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Design patterns are common ways of solving familiar problems in software engineering

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Anti-patterns are common ways of solving familiar problems in software engineering…

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…which have an unintended negative result

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We Keep Making The Same Mistakes

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Spotting anti-patterns helps you identify where things have gone wrong, and puts you back on the right path

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I thought you’d already fixed that bug?

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The same bug recurs throughout the system despite many local fixes Symptoms

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Lines of code increase more than productivity Symptoms

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Excessive software maintenance costs Symptoms

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Organisational emphasis is on short-term payoff rather than long-term investment Typical Causes

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Development speed is considered a top marker of productivity Typical Causes

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Lack of abstraction / poor understanding of inheritance, composition, or other development strategies Typical Causes

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People who, unfamiliar with a new technology, copy & paste examples from stack overflow and just modify to their needs Typical Causes

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Code Mining

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$ composer require --dev sebastian/phpcpd

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$ php vendor/bin/phpcpd . --exclude-regexps=vendor

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Found 35 clones with 1873 duplicated lines in 44 files: .../campaign_groups/lib/ManageCampaignGroups.php:258-462 (204 lines) .../campaign/lib/ManageCampaigns.php:335-539

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Found 35 clones with 1873 duplicated lines in 44 files: .../campaign_groups/lib/ManageCampaignGroups.php:258-462 (204 lines) .../campaign/lib/ManageCampaigns.php:335-539

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Found 35 clones with 1873 duplicated lines in 44 files: .../campaign_groups/lib/ManageCampaignGroups.php:258-462 (204 lines) .../campaign/lib/ManageCampaigns.php:335-539

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Found 35 clones with 1873 duplicated lines in 44 files: .../campaign_groups/lib/ManageCampaignGroups.php:258-462 (204 lines) .../campaign/lib/ManageCampaigns.php:335-539

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Found 35 clones with 1873 duplicated lines in 44 files: .../campaign_groups/lib/ManageCampaignGroups.php:258-462 (204 lines) .../campaign/lib/ManageCampaigns.php:335-539

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Found 35 clones with 1873 duplicated lines in 44 files: .../campaign_groups/lib/ManageCampaignGroups.php:258-462 (204 lines) .../campaign/lib/ManageCampaigns.php:335-539

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Pluck Reusable Components

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/** * filters out campaigns. * * @param ArrayManipulation $campaigns * @param array $filtersSpec * * @throws Exception */ public static function filterCampaignsList(ArrayManipulation $campai $filterRules = array(); foreach ($filtersSpec as $filter) { if ($filter['name'] == '-custom-ysdb') { $operator = $filter['comparator']; $expectedValue = $filter['value']; $campaignFbIds = self::pluckFbCampaignIds($campaigns->getValue if (!$campaignFbIds) { continue; } // get yesterday spend. used in `yday spnd/dly bdgt` filter $spec = DWEndpointSpec::create() ->setIds($campaignFbIds) ->addFields(array('spend')) ->setDateFrom((new DateTime())->modify('-1 DAY')) ->setDateTo(new DateTime()) campaign ManageCampaignGroups.php campaign_groups

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No content

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/** * @param $filtersArray * * @return array */ public static function parseFiltersArray($filtersArray) { $pre = array(); $post = array(); $preFiltersNames = array( 'statusIds' => 'statusIds', 'name' => 'name', 'budget' => 'budget', 'objective' => 'objective', 'spend_cap' => 'spend_cap' ); $in_array_match = function (&$value, $array) { foreach ($array as $pattern => $newValue) { if (preg_match('/^' . $pattern . '$/', $value)) { $value = $newValue; return true; } } return false; }; campaign ManageCampaignGroups.php campaign_groups

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ManageCampaigns.php /** * @param $filtersArray * * @return array */ public static function parseFiltersArray($filtersArray) { $pre = array(); $post = array(); $preFiltersNames = array( 'dimensionTag_\d+' => 'dimensionTag', 'statusIds' => 'statusIds', 'bidTypes' => 'bidTypes', 'campaignGroupIds' => 'campaignGroupIds', 'name' => 'name', 'budget' => 'budget', 'optimisationGoal' => 'optimisationGoal', 'billingEvent' => 'billingEvent', '-custom-dayparting' => '-custom-dayparting', '-custom-dimension' => '-custom-dimension', ); $in_array_match = function (&$value, $array) { foreach ($array as $pattern => $newValue) { if (preg_match('/^' . $pattern . '$/', $value)) { $value = $newValue; return true; campaign campaign_groups

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/** * @param $filtersArray * * @return array */ public static function parseFiltersArray($filtersArray) { $pre = array(); $post = array(); $preFiltersNames = array( 'dimensionTag_\d+' => 'dimensionTag', 'statusIds' => 'statusIds', 'bidTypes' => 'bidTypes', 'bidModel' => 'bidModel', 'campaignIds' => 'campaignIds', 'campaignGroupIds' => 'campaignGroupIds', 'uploadId' => 'uploadId', 'creative_title' => 'creative_title', 'creative_body' => 'creative_body', 'name' => 'name', 'maxBid' => 'maxBid', '-custom-dimension' => '-custom-dimension', ); $in_array_match = function (&$value, $array) { foreach ($array as $pattern => $newValue) { if (preg_match('/^' . $pattern . '$/', $value)) { $value = $newValue; campaign campaign_groups campaign_ads ManageAds.php

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abstract class CampaignManagement { abstract protected static function getFilters(): array; public static function parseFiltersArray(): array { $pre = array(); $post = array(); $preFiltersNames = static::getFilters(); $in_array_match = function (&$value, $array) { foreach ($array as $pattern => $newValue) { if (preg_match('/^' . $pattern . '$/', $value)) { $value = $newValue; return true; } } return false; }; foreach ($filtersArray as $filter) { if ($in_array_match($filter['name'], $preFiltersNames)) { campaign campaign_groups campaign_ads CampaignManagement.php Management

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abstract class CampaignManagement { abstract protected static function getFilters(): array; public static function parseFiltersArray(): array { $pre = array(); $post = array(); $preFiltersNames = static::getFilters(); $in_array_match = function (&$value, $array) { foreach ($array as $pattern => $newValue) { if (preg_match('/^' . $pattern . '$/', $value)) { $value = $newValue; return true; } } return false; }; foreach ($filtersArray as $filter) { if ($in_array_match($filter['name'], $preFiltersNames)) { campaign campaign_groups campaign_ads CampaignManagement.php Management

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abstract class CampaignManagement { abstract protected static function getFilters(): array; public static function parseFiltersArray(): array { $pre = array(); $post = array(); $preFiltersNames = static::getFilters(); $in_array_match = function (&$value, $array) { foreach ($array as $pattern => $newValue) { if (preg_match('/^' . $pattern . '$/', $value)) { $value = $newValue; return true; } } return false; }; foreach ($filtersArray as $filter) { if ($in_array_match($filter['name'], $preFiltersNames)) { campaign campaign_groups campaign_ads CampaignManagement.php Management

