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Using WebPageTest @AndyDavies London Web Performance, May 2016

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@patmeenan ▪ Web performance – Browser and OS activity ▪ Open source – Patrick Meenan – AOL 2008 ▪ – Public instance – Global infrastructure

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Slide 4 text Aimed at Novices and Power Users Includes: Basics Getting started, running tests, understanding waterfall charts and the metrics WebPageTest captures Intermediate Picking the right test parameters, scripting multi-page tests and using your existing analytics data to help the decisions Advanced Using the API, integrating WebPageTest into build and CI processes, and setting up your own private instances

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How it works (simplified) Poll for work, measure load and return results to server Load page / pages

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Mobile is a bit more involved

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Slide 7 text Video and filmstrip of page loading Waterfall Summary metrics

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Repeat View - check for effective caching

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But what can it do beyond that?

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No content

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Advanced Settings…

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Shape network connection …is a whole another world Choose at least 3 runs

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Create pcap for Wireshark etc. Inject custom headers e.g. Akamai debug Make tests run for longer e.g catch slow XHR requests

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Emulate mobile browsers Capture Chrome debugging info from remote browser Add command-line options - great for comparing HTTP/1.1 vs HTTP/2 Chrome only options

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What happens when a 3rd Party Breaks?

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Site to check Host to ‘blackhole’

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What’s the impact of 3rd Parties?

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Convert the list of domains into a space separated list (copy ‘n’ paste plus text editor)

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curl ' test=160429_5W_cbb3cdebf94050c7b08e49e596d89103&run=1&cached=0& f=json' | jq -rj '.domains.firstView[].domain + " "' | pbcopy Or grab domains in json and pipe through jq Copy to clipboard Extract domain names Get domain breakdown in JSON

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Paste list of domains / urls to remove (Don’t forget to remove the site you’re testing from the block list)

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No content

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Doesn’t always go to plan!

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But switching to Firefox With a bit of patience, and by adjusting the block list we can get there

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Custom Metrics Query DOM using JavaScript to create custom measurement (runs at very end of test)

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Beyond simple single page tests

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Searching Google

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logData 0 navigate setvalue id=lst-ib London Web Performance logData 1 submitform id=tsf Searching Google

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Results page only - Search and results page - Waterfall for results page only Searching Google

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Use DevTools to identify elements

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How can we target this link? Sometimes there’s no obvious hook…

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document.querySelector('.orb-nav-news a') JavaScript to the rescue!

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JavaScript to the Rescue! logData 0 navigate logData 1 execAndWait document.querySelector('.orb-nav-newsdotcom a').click(); execAndWait - execute JS and wait for browser to complete activity exec - execute JS and don’t wait

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Type ahead searches?

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JQuery FTW! Honestly! logData 0 navigate exec document.getElementById('originStation').value='Cheltenham'; exec $('#originStation').keydown(); exec document.querySelectorAll('#originStation + div + ul > li > a')[0].click(); Use JQuery’s keydown method JQuery must be already on the page

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Debugging scripts can be hard! logData 0 navigate exec document.getElementById('originStation').value='Cheltenham'; exec $('#originStation').keydown(); exec document.querySelectorAll('#originStation + div + ul > li > a')[0].click(); exec document.getElementById('destinationStation').value='Leeds'; exec $('#destinationStation').keydown(); exec document.querySelectorAll('#destinationStation + div + ul > li > a')[0].click(); exec document.getElementById('isOneWay').checked='checked'; logData 1 execAndWait document.getElementById('submitButton').click(); Script fails due to timing issues

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No content

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No content

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execAndWait to the rescue! navigate logData 0 exec document.getElementById('originStation').value='Cheltenham'; execAndWait $('#originStation').keydown(); exec document.querySelectorAll('#originStation + div + ul > li > a')[0].click(); exec document.getElementById('destinationStation').value='Leeds'; execAndWait $('#destinationStation').keydown(); exec document.querySelectorAll('#destinationStation + div + ul > li > a')[0].click(); exec document.getElementById('isOneWay').checked='checked'; logData 1 execAndWait document.getElementById('submitButton').click();

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No content

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Authentication Basic Auth setHeader Authorization: Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0 navigate Set a Cookie setCookie session=286755fad04869ca523320acce0dc6a4 navigate Fill in a form (as per earlier form examples) base64(username + “:” + password)

