November 1995 HTML 2.0 spec published by IETF

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Announcement of JavaScript by Netscape and Sun December 1995

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1995 Internet Explorer 1

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early 1996 IIS 1.0 Internet Information Services

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Microsoft’s first Web server was invented in Scotland! but it wasn’t fast enough for MS so IIS was developed instead..

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March 1996 Netscape Enterprise Server

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"Netscape Enterprise Server is the first Web server to support the Java and JavaScript programming languages, enabling the creation, delivery and management of live online applications." from just $995!

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Your request came from: write(request.ip);

Server-side JavaScript (1996 style)

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Your request came from: `write(request.ip)`

Server-side JavaScript (1996 style)

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write ("var luck = " + client.winnings + "") Server-side JavaScript (1996 style) var luck = 123

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September 1995 Internet Explorer 3 ActiveX PICS DOM CSS JScript VBScript

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Internet Explorer 3 PICS Platform for Internet Content Selection

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Internet Explorer 3 DOM document.formName.inputName document.forms[0].elements[0] Client-side form validation “Rollover” effects.. “DOM Level 0” or “Legacy DOM”

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Internet Explorer 3 CSS

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Internet Explorer 3 VBScript Simple Validation <!-- Sub Submit_OnClick If IsNumeric(Document.myForm.Foo1.Value) Then If Document.myForm.Foo1.Value < 100 Or Document.myForm.Foo1.Value > 1000 MsgBox "Please enter a number between 100 and 1000." Else MsgBox "Your Number Has Been Accepted!" End If Else MsgBox "Please enter a number." End If End Sub --> Enter a value between 10 and 1000:

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September 1995 Netscape Navigator 3

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Netscape Navigator 3 Loading remote JavaScript!

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Netscape Navigator 3 JavaScript Style Sheets (JSSS)

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Netscape Navigator 3 document.tags.H1.color = “blue” classes.ruddy.all.color = “#FF0000” JavaScript Style Sheets (JSSS)

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Netscape Navigator 3 with(tags) { H1.color = “blue”; EM.color = “red”; } JavaScript Style Sheets (JSSS)

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Netscape Navigator 3 evaluate_style() { if (color == "red"){ color = "blue"; fontStyle = "italic"; } else if (color == "blue"){ color = "green"; fontWeight = "bold"; fontStyle = "normal"; } else if (color == "green") { color = "red"; fontStyle = "medium"; } } tag.UL.color = "green"; tag.UL.apply = evaluate_style();

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Brendan Eich refactors and improves the JS engine - hello SpiderMonkey! Autumn/Fall 1996

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December 1996 CSS 1 becomes official W3C Recommendation has margins, padding, font control, background, alignment, etc.

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1996 Macromedia Flash

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David Flanagan’s landmark JavaScript book is published by O’Reilly 1996

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First moves on standardizing JavaScript with ECMA 1996-1997

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ECMAScript ECMA-262 Technical Committee 39 (TC39) Harmony Buzzword Bingo!

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January 1997 HTML 3.2 spec published by W3C

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Works begins on “Javagator” (later known as Rhino), a Java based JS engine 1997

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1997 Internet Explorer 4 Channels! Active Desktop! DHTML!

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DHTML Dynamic HTML HTML + CSS + JavaScript

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Games Animate text and images Tickers / dynamic marquees Custom scrolling & UI elements First in browser “editors”

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Cross browser standards were a problem.. .. until DOM support was standardized

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1997 Netscape Navigator 4 CSS1 support Dynamic fonts

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December 1997 HTML 4.0 spec published as a W3C Recommendation

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December 1997 Macromedia Dreamweaver

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<!-- function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} } function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc; } function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n]; for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document); if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x; } function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0 var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3) if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];} } //--> The most widespread JS code ever?

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May 1998 CSS 2 published as a W3C Recommendation z-indexing, positions (absolute, relative, fixed), media types, text shadows

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June 2011! CSS 2.1 (really a cleanup) didn’t become a W3C Recommendation till..