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class ManageAdsPage extends CampaignManagement { protected static function getFilters(): array { return array( 'dimensionTag_\d+' => 'dimensionTag', 'statusIds' => 'statusIds', 'bidTypes' => 'bidTypes', 'bidModel' => 'bidModel', 'campaignIds' => 'campaignIds', 'campaignGroupIds' => 'campaignGroupIds', 'uploadId' => 'uploadId', 'creative_title' => 'creative_title', 'creative_body' => 'creative_body', 'name' => 'name', 'maxBid' => 'maxBid', '-custom-dimension' => '-custom-dimension', ); } } campaign campaign_groups campaign_ads ManageAds.php Management

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class ManageAdsPage extends CampaignManagement { protected static function getFilters(): array { return array( 'dimensionTag_\d+' => 'dimensionTag', 'statusIds' => 'statusIds', 'bidTypes' => 'bidTypes', 'bidModel' => 'bidModel', 'campaignIds' => 'campaignIds', 'campaignGroupIds' => 'campaignGroupIds', 'uploadId' => 'uploadId', 'creative_title' => 'creative_title', 'creative_body' => 'creative_body', 'name' => 'name', 'maxBid' => 'maxBid', '-custom-dimension' => '-custom-dimension', ); } } campaign campaign_groups campaign_ads ManageAds.php Management

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class ManageAdsPage extends CampaignManagement { protected static function getFilters(): array { return array( 'dimensionTag_\d+' => 'dimensionTag', 'statusIds' => 'statusIds', 'bidTypes' => 'bidTypes', 'bidModel' => 'bidModel', 'campaignIds' => 'campaignIds', 'campaignGroupIds' => 'campaignGroupIds', 'uploadId' => 'uploadId', 'creative_title' => 'creative_title', 'creative_body' => 'creative_body', 'name' => 'name', 'maxBid' => 'maxBid', '-custom-dimension' => '-custom-dimension', ); } } campaign campaign_groups campaign_ads ManageAds.php Management

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$ php vendor/bin/phpcpd . --exclude-regexps=vendor

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Found 31 clones with 1426 duplicated lines in 42 files:

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No content

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Code Review

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We’re not really sure what that code does

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But it works so we just leave it alone We’re not really sure what that code does

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Undocumented, complex, important-looking functions / classes / segments unrelated to the system architecture Symptoms

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Unjustifiable variables & code fragments distributed throughout system Symptoms

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Lots of ‘TODO / to complete’ comments Symptoms

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Large blocks of commented-out code with no explanation Symptoms

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R&D code finds its way into production Typical Causes

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Lone-wolf working on the code Typical Causes

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Shifting goals of the software project Typical Causes

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Lack of architectural forethought / design Typical Causes

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Dig In To The Problem

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actions.class.php actions getParameter('uploadId'); $clientId = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('clientSessionId'); $inlineBuilderUpload = Doctrine::getTable('InlineBuilderUpload')- >findOneByIdAndClientId($uploadId, $clientId); if ($inlineBuilderUpload instanceof InlineBuilderUpload) { # We only allow to process builds from the last step of the builde it (saved) if (in_array($inlineBuilderUpload->getStatus(), array(InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_EDITING,InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_SA $inlineBuilderUpload->setStatus(InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_IN_Q $inlineBuilderUpload->save(); } } /* $bulkUpload = $inlineBuilderUpload->loadBulkUpload(); $conn = sfContext::getInstance()->getDatabaseManager()->getDatabase( >getDoctrineConnection();

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actions.class.php actions } } /* $bulkUpload = $inlineBuilderUpload->loadBulkUpload(); $conn = sfContext::getInstance()->getDatabaseManager()->getDatabase('d >getDoctrineConnection(); try { $conn->beginTransaction(); $bulkUpload->saveIntoDB(); // Commit the transaction when done $conn->commit(); $inlineBuilderUpload->setStatus(InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_PROCESSE $inlineBuilderUpload->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Rollback if transaction fail $conn->rollback(); $bulkError = new BulkError(); $bulkError->setClass('BulkDB'); $bulkError->setFunction('BulkDB.saveIntoDB'); $bulkError->setType(BulkError::TYPE_ERROR); $bulkError->setMessage($e->getMessage());

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actions.class.php actions $bulkError->setFunction('BulkDB.saveIntoDB'); $bulkError->setType(BulkError::TYPE_ERROR); $bulkError->setMessage($e->getMessage()); $bulkError->setObject('inlineBuilderUpload'); $bulkError->setAccountId($inlineBuilderUpload->getAccountId()); $bulkError->save(); $inlineBuilderUpload->setStatus(InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_ERROR); $inlineBuilderUpload->save(); } */ $this->redirect('/inlinebuilder/uploads'); } public function executeDownloadOLD(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeOldDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } }

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Detective Work

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$ git blame actions.class.php

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a315cb4a (Jordi 2014-07-01) /* 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn = sfContext::getInstance()->getDatabaseManager()-> 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) try { 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn->beginTransaction(); 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $bulkUpload->saveIntoDB(); 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn->commit(); 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30)

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a315cb4a (Jordi 2014-07-01) /* 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn = sfContext::getInstance()->getDatabaseManager()-> 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) try { 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn->beginTransaction(); 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $bulkUpload->saveIntoDB(); 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn->commit(); 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30)

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a315cb4a (Jordi 2014-07-01) /* 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn = sfContext::getInstance()->getDatabaseManager()-> 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) try { 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn->beginTransaction(); 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $bulkUpload->saveIntoDB(); 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn->commit(); 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30)

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a315cb4a (Jordi 2014-07-01) /* 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn = sfContext::getInstance()->getDatabaseManager()-> 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) try { 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn->beginTransaction(); 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $bulkUpload->saveIntoDB(); 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn->commit(); 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30)

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a315cb4a (Jordi 2014-07-01) /* 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn = sfContext::getInstance()->getDatabaseManager()-> 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) try { 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn->beginTransaction(); 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $bulkUpload->saveIntoDB(); 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn->commit(); 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30)

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a315cb4a (Jordi 2014-07-01) /* 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn = sfContext::getInstance()->getDatabaseManager()-> 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) try { 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn->beginTransaction(); 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $bulkUpload->saveIntoDB(); 144398e4 (Jordi 2014-06-30) 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30) $conn->commit(); 9dedbd66 (Jordi 2014-06-30)

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$ git show a315cb4a

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commit a315cb4a741f7dec51376477c8c66419991aa22d Author: Jordi Date: Tue Jul 1 13:08:15 2014 +0100 [Inline Builder] - DB Process -- Cron added. + task/BuilderTask.class.php

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commit a315cb4a741f7dec51376477c8c66419991aa22d Author: Jordi Date: Tue Jul 1 13:08:15 2014 +0100 [Inline Builder] - DB Process -- Cron added. + task/BuilderTask.class.php

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BuilderTask.class.php task 0) { /** @var InlineBuilderUpload $inlineBuilder */ foreach ($inlineBuilders as $inlineBuilder) { TerminalHelper::log("Loading Bulk Upload for Inline Job " . $inli "yellow"); $bulkUpload = $inlineBuilder->loadBulkUpload(); $conn = sfContext::getInstance()->getDatabaseManager()->getDataba >getDoctrineConnection(); try { $conn->beginTransaction(); TerminalHelper::log("Saving Job to DB", "yellow"); $bulkUpload->saveIntoDB(); actions