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Lots more detail on scripting in the docs: Debugging: - Use DevTools to check any DOM queries - Save response bodies in WPT (advanced tab) and manually inspect - Watch test execute on Private Instance - Adding sleep or switching to execAndWait can help

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Using the API

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Dulles_IE9 Dulles_IE10 Dulles_IE11 Dulles:Chrome Dulles:Canary Dulles:Firefox Dulles:Firefox Nightly Dulles:Safari Dulles_Chrome40 Dulles_MotoG:Motorola G - Chrome Dulles_MotoG:Motorola G - Chrome Beta Dulles_MotoG:Motorola G - Chrome Dev ec2-us-east-1:Chrome ec2-us-east-1:IE 11 ec2-us-east-1:Firefox ec2-us-east-1:Safari ec2-us-west-1:Chrome ec2-us-west-1:IE 11 ec2-us-west-1:Firefox ec2-us-west-1:Safari ec2-us-west-2:Chrome ec2-us-west-2:IE 11 ec2-us-west-2:Firefox ec2-us-west-2:Safari ec2-eu-west-1:Chrome ec2-eu-west-1:IE 11 ec2-eu-west-1:Firefox ec2-eu-west-1:Safari ec2-eu-central-1:Chrome ec2-eu-central-1:IE 11 ec2-eu-central-1:Firefox ec2-eu-central-1:Safari ec2-ap-northeast-1:Chrome ec2-ap-northeast-1:IE 11 ec2-ap-northeast-1:Firefox ec2-ap-northeast-1:Safari ec2-ap-southeast-1:Chrome ec2-ap-southeast-1:IE 11 ec2-ap-southeast-1:Firefox ec2-ap-southeast-1:Safari ec2-ap-southeast-2:Chrome ec2-ap-southeast-2:IE 11 ec2-ap-southeast-2:Firefox ec2-ap-southeast-2:Safari ec2-sa-east-1:Chrome ec2-sa-east-1:IE 11 ec2-sa-east-1:Firefox ec2-sa-east-1:Safari Works with these public locations

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Slide 48 text video=0& location=Dulles:Chrome& f=json& fvonly=1& k=A.a69f6e28fc64e15b8d330a700f104977& private=1& url= Submitting a test

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Postman is handy for experimenting with RESTful APIs

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Get a response… { "statusCode": 200, "statusText": "Ok", "data": { "testId": "160205_N4_d2ea71c14d70c68bb0e3d30a88e59d76", "ownerKey": "b6a596f5ce4165ef9725bb91d9e4cec75e1f1d8c", "jsonUrl": "", "xmlUrl": "", "userUrl": "", "summaryCSV": "", "detailCSV": "" } }

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{ "data": { "statusCode":100, "statusText":"Test Started 13 seconds ago", "id":"160205_N4_d2ea71c14d70c68bb0e3d30a88e59d76", "testInfo": { "url":"http:\/\/", "runs":1, "fvonly":1, . . . }, "statusCode":100, "statusText":"Test Started 15 seconds ago" } Poll the JSON or XML URL

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{ "data": { "id":"160205_N4_d2ea71c14d70c68bb0e3d30a88e59d76", "url":"http:\/\/", "summary":"http:\/\/\/results.php?test=160205_N4_d2ea71c14d70c68bb0e3d30a88... "testUrl":"http:\/\/", "location":"Dulles:Chrome", "from":"Dulles, VA - Chrome<\/b> - Cable<\/b>", "connectivity":"Cable", . . . }, "statusCode":200, "statusText":"Test Complete" } Until the test completes

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Data Galore!

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Lots more detail on the API in the docs: Marcel Duran’s NodeJS API wrapper:

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Sometimes… Perhaps… You just want a quick and easy solution…

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Demo -

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Run your own WPT instance (or use one of the commercial services)

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Preconfigured AMIs = easy way to get started

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My WPT Instance Mac Mini running VMware ESXi - Ubuntu 14.04 server - Win 7 agents

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Not quite the same scale as Pat’s basement!

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Relay mode Passes test to another WPT server and polls for results Piggyback on others infrastructure e.g. public agents, Useful for keeping results from ephemeral instances e.g. AWS Or to keep final results within firewall etc.

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WebPageTest is really great tool You can use it for quick and simple testing but… If you take the time to experiment and learn, you can do a whole lot more.

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Thanks! @AndyDavies [email protected] P.S. Don’t forget to buy a copy of