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1998 W3C pushes out a DOM standard “DOM Level 1”

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1999 Internet Explorer 5 Limited DOM Level 1 support XMLHTTP ActiveX control

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Microsoft’s XMLHTTP work would go on to influence XMLHttpRequest in other browsers and provide inspiration for the AJAX movement

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ECMAScript 3 (ES3) standard released December 1999 try/catch, regexes, new control statements - de facto JS base for a decade

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1999 W3C considers HTML done Future is XML and XHTML 1.0!

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January 2000 XHTML 1.0 published as a W3C Recommendation

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May 2000 ISO HTML (based on 4.01 Strict) published as a standard

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Macromedia Flash’s “actions” become ActionScript, a new ECMAScript dialect September 2000

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Initially very much like JS ActionScript 2 and 3 (2003 & 2006) added: compile time type checking type annotations class based OO syntax packages and namespaces ability to access DirectX and OpenGL

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Late 2000 DOM Level 2 published including.. getElementById

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November 2000 Netscape Navigator 6 Bloatware A big mistake Included an e-mail client and more..

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August 2001 Internet Explorer 6

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2002 Mozilla Phoenix Lightweight Fast Only a Web browser

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2002 Mozilla Firebird

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2004 Mozilla Firefox

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2004 Mozilla Firefox 1.0 RSS, better tabs, Firefox logo (since 0.9), many localizations

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2004 WHATWG founded Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group

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2004 and starts work on HTML5 W3C being slow.. W3C continued to focus on XHTML 2.0

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April 2004 DOM Level 3 published .. still the status quo

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October 2004 O’Reilly’s first “Web 2.0” Summit

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Feb 2005 “AJAX” coined by Jesse James Garrett of Adaptive Path Asynchronous JavaScript And XML

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February 2005 Prototype JS framework/library released by Sam Stephenson Used primarily with Rails (to start with..)

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February 2005 ajaxian launches

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June 2005 released

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2005 Adobe Creative Suite 2 adds “ExtendScript” (an ECMAScript dialect)

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2005 Mozilla Developer Center (now Mozilla Developer Network) Launched

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January 2006 jQuery Released

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Reliable and extensible cross browser abstraction of many client-side JavaScript operations, including DOM element selection and manipulation, animations, event handling, and Ajax support.

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JavaScript 1.7 comes to Firefox 2 October 2006 included many ideas now appearing in ES6 (e.g. let, generators, array comprehensions) .. but very much a Mozilla only dealie.

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2006 First “canvas 3D” experiments by a Mozilla engineer, Vladimir Vukicevic

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February 2007 Steve Yegge ponders “The Next Big Language”

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C-like syntax Dynamic typing with optional static types Performance Tools Kitchen sink Multi-platform

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April 2007 Mozilla, Apple and Opera propose the W3C adopt WHATWG’s work on HTML5 and use the HTML5 name too

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May 2007 The W3C gets behind HTML5

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2008 The W3C publishes a first working draft of an HTML5 spec

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Improved markup, , , inline SVG, new form controls, custom data attributes.. plus a collection of APIs.. Canvas, Offline Web Applications, History manipulation, Drag and Drop, Microdata, WebStorage, and more..

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Be aware many “not-officially-HTML5” specs are wrapped up in the HTML5 “brand” now: Server Sent Events, WebSocket, WebGL, Web Audio API, Geolocation API, etc.

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XHTML5 is an XML serialization of HTML5

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2008 PhoneGap Released Build native mobile apps using Web technologies a.k.a. Apache Cordova (sort of)

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ECMAScript 4 fiasco 2008 Political differences, mostly between Adobe and Microsoft

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ActionScript 3 inherited quite a lot from ECMAScript 4

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“Harmony” comes to JS 2008

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May 2008 JavaScript: The Good Parts published

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"When Java applets failed, JavaScript became the 'language of the Web' by default. JavaScript's popularity is almost completely independent of its qualities as a programming language." Douglas Crockford

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"In JavaScript, there is a beautiful, elegant, highly expressive language that is buried under a steaming pile of good intentions and blunders." Douglas Crockford

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JavaScript: The Good Parts Functions, loose typing, dynamic objects, expressive object literal notation (JSON was extracted from this)

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JavaScript: The Bad Parts Global variables, scope (function not block), automatic semicolon insertion (ASI), reserved words, Unicode support, typeof, parseInt, +, floating point, NaN, arrays..