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actions.class.php actions it (saved) if (in_array($inlineBuilderUpload->getStatus(), array(InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_EDITING,InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_SAVE $inlineBuilderUpload->setStatus(InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_IN_QUE $inlineBuilderUpload->save(); } } /* * DELETE ALL THE COMMENTED-OUT CODE! */ $this->redirect('/inlinebuilder/uploads'); } public function executeDownloadOLD(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeOldDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } } task

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actions.class.php actions it (saved) if (in_array($inlineBuilderUpload->getStatus(), array(InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_EDITING,InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_SAVE $inlineBuilderUpload->setStatus(InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_IN_QUE $inlineBuilderUpload->save(); } } /* * DELETE ALL THE COMMENTED-OUT CODE! */ $this->redirect('/inlinebuilder/uploads'); } public function executeDownloadOLD(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeOldDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } } task

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actions.class.php actions it (saved) if (in_array($inlineBuilderUpload->getStatus(), array(InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_EDITING,InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_SAVE $inlineBuilderUpload->setStatus(InlineBuilderUpload::STATUS_IN_QUE $inlineBuilderUpload->save(); } } /* * DELETE ALL THE COMMENTED-OUT CODE! */ $this->redirect('/inlinebuilder/uploads'); } public function executeDownloadOLD(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeOldDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } } task

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$ git log -- actions.class.php

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commit d4e72ab65850ef49fd829e367fe6970025f180bb Author: Daniel Date: Thu Oct 15 15:34:31 2015 +0300 Excel download button last page of inline builder. PR-4971 commit 937a9d05b5a9120e9345d8784814ff5dc7a1f51a Author: Radu Date: Thu Oct 15 10:14:09 2015 +0100 PR-4972 #resolve Duplicate Excel download from the upload's page

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commit d4e72ab65850ef49fd829e367fe6970025f180bb Author: Daniel Date: Thu Oct 15 15:34:31 2015 +0300 Excel download button last page of inline builder. PR-4971 commit 937a9d05b5a9120e9345d8784814ff5dc7a1f51a Author: Radu Date: Thu Oct 15 10:14:09 2015 +0100 PR-4972 #resolve Duplicate Excel download from the upload's page

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commit d4e72ab65850ef49fd829e367fe6970025f180bb Author: Daniel Date: Thu Oct 15 15:34:31 2015 +0300 Excel download button last page of inline builder. PR-4971 commit 937a9d05b5a9120e9345d8784814ff5dc7a1f51a Author: Radu Date: Thu Oct 15 10:14:09 2015 +0100 PR-4972 #resolve Duplicate Excel download from the upload's page

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commit d4e72ab65850ef49fd829e367fe6970025f180bb Author: Daniel Date: Thu Oct 15 15:34:31 2015 +0300 Excel download button last page of inline builder. PR-4971 commit 937a9d05b5a9120e9345d8784814ff5dc7a1f51a Author: Radu Date: Thu Oct 15 10:14:09 2015 +0100 PR-4972 #resolve Duplicate Excel download from the upload's page

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$ git show 937a9d05b

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+ Excel + getUser()->hasPermission('new_excel')) {?> +

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+ Excel + getUser()->hasPermission('new_excel')) {?> +

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+ Excel + getUser()->hasPermission('new_excel')) {?> +

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+ Excel + getUser()->hasPermission('new_excel')) {?> +

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actions.class.php actions task public function executeDownloadOLD(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeOldDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } }

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actions.class.php actions public function executeDownloadOLD(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeOldDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } } task

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actions.class.php actions task public function executeDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeOldDownload(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } }

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actions.class.php actions task public function executeVersion2Download(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } public function executeVersion1Download(sfWebRequest $request) { // ... } }

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No content

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Invest In Educating Your Developers

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Redefine The Architecture Whenever You See A Lava Flow Forming

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That code is a mess!

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That code is a mess! Making a change in one place breaks something in another

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Code cannot be re-used Symptoms

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Objects are frequently named as processes Symptoms

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Minimal relationships between objects Symptoms

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Many object methods take no parameters, and utilise class or global variables Symptoms

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Difficult to retain staff with OOP background Symptoms

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Side-effects everywhere Symptoms

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Poor application performance Symptoms

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Programmers are new to OOP Typical Causes

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No mentoring / inefficient code reviews Typical Causes

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No thought of architectural design prior to implementation Typical Causes

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Developers working in isolation Typical Causes

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10af6d6 adding privacy policy page 93ddb94 i bcb7319 ii 8747627 Finishing up Website Usage Page 2414eb8 iwq 2a5910d ii eadc6e8 ii 0d23c1d ii e6a97b1 wq 5780487 i 64eea96 ii 6914478 qwe 1f06a5d iq 07d15b8 wr 1d6df82 echo fc014f1 Adding new background c7ed903 Here we go 9040b40 Testing 4523f29 testing 66e7e60 iok 965d026 Making modifications a5f58f8 Adding Google Manager codes 08f91d9 wq ff555c1 removing header 23d07b1 Removing content 61e480d ok trying this out

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10af6d6 adding privacy policy page 93ddb94 i bcb7319 ii 8747627 Finishing up Website Usage Page 2414eb8 iwq 2a5910d ii eadc6e8 ii 0d23c1d ii e6a97b1 wq 5780487 i 64eea96 ii 6914478 qwe 1f06a5d iq 07d15b8 wr 1d6df82 echo fc014f1 Adding new background c7ed903 Here we go 9040b40 Testing 4523f29 testing 66e7e60 iok 965d026 Making modifications a5f58f8 Adding Google Manager codes 08f91d9 wq ff555c1 removing header 23d07b1 Removing content 61e480d ok trying this out

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campaigns.php functions function deleteCampaignGuestsViaCampaignId($campaign_id) { $dbh = getNewPDOInstance(‘MY_DB_NAME’); $sql = 'DELETE FROM campaign_guest WHERE campaign_id = ‘ . $campaign_id; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); if ($stmt->execute()) { return true; } } function deletePhotosFromCampaignFolderViaCampaignId($campaign_id) { global $root_prefix; global $rootd; $path = $root_prefix . "/uploads/campaigns/" . $campaign_id; $real_file_path = $rootd . "/uploads/campaigns/" . $campaign_id; $photos = scandir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $path); // print_r($photos); foreach ($photos as $key => $photo) { // this is to skip . and .. in the folder. if ("." === substr($photo, 0, 1)) {

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function deleteCampaignGuestsViaCampaignId($campaign_id) { $dbh = getNewPDOInstance(‘MY_DB_NAME’); $sql = 'DELETE FROM campaign_guest WHERE campaign_id = ‘ . $campaign_id; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); if ($stmt->execute()) { return true; } } function deletePhotosFromCampaignFolderViaCampaignId($campaign_id) { global $root_prefix; global $rootd; $path = $root_prefix . "/uploads/campaigns/" . $campaign_id; $real_file_path = $rootd . "/uploads/campaigns/" . $campaign_id; $photos = scandir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $path); // print_r($photos); foreach ($photos as $key => $photo) { // this is to skip . and .. in the folder. if ("." === substr($photo, 0, 1)) { campaigns.php functions

