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Brianna Marshall | University of Wisconsin | December 6, 2016 A Vision for Research S e r v i c e s at the UCR L i b r a r y

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Image courtesy of Flickr user collegelibrary (CC BY)

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research is changing. •  Multi-institutional •  Grant-funded •  Shared infrastructure •  Computationally driven Image courtesy of #wocintechchat

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Image courtesy of Flickr user showbizsuperstar (CC BY ND)

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mapping research services to the research lifecycle

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understanding research needs across user groups •  Undergraduate students •  Graduate students •  Postdocs/fellows •  Academic staff •  Early career faculty •  Teaching faculty (adjunct) •  Mid-career faculty •  Late career faculty

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Image courtesy of Flickr user vinaysomanna (CC BY NC ND) crafting services to meet the needs of a diverse academic community

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Image courtesy of mundoo (CC BY NC) finding new ways to share + frame our services

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key aspects of a research services department •  Offer research support in person and online •  Training and professional development for librarians •  Thoughtful partnerships + collaborations What does that look like?

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offer research support in person and online 1)

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expert consultations + guidance •  Foundation of user data and user needs •  Disentangling reference as a place vs. reference as a service •  Consider within broader context of library service points and spaces –  Tiered model of research support –  Co-located with other service providers, if feasible

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digital project planning Image courtesy of Flickr user dianasch (CC BY NC ND)

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digital project planning Image courtesy of Flickr user dianasch (CC BY NC ND) •  Grant funding •  Collaboration tools •  Data management •  Research impact •  Access + discovery •  Preservation (project management)

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Original clipart from Modified version made available as CC0.

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[ retraction ]

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expert consultations + guidance digital project planning research data management (etc.) Image courtesy of Flickr user shereen84 (CC BY NC ND)

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Image courtesy of Instagram user lilothehusky

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training + professional development for librarians 2)

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host a reading group

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speaker series

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p a r t n e r s h i p s + collaborations 3)

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library partnerships

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campus partnerships

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data information literacy

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Research Project Resource Guide:

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what does s u c c e s s look like?

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Image courtesy of Flickr user wackystuff (CC BY)

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+ + S T A F F + + 1 •  Embrace change + uncertainty •  Masters of outreach who explore new ways to connect with researchers •  Readily work in cross-functional teams or clusters to further projects •  Possess a strong understanding of: ü  Research lifecycle ü  Researcher needs + workflows (by discipline, user group) ü  The “sticks and carrots” of research ü  Project management

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+ + S P A C E S + + 2 •  Creative rethinking of staffing and service points •  Encouraging creativity and play •  Reiterating our commitment to diversity and inclusion •  Thinking beyond the library too!

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+ + S E R V I C E S + + 3 •  Alignment with university and library strategic objectives •  Researcher-focused •  Informed by continuous assessment •  Ready to try, fail (+ pivot)

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Brianna Marshall Digital Curation Coordinator Lead, Research Data Services University of Wisconsin @UWMadRschSvcs thank you!