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September 2008 Google Chrome And don’t forget the V8 JavaScript engine..

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ECMAScript 5 (ES5) standard released 2009 getters, setters, better reflection, standardized some quirks, strict mode

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Strict mode is a restricted variant of JS with different semantics. Some things that didn’t cause errors now do.

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“use strict”; Can’t create global variables. Can’t delete non-existing properties. Function argument names must be unique. No octal syntax for numbers. No “with” eval of strict mode code doesn’t introduce vars into outer scope And more, naturally..!

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System overlaying Google’s V8 JavaScript engine Server-side JavaScript (again!) Ideal for building Internet services Non-blocking, event-driven I/O

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var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (request, response) { response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); response.end('Hello World\n'); }).listen(8000); console.log('Server running at http://localhost:8000/');

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2009 First JSConf 130 people in 2009 Now exist worldwide.. Europe Argentina Australia

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September 2009 W3C starts work on CSS4 subject selectors, :matches() pseudo-class, :local-link, more pseudo-classes

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W3C starts work on CSS4 section h1, article h1, aside h1 { font-size: 10em; } :matches(section, article, aside) h1 { font-size: 10em; }

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September 2009 Google Chrome Frame Sends IE on a Chrome trip

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A language that compiles to JavaScript. December 2009 0.1.0

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A nicer way to write JavaScript? December 2009 Adds syntactic sugar inspired by Ruby, Python and Haskell: list comprehension, pattern matching (in terms of destructuring assignments), significant whitespace, everything is an expression, class sugar, existential operator, variadic parameters, default parameters, heredocs, automatic lexical scoping, optional parentheses! (And more..)

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December 2010 1.0

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April 2010 Steve Jobs lays into Flash, says HTML5 will win.

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2010 First JS1K

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2010 Backbone.js Released

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2010 Joyent sponsors Node.js

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The JS performance race is in full flow! Firefox 4’s JavaScript engine 4x faster than 3.6’s due to JaegerMonkey. November 2010 JIT becomes the name of the game.

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JavaScript overtakes Ruby to become the #1 most popular language on GitHub. December 2010

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Google’s V8 gets “Crankshaft” Big performance improvements December 2010 Aggressive optimizations in compilation + faster start-up times

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2011 Chrome 9 and Firefox 4 bring WebGL support to the masses

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March 2011 WebGL 1.0 spec finalized

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April 2011 Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview Still no WebGL Much better CSS3 and HTML5 support Hardware accelerated Canvas Big JS performance improvements

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April 2011 Emscripten LLVM to JavaScript compiler by Alon Zakai (Mozilla) A way to compile C/C++ to JavaScript

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May 2011 JSLinux

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ES 5.1 Spec Ratified July 2011

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pdf.js’ pixel perfect rendering milestone July 2011

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2011 Google Dart

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Goal is to "ultimately replace JavaScript as the lingua franca of Web development on the open Web platform"

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Aims to solve JavaScript’s “problems”, be better for large projects, better security, etc.

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Class based, single inheritance, object oriented, C-like syntax.. a bit more Java- like in some ways. Optional typing, compiles to JS as CoffeeScript does (for now) but Chromium has a special Dart VM build.

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November 2011 Adobe announces discontinuation of Flash for mobile - will focus on HTML5

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November 2011 jQuery Mobile 1.0 Released

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Goals Be a better language for complex apps (and library shared by those apps) Good target for code generators Accept de facto standards where possible (vs inventing stuff)

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New goodies let, const, function in block scope destructuring assignments ( let {a, b} = pt; } parameter default values ( function f(x, y = 10) { } ) rest, variadic parameters .. ( function(i, ...a) { } ) proxies, weak maps iterators, generators comprehensions ( return [a + b for (a in A) for (b in B)] ) arrow function syntax and more, naturally..

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npm registry hits 10,000 packages May 2012

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CoffeeScript enters GitHub’s top 10 most popular programming languages May 2012

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O’Reilly’s first JavaScript conference Fluent (about time!) May 2012

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May 2012 First BackboneConf

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Target for the release of the ES6 standard December 2013

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2014 Target for HTML5 to get W3C Recommendation status

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