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function deleteCampaignGuestsViaCampaignId($campaign_id) { $dbh = getNewPDOInstance(‘MY_DB_NAME’); $sql = 'DELETE FROM campaign_guest WHERE campaign_id = ‘ . $campaign_id; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); if ($stmt->execute()) { return true; } } function deletePhotosFromCampaignFolderViaCampaignId($campaign_id) { global $root_prefix; global $rootd; $path = $root_prefix . "/uploads/campaigns/" . $campaign_id; $real_file_path = $rootd . "/uploads/campaigns/" . $campaign_id; $photos = scandir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $path); // print_r($photos); foreach ($photos as $key => $photo) { // this is to skip . and .. in the folder. if ("." === substr($photo, 0, 1)) { campaigns.php functions

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function createUpdateLoginClient($client){ $password_hash = password_hash($client['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $id = $client['id']; $dbh = getNewPDOInstance(‘login_clients'); if($id){ // ... } if($client['password'] && $id){ // ... } if(!$id){ $client_id = createClient($client['user_name'], $client['email'], $ // ... } if($result){ return true; } else{ return true; } } function createClient($email){ $dbh = getNewPDOInstance('MY_DB_NAME'); // ... } campaigns.php functions clients.php

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function createUpdateLoginClient($client){ $password_hash = password_hash($client['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $id = $client['id']; $dbh = getNewPDOInstance(‘login_clients'); if($id){ // ... } if($client['password'] && $id){ // ... } if(!$id){ $client_id = createClient($client['user_name'], $client['email'], $ // ... } if($result){ return true; } else{ return true; } } function createClient($email){ $dbh = getNewPDOInstance('MY_DB_NAME'); // ... } campaigns.php functions clients.php

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function createUpdateLoginClient($client){ $password_hash = password_hash($client['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $id = $client['id']; $dbh = getNewPDOInstance(‘login_clients'); if($id){ // ... } if($client['password'] && $id){ // ... } if(!$id){ $client_id = createClient($client['user_name'], $client['email'], $ // ... } if($result){ return true; } else{ return true; } } function createClient($email){ $dbh = getNewPDOInstance('MY_DB_NAME'); // ... } campaigns.php functions clients.php

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function createUpdateLoginClient($client){ $password_hash = password_hash($client['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $id = $client['id']; $dbh = getNewPDOInstance(‘login_clients'); if($id){ // ... } if($client['password'] && $id){ // ... } if(!$id){ $client_id = createClient($client['user_name'], $client['email'], $ // ... } if($result){ return true; } else{ return true; } } function createClient($email){ $dbh = getNewPDOInstance('MY_DB_NAME'); // ... } campaigns.php functions clients.php

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index.php functions

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index.php functions if($folder){ $path = $rootd.'lib/get/'.$folder.'/'.$get.'.php'; }else{ $path = $rootd.'lib/get/'.$get.'.php'; } if (!file_exists($path)) exit(header("location: /404")); include $path; } elseif (isset($page)) { $path = $rootd.'lib/pages_data/'.$page.'.php'; if (!file_exists($path)){ error_log('lol ' . $path); exit(header("location: /404")); } include $rootd.'lib/init/html.php'; include $path; } elseif (isset($_SESSION['my_id'])) { $path = $rootd.'lib/pages_data/home.php'; if (!file_exists($path)) exit(header("location: /404")); include $rootd.'lib/init/html.php'; include $path; } else { $path = $rootd.'lib/pages_data/sign-up.php'; if (!file_exists($path)) exit(header("location: /404")); include $rootd.'lib/init/html.php'; include $path; }

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index.php functions if($folder){ $path = $rootd.'lib/get/'.$folder.'/'.$get.'.php'; }else{ $path = $rootd.'lib/get/'.$get.'.php'; } if (!file_exists($path)) exit(header("location: /404")); include $path; } elseif (isset($page)) { $path = $rootd.'lib/pages_data/'.$page.'.php'; if (!file_exists($path)){ error_log('lol ' . $path); exit(header("location: /404")); } include $rootd.'lib/init/html.php'; include $path; } elseif (isset($_SESSION['my_id'])) { $path = $rootd.'lib/pages_data/home.php'; if (!file_exists($path)) exit(header("location: /404")); include $rootd.'lib/init/html.php'; include $path; } else { $path = $rootd.'lib/pages_data/sign-up.php'; if (!file_exists($path)) exit(header("location: /404")); include $rootd.'lib/init/html.php'; include $path; }

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// Init MySQL logins function getNewPDOInstance($db_name) { require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/master_config.php"; $db_hostname = $lab_hostname; $db_username = $lab_username; $db_password = $lab_password; if($is_live & $db_name == “MY_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “OTHER_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “YET_ANOTHER_DB_NAME” ){ $db_hostname = $tracking_machine_hostname; $db_username = $tracking_machine_username; $db_password = $tracking_machine_password; } if($is_live & $db_name == "login"){ $db_hostname = $login_machine_hostname; $db_username = $login_machine_username; $db_password = $login_machine_password; } index.php functions database connection.php

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// Init MySQL logins function getNewPDOInstance($db_name) { require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/master_config.php"; $db_hostname = $lab_hostname; $db_username = $lab_username; $db_password = $lab_password; if($is_live & $db_name == “MY_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “OTHER_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “YET_ANOTHER_DB_NAME” ){ $db_hostname = $tracking_machine_hostname; $db_username = $tracking_machine_username; $db_password = $tracking_machine_password; } if($is_live & $db_name == "login"){ $db_hostname = $login_machine_hostname; $db_username = $login_machine_username; $db_password = $login_machine_password; } index.php functions database connection.php

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// Init MySQL logins function getNewPDOInstance($db_name) { require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/master_config.php"; $db_hostname = $lab_hostname; $db_username = $lab_username; $db_password = $lab_password; if($is_live & $db_name == “MY_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “OTHER_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “YET_ANOTHER_DB_NAME” ){ $db_hostname = $tracking_machine_hostname; $db_username = $tracking_machine_username; $db_password = $tracking_machine_password; } if($is_live & $db_name == "login"){ $db_hostname = $login_machine_hostname; $db_username = $login_machine_username; $db_password = $login_machine_password; } index.php functions database connection.php

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// Init MySQL logins function getNewPDOInstance($db_name) { require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/master_config.php"; $db_hostname = $lab_hostname; $db_username = $lab_username; $db_password = $lab_password; if($is_live & $db_name == “MY_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “OTHER_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “YET_ANOTHER_DB_NAME” ){ $db_hostname = $tracking_machine_hostname; $db_username = $tracking_machine_username; $db_password = $tracking_machine_password; } if($is_live & $db_name == "login"){ $db_hostname = $login_machine_hostname; $db_username = $login_machine_username; $db_password = $login_machine_password; } index.php functions database connection.php

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// Init MySQL logins function getNewPDOInstance($db_name) { require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/master_config.php"; $db_hostname = $lab_hostname; $db_username = $lab_username; $db_password = $lab_password; if($is_live & $db_name == “MY_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “OTHER_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “YET_ANOTHER_DB_NAME” ){ $db_hostname = $tracking_machine_hostname; $db_username = $tracking_machine_username; $db_password = $tracking_machine_password; } if($is_live & $db_name == "login"){ $db_hostname = $login_machine_hostname; $db_username = $login_machine_username; $db_password = $login_machine_password; } index.php functions database connection.php

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// Init MySQL logins function getNewPDOInstance($db_name) { require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/master_config.php"; $db_hostname = $lab_hostname; $db_username = $lab_username; $db_password = $lab_password; if($is_live & $db_name == “MY_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “OTHER_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “YET_ANOTHER_DB_NAME” ){ $db_hostname = $tracking_machine_hostname; $db_username = $tracking_machine_username; $db_password = $tracking_machine_password; } if($is_live & $db_name == "login"){ $db_hostname = $login_machine_hostname; $db_username = $login_machine_username; $db_password = $login_machine_password; } index.php functions database connection.php

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// Init MySQL logins function getNewPDOInstance($db_name) { require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/master_config.php"; $db_hostname = $lab_hostname; $db_username = $lab_username; $db_password = $lab_password; if($is_live & $db_name == “MY_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “OTHER_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “YET_ANOTHER_DB_NAME” ){ $db_hostname = $tracking_machine_hostname; $db_username = $tracking_machine_username; $db_password = $tracking_machine_password; } if($is_live & $db_name == "login"){ $db_hostname = $login_machine_hostname; $db_username = $login_machine_username; $db_password = $login_machine_password; } index.php functions database connection.php

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// Init MySQL logins function getNewPDOInstance($db_name) { require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/master_config.php"; $db_hostname = $lab_hostname; $db_username = $lab_username; $db_password = $lab_password; if($is_live & $db_name == “MY_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “OTHER_DB_NAME” || $db_name == “YET_ANOTHER_DB_NAME” ){ $db_hostname = $tracking_machine_hostname; $db_username = $tracking_machine_username; $db_password = $tracking_machine_password; } if($is_live & $db_name == "login"){ $db_hostname = $login_machine_hostname; $db_username = $login_machine_username; $db_password = $login_machine_password; } index.php functions database connection.php

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$db_username = $login_machine_username; $db_password = $login_machine_password; } if($is_live & $db_name == “login_clients"){ $db_hostname = $login_clients_machine_hostname; $db_username = $login_clients_machine_username; $db_password = $login_clients_machine_password; } $dbh = null; try { $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$db_hostname;dbname=$db_name;charset=utf8mb4 $db_password); } catch(PDOException $e) { error_log("Error in newPDOInstance: ".$e->getMessage()); print_r($e); return false; } //print_r($e); return $dbh; } index.php functions database connection.php

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$db_username = $login_machine_username; $db_password = $login_machine_password; } if($is_live & $db_name == “login_clients"){ $db_hostname = $login_clients_machine_hostname; $db_username = $login_clients_machine_username; $db_password = $login_clients_machine_password; } $dbh = null; try { $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$db_hostname;dbname=$db_name;charset=utf8mb4 $db_password); } catch(PDOException $e) { error_log("Error in newPDOInstance: ".$e->getMessage()); print_r($e); return false; } //print_r($e); return $dbh; } index.php functions database connection.php

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$db_username = $login_machine_username; $db_password = $login_machine_password; } if($is_live & $db_name == “login_clients"){ $db_hostname = $login_clients_machine_hostname; $db_username = $login_clients_machine_username; $db_password = $login_clients_machine_password; } $dbh = null; try { $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$db_hostname;dbname=$db_name;charset=utf8mb4 $db_password); } catch(PDOException $e) { error_log("Error in newPDOInstance: ".$e->getMessage()); print_r($e); return false; } //print_r($e); return $dbh; } index.php functions database connection.php

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$db_username = $login_machine_username; $db_password = $login_machine_password; } if($is_live & $db_name == “login_clients"){ $db_hostname = $login_clients_machine_hostname; $db_username = $login_clients_machine_username; $db_password = $login_clients_machine_password; } $dbh = null; try { $dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$db_hostname;dbname=$db_name;charset=utf8mb4 $db_password); } catch(PDOException $e) { error_log("Error in newPDOInstance: ".$e->getMessage()); print_r($e); return false; } //print_r($e); return $dbh; } index.php functions database connection.php

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index.php functions database

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Encapsulate Elements With Getters & Setters

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index.php functions database

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index.php functions database

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index.php functions database class Database { private $default = null; private $lab = null; private $login_clients = null; public function getConnectionFor(string $databaseName): \PDO { if (false === array_key_exists( $databaseName, get_object_vars($this)) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(‘Invalid DB requested'); } if (null === $this->{$databaseName}) { $this->{$databaseName} = $this->createConnection($databaseName); } return $this->{$databaseName}; } Config.php Database.php

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index.php functions database class Database { private $default = null; private $lab = null; private $login_clients = null; public function getConnectionFor(string $databaseName): \PDO { if (false === array_key_exists( $databaseName, get_object_vars($this)) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(‘Invalid DB requested'); } if (null === $this->{$databaseName}) { $this->{$databaseName} = $this->createConnection($databaseName); } return $this->{$databaseName}; } Config.php Database.php

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index.php functions database class Database { private $default = null; private $lab = null; private $login_clients = null; public function getConnectionFor(string $databaseName): \PDO { if (false === array_key_exists( $databaseName, get_object_vars($this)) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(‘Invalid DB requested'); } if (null === $this->{$databaseName}) { $this->{$databaseName} = $this->createConnection($databaseName); } return $this->{$databaseName}; } Config.php Database.php

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index.php functions database class Database { private $default = null; private $lab = null; private $login_clients = null; public function getConnectionFor(string $databaseName): \PDO { if (false === array_key_exists( $databaseName, get_object_vars($this)) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(‘Invalid DB requested'); } if (null === $this->{$databaseName}) { $this->{$databaseName} = $this->createConnection($databaseName); } return $this->{$databaseName}; } Config.php Database.php

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index.php functions database private function createConnection(string $databaseName): \PDO { if ('lab' === $databaseName) { return new \PDO( Config::labDBHostname(), Config::labDBUsername(), Config::labDBPassword() ); } if ('login_clients' === $databaseName) { return new \PDO( // ... ); } } Config.php Database.php

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index.php functions database private function createConnection(string $databaseName): \PDO { if ('lab' === $databaseName) { return new \PDO( Config::labDBHostname(), Config::labDBUsername(), Config::labDBPassword() ); } if ('login_clients' === $databaseName) { return new \PDO( // ... ); } } Config.php Database.php

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index.php repository database Config.php functions ClientRepository.php class ClientRepository { private $db; public function __construct(Database $db) { $this->db = $db; } function createUpdateLoginClient($client) { $password_hash = password_hash($client['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAUL $id = $client['id']; $dbh = this->db->getConnectionFor('login_clients'); if ($id) { // ... } if ($client['password'] && $id) { // ... } if (!$id) { $client_id = $this->createClient($client['user_name'], $client[ // ... } }

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Pluck Reusable Components

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{ function createUpdateLoginClient($client) { if ($id) { // ... } if ($client['password'] && $id) { // ... } if (!$id) { $client_id = $this->createClient( $client['user_name'], $client[‘email'], $client['security_clearance'] ); // ... } } function createClient($email) { $this->db->getConnectionFor('login_clients'); // ... } } index.php repository database Config.php functions ClientRepository.php

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{ function createUpdateLoginClient($client) { if ($id) { // ... } if ($client['password'] && $id) { // ... } if (!$id) { $client_id = $this->createClient( $client['user_name'], $client[‘email'], $client['security_clearance'] ); // ... } } function createClient($email) { $this->db->getConnectionFor('login_clients'); // ... } } index.php repository database Config.php functions ClientRepository.php

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Even consistent bad code is better than inconsistent spaghetti Remember

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class Client { private $id; private $email; private $password; private $securityClearance; public function __construct( int $id, string $email, string $password, string $securityClearance = 'CLIENT' ) { $this->id = $id; $this->email = $email; $this->password = $password; $this->securityClearance = $securityClearance; } public function getEmail(): string { return $this->email; } public function getPassword(): string index.php repository database Config.php functions Client.php model

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index.php repository database Config.php functions Client.php model class Client { private $id; private $email; private $password; private $securityClearance; public function __construct( int $id, string $email, string $password, string $securityClearance = 'CLIENT' ) { $this->id = $id; $this->email = $email; $this->password = $password; $this->securityClearance = $securityClearance; } public function getEmail(): string { return $this->email; } public function getPassword(): string

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index.php repository database Config.php functions Client.php model class Client { private $id; private $email; private $password; private $securityClearance; public function __construct( int $id, string $email, string $password, string $securityClearance = 'CLIENT' ) { $this->id = $id; $this->email = $email; $this->password = $password; $this->securityClearance = $securityClearance; } public function getEmail(): string { return $this->email; } public function getPassword(): string

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index.php repository database Config.php functions Client.php model class Client { private $id; private $email; private $password; private $securityClearance; public function __construct( int $id, string $email, string $password, string $securityClearance = 'CLIENT' ) { $this->id = $id; $this->email = $email; $this->password = $password; $this->securityClearance = $securityClearance; } public function getEmail(): string { return $this->email; } public function getPassword(): string

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{ function createUpdateLoginClient(Client $client) { $password_hash = password_hash($client->getPassword(), PASSWORD_DEF $this->db->getConnectionFor('login_clients'); if ($client->getId()) { // ... } if ($client->getPassword() && $client->getId()) { // ... } if (!$client->getId()) { $client_id = $this->createClient($client); // ... } } function createClient(Client $client) { $this->db->getConnectionFor('login_clients'); // ... } } index.php repository database Config.php functions ClientRepository.php model

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{ function createUpdateLoginClient(Client $client) { $password_hash = password_hash($client->getPassword(), PASSWORD_DEF $this->db->getConnectionFor('login_clients'); if ($client->getId()) { // ... } if ($client->getPassword() && $client->getId()) { // ... } if (!$client->getId()) { $client_id = $this->createClient($client); // ... } } function createClient(Client $client) { $this->db->getConnectionFor('login_clients'); // ... } } index.php repository database Config.php functions ClientRepository.php model

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Identify & Eleminate Lava Flows As You Go

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No content

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Take Time To Analyse The Domain Before Starting Work

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Develop A Model Before Implementation, Rather Than Concurrently

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Don’t touch that class

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It’s the heart of the application Don’t touch that class

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Single class with large number of properties & methods (>60 is typical) Symptoms

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Single class encapsulates a disparate collection of properties & methods Symptoms

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Class is too inefficient or excessively complex for reuse and testing, or uses excessive resources even for simple operations Symptoms

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Functionality is added piecemeal without ever refactoring components out Typical Causes

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Lack of object oriented architecture Typical Causes

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Lack of any architecture Typical Causes

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Lack of architectural enforcement Typical Causes

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setSuperCampaign($super); * $factory->setReportType('persona'); * $factory->addSortColumn($col, $order); * * foreach($factory->getTmpTablesSql() AS $tmp) { * $stmt = $conn->prepare($tmp); * $stmt->execute($pdo_tmp_params); * } * * $stmt = $conn->prepare($factory->getSql()); * $stmt->execute($pdo_params); * $array = $stmt->fetchAll(); * * note: $pdo_params is an array of parameters such as 'clientId', reporting ReportFactory.php

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setSuperCampaign($super); * $factory->setReportType('persona'); * $factory->addSortColumn($col, $order); * * foreach($factory->getTmpTablesSql() AS $tmp) { * $stmt = $conn->prepare($tmp); * $stmt->execute($pdo_tmp_params); * } * * $stmt = $conn->prepare($factory->getSql()); * $stmt->execute($pdo_params); * $array = $stmt->fetchAll(); * * note: $pdo_params is an array of parameters such as 'clientId', reporting ReportFactory.php

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setSuperCampaign($super); * $factory->setReportType('persona'); * $factory->addSortColumn($col, $order); * * foreach($factory->getTmpTablesSql() AS $tmp) { * $stmt = $conn->prepare($tmp); * $stmt->execute($pdo_tmp_params); * } * * $stmt = $conn->prepare($factory->getSql()); * $stmt->execute($pdo_params); * $array = $stmt->fetchAll(); * * note: $pdo_params is an array of parameters such as 'clientId', reporting ReportFactory.php

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CampaignID DateTime Event 1234 2019-01-01 13:37:00 click 1234 2019-01-01 12:34:56 view 9876 2019-01-02 18:00:01 view 1234 2019-01-02 23:33:32 click … … … … … … … … …

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CampaignID DateTime Event 1234 2019-01-01 13:37:00 click 1234 2019-01-01 12:34:56 view 9876 2019-01-02 18:00:01 view 1234 2019-01-02 23:33:32 click … … … … … … … … … CampaignID Date Clicks Likes Follows … 1234 2019-01-01 39480120 1398473 32424 … 3482 2019-01-01 23482134 235019934 94512 … 9876 2019-01-02 9324243 123489132 405202 … 9231 2019-01-02 1249823 509847 3248 …

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CampaignID DateTime Event 1234 2019-01-01 13:37:00 click 1234 2019-01-01 12:34:56 view 9876 2019-01-02 18:00:01 view 1234 2019-01-02 23:33:32 click … … … … … … … … … CampaignID Date Event Total 1234 2019-01-01 click 1398473 1234 2019-01-01 view 235019934 9876 2019-01-02 view 123489132 1234 2019-01-02 click 509847 CampaignID Date Event Total 1234 2019-01-01 click 1398473 1234 2019-01-01 view 235019934 9876 2019-01-02 view 123489132 1234 2019-01-02 click 509847 CampaignID Date Event Total 1234 2019-01-01 click 1398473 1234 2019-01-01 view 235019934 9876 2019-01-02 view 123489132 1234 2019-01-02 click 509847 CampaignID Date Clicks Likes Follows … 1234 2019-01-01 39480120 1398473 32424 … 3482 2019-01-01 23482134 235019934 94512 … 9876 2019-01-02 9324243 123489132 405202 … 9231 2019-01-02 1249823 509847 3248 …

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Identify Relationships According To Contracts

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function _createTmpTables() {} function _getScheduledReportsSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignSelectSql() {} function _getPersonaSelectSql() {} function _getImageSelectSql() {} function _getTitleSelectSql() {} function _getOverviewSelectSql() {} function _getExcelDownloadSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignsOverviewSelectSql() {} function _createSuperCampaignsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatusesTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatusesTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignsStatsTable() {} function addSortColumn($col, $order) {} function setReportType($report_type) {} function addTmpOr($status) {} function setWhere($where) {} function addWhere($where) {} function getWhere() {} function setColumns($col) {} function addColumn($col) {} function setParameters($params) {} function addParam($param) {}

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function _createTmpTables() {} function _getScheduledReportsSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignSelectSql() {} function _getPersonaSelectSql() {} function _getImageSelectSql() {} function _getTitleSelectSql() {} function _getOverviewSelectSql() {} function _getExcelDownloadSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignsOverviewSelectSql() {} function _createSuperCampaignsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatusesTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatusesTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignsStatsTable() {} function addSortColumn($col, $order) {} function setReportType($report_type) {} function addTmpOr($status) {} function setWhere($where) {} function addWhere($where) {} function getWhere() {} function setColumns($col) {} function addColumn($col) {} function setParameters($params) {} function addParam($param) {}

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function _createTmpTables() {} function _getScheduledReportsSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignSelectSql() {} function _getPersonaSelectSql() {} function _getImageSelectSql() {} function _getTitleSelectSql() {} function _getOverviewSelectSql() {} function _getExcelDownloadSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignsOverviewSelectSql() {} function _createSuperCampaignsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatusesTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatusesTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignsStatsTable() {} function addSortColumn($col, $order) {} function setReportType($report_type) {} function addTmpOr($status) {} function setWhere($where) {} function addWhere($where) {} function getWhere() {} function setColumns($col) {} function addColumn($col) {} function setParameters($params) {} function addParam($param) {}

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function _createTmpTables() {} function _getScheduledReportsSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignSelectSql() {} function _getPersonaSelectSql() {} function _getImageSelectSql() {} function _getTitleSelectSql() {} function _getOverviewSelectSql() {} function _getExcelDownloadSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignsOverviewSelectSql() {} function _createSuperCampaignsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatusesTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatusesTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignsStatsTable() {} function addSortColumn($col, $order) {} function setReportType($report_type) {} function addTmpOr($status) {} function setWhere($where) {} function addWhere($where) {} function getWhere() {} function setColumns($col) {} function addColumn($col) {} function setParameters($params) {} function addParam($param) {}

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Identify Natural Homes For The Contracts

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function _createTmpTables() {} function _getScheduledReportsSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignSelectSql() {} function _getPersonaSelectSql() {} function _getImageSelectSql() {} function _getTitleSelectSql() {} function _getOverviewSelectSql() {} function _getExcelDownloadSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignsOverviewSelectSql() {} function _createSuperCampaignsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatusesTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatusesTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignsStatsTable() {} function addSortColumn($col, $order) {} function setReportType($report_type) {} function addTmpOr($status) {} function setWhere($where) {} function addWhere($where) {} function getWhere() {} function setColumns($col) {} function addColumn($col) {} function setParameters($params) {} function addParam($param) {}

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queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder(); } public function getQueryBuilder() { return $this->queryBuilder; } public function getSql() { return $sql; } // ... } reporting ReportFactory.php Tmp

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function someAction() { $factory = new ReportFactory(); // ... $factory->addWhere('status = '. $st); $factory->addTmpOr('(c.status <= '.$st.')'); $factory->addWhere('(time_start <= "' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . '" OR time_start is null)’ ); } reporting Controller.php Tmp

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function someAction() { $factory = new ReportFactory(); $builder = $factory->getQueryBuilder(); // ... $builder->addWhere('status = '. $st); $builder->addTmpOr('(c.status <= '.$st.')'); $builder->addWhere('(time_start <= "' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . '" OR time_start is null)’ ); } reporting Controller.php Tmp

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function _createTmpTables() {} function _getScheduledReportsSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignSelectSql() {} function _getPersonaSelectSql() {} function _getImageSelectSql() {} function _getTitleSelectSql() {} function _getOverviewSelectSql() {} function _getExcelDownloadSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignsOverviewSelectSql() {} function _createSuperCampaignsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatusesTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatusesTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignsStatsTable() {} function addSortColumn($col, $order) {} function setReportType($report_type) {} function addTmpOr($status) {} function setWhere($where) {} function addWhere($where) {} function getWhere() {} function setColumns($col) {} function addColumn($col) {} function setParameters($params) {} function addParam($param) {}

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function _createTmpTables() {} function _getScheduledReportsSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignSelectSql() {} function _getPersonaSelectSql() {} function _getImageSelectSql() {} function _getTitleSelectSql() {} function _getOverviewSelectSql() {} function _getExcelDownloadSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignsOverviewSelectSql() {} function _createSuperCampaignsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatusesTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatusesTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignsStatsTable() {}

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function _createTmpTables() {} function _getScheduledReportsSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignSelectSql() {} function _getPersonaSelectSql() {} function _getImageSelectSql() {} function _getTitleSelectSql() {} function _getOverviewSelectSql() {} function _getExcelDownloadSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignsOverviewSelectSql() {} function _createSuperCampaignsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatusesTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatusesTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignsStatsTable() {}

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createCampaignGroupsTable(); $this->createCampaignGroupsStatsTable(); $this->createClicksMetricsTable(); break; case 'views': // ... break; } } } reporting TmpTable.php Tmp QueryBuilder.php

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function _createTmpTables() {} function _getScheduledReportsSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignSelectSql() {} function _getPersonaSelectSql() {} function _getImageSelectSql() {} function _getTitleSelectSql() {} function _getOverviewSelectSql() {} function _getExcelDownloadSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignsOverviewSelectSql() {} function _createSuperCampaignsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatusesTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatusesTable() {} function _createSuperCampaignsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignGroupsStatsTable() {} function _createCampaignsStatsTable() {}

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function _getScheduledReportsSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignSelectSql() {} function _getPersonaSelectSql() {} function _getImageSelectSql() {} function _getTitleSelectSql() {} function _getOverviewSelectSql() {} function _getExcelDownloadSelectSql() {} function _getCampaignsOverviewSelectSql() {}

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tmpTable = $tmpTable; } public function getScheduledReportsSelectSql() {} public function getCampaignSelectSql() {} public function getPersonaSelectSql() {} public function getImageSelectSql() {} public function getTitleSelectSql() {} public function getOverviewSelectSql() {} // ... } reporting MetricsQuery.php Tmp QueryBuilder.php TmpTable.php

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Remove Couplings

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ReportFactory getQueryBuilder getSql … Controller

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ReportFactory getQueryBuilder getSql … Controller

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ReportFactory getQueryBuilder getSql … Controller QueryBuilder addColumn addSortColumn addWhere …

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql ReportFactory getQueryBuilder getSql … … Controller QueryBuilder addColumn addSortColumn addWhere …

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql ReportFactory getQueryBuilder getSql … … TmpTable createTmpTables createCampaignsTable createStatsTable … Controller QueryBuilder addColumn addSortColumn addWhere …

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql ReportFactory getQueryBuilder getSql … … TmpTable createTmpTables createCampaignsTable createStatsTable … Controller QueryBuilder addColumn addSortColumn addWhere …

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connection = $connection; } abstract public function setQueryConditions(); public function getReport() { $this->setQueryConditions(); $sql = $this->getSql(); $query = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); return $query->execute(); } } reporting MetricsQuery.php Tmp QueryBuilder.php TmpTable.php MetricsReport.php

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connection = $connection; } abstract public function setQueryConditions(); public function getReport() { $this->setQueryConditions(); $sql = $this->getSql(); $query = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); return $query->execute(); } } reporting MetricsQuery.php Tmp QueryBuilder.php TmpTable.php MetricsReport.php

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connection = $connection; } abstract public function setQueryConditions(); public function getReport() { $this->setQueryConditions(); $sql = $this->getSql(); $query = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); return $query->execute(); } } reporting MetricsQuery.php Tmp QueryBuilder.php TmpTable.php MetricsReport.php

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function someAction() { $factory = new ReportFactory(); // ... $factory->addWhere('status = '. $st); $factory->addTmpOr('(c.status <= '.$st.')'); $factory->addWhere('(time_start <= "' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . '" OR time_start is null)’ ); } reporting Controller.php Tmp

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function someAction() { $report = new SomeMetricsReport(); return $report->getResult(); } reporting Controller.php Tmp

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql ReportFactory getQueryBuilder getSql … … TmpTable createTmpTables createCampaignsTable createStatsTable … Controller QueryBuilder addColumn addSortColumn addWhere …

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql ReportFactory getQueryBuilder getSql … … TmpTable createTmpTables createCampaignsTable createStatsTable … Controller QueryBuilder addColumn addSortColumn addWhere … MetricsReport ReportFactory setQueryConditions

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connection = $connection; } abstract public function setQueryConditions(); public function getReport() { $this->setQueryConditions(); $sql = $this->getSql(); $query = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); return $query->execute(); } } reporting MetricsQuery.php Tmp QueryBuilder.php TmpTable.php MetricsReport.php

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connection = $connection; } abstract public function getQuery(); public function getReport() { $sql = $this->getQuery(); $query = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); return $query->execute(); } } reporting MetricsQuery.php Tmp QueryBuilder.php TmpTable.php MetricsReport.php

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql ReportFactory getQueryBuilder getSql … … TmpTable createTmpTables createCampaignsTable createStatsTable … Controller QueryBuilder addColumn addSortColumn addWhere … getQuery MetricsReport ReportFactory

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql ReportFactory getQueryBuilder getSql … … TmpTable createTmpTables createCampaignsTable createStatsTable … Controller QueryBuilder addColumn addSortColumn addWhere … getQuery MetricsReport ReportFactory

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql ReportFactory getQueryBuilder getSql … … TmpTable createTmpTables createCampaignsTable createStatsTable … Controller QueryBuilder addColumn addSortColumn addWhere … MetricsReport getQuery

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql … TmpTable createTmpTables createCampaignsTable createStatsTable … Controller QueryBuilder addColumn addSortColumn addWhere … MetricsReport getQuery

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No content

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sql = $sql; } public function getSql(): string { return $this->sql->getSql() . ' CREATE TABLE ... ;'; } } reporting TmpTableSql.php Query Tmp SomeTmpTable.php

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The solution doesn’t have to be perfect… Remember

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… Just less shit than it was before Remember

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql … TmpTable createTmpTables createCampaignsTable createStatsTable … Controller QueryBuilder addColumn addSortColumn addWhere … MetricsReport getQuery

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql … << interface >> TmpTable getSql Controller QueryBuilder addColumn addSortColumn addWhere … MetricsReport getQuery

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql … << interface >> TmpTable getSql Controller MetricsReport getQuery

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connection = $connection; } abstract protected function setupTables(): TmpTable; abstract protected function getSql(): string; public function getReport() { $tmpTables = $this->connection->prepare($this->setupTables()); $tmpTables->execute(); $query = $this->connection->prepare($this->getSql()); $query->execute(); return $query->fetchAll(); } reporting TmpTableSql.php Query Tmp MetricsReport.php SomeTmpTable.php

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connection = $connection; } abstract protected function setupTables(): TmpTable; abstract protected function getSql(): string; public function getReport() { $tmpTables = $this->connection->prepare($this->setupTables()); $tmpTables->execute(); $query = $this->connection->prepare($this->getSql()); $query->execute(); return $query->fetchAll(); } reporting TmpTableSql.php Query Tmp MetricsReport.php SomeTmpTable.php

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connection = $connection; } abstract protected function setupTables(): TmpTable; abstract protected function getSql(): string; public function getReport() { $tmpTables = $this->connection->prepare($this->setupTables()); $tmpTables->execute(); $query = $this->connection->prepare($this->getSql()); $query->execute(); return $query->fetchAll(); } reporting TmpTableSql.php Query Tmp MetricsReport.php SomeTmpTable.php

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql … << interface >> TmpTable getSql Controller MetricsReport setupTables getSql getReport

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MetricsQuery getCampaignSelectSql getImageSelectSql getTitleSelectSql … << interface >> TmpTable getSql Controller MetricsReport setupTables getSql getReport

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<< interface >> TmpTable getSql Controller MetricsReport setupTables getSql getReport

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reporting TmpTableSql.php Query Tmp MetricsReport.php SomeTmpTable.php

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TmpTableSql.php Query MetricsReport.php SomeTmpTable.php

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Code Review

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The project is almost finished, we’ve been a great team

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The project is almost finished, we’ve been a great team Everybody got on so well & worked so hard together

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The project is almost finished, we’ve been a great team Everybody got on so well & worked so hard together It’s going to be a disaster

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People involved in the project begin to obsess over things which could go wrong Symptoms

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Insecurities about professional competence begin to surface Symptoms

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Conflicts between team members arise just before project completion Symptoms

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Irrational decisions are made & inappropriate resolutions to problems are taken Symptoms

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Negative publicity on the project is generated by people involved with the work Symptoms

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People have ‘termination issues’ Typical Causes

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Team members build relationships which they subconsciously don’t want to break up at the end of the project Typical Causes

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People have assumed roles / status within the team which they don’t want to lose when the project is completed Typical Causes

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People do crazy things Typical Causes

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Declare Success

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Celebrate Achievements & Praise Team Members

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We spent 6 months waiting for requirements from management

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We spent 6 months waiting for requirements from management But they’ll cancel the project unless it’s completed soon

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We spent 6 months waiting for requirements from management They’ve given us 4 weeks But they’ll cancel the project unless it’s completed soon

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Management prevents development teams from making progress by telling them to wait Symptoms

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Management prevents development teams from making progress by giving unclear or conflicting requirements Symptoms

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After a few months management calls an emergency launch meeting, setting unrealistic deadlines & threatening to cancel the project Symptoms

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Managers have too many projects competing for their attention at any given time Typical Causes

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Iterative Progress

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Internal Progress

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External Progress

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Pick The Low Hanging Fruit

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Learning & Experience

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No content

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No content

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