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. describe('do stuff in my Onlineshop', () => { beforeEach(() => { // Login user using their credentials cy.login('user', 'pass'); }); // … tests will start below })

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. describe('do stuff in my Onlineshop', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.get('#sw-field--username').type('username'); cy.get('#sw-field--password').type('pass'); cy.get('.sw-login-login').submit(); cy.contains('Dashboard'); }); // … tests will start below })

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Use shortcuts: Lösung mit Abkürzung . describe('do stuff in my Onlineshop', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.request( 'POST', '/api/oauth/token', { // payload: Send all data you need } ).then(() => { cy.contains('Dashboard'); }); }): // … tests will start below })

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describe('Context menu', () => { it('should open the context menu on click', async () => { const wrapper = createWrapper(); expect(wrapper.vm).toBeTruthy(); await wrapper.trigger('click'); const selector = '.sw-context-menu'; expect(wrapper.find(selector).isVisible()).toBeTruthy(); }); });

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describe('E2E with AAA pattern‘, () => { it('should open the context menu on click', () => { }); }); // Act // All the steps you need to come to the // scenario to test // Assert // Checks and assertions of your test beforeEach(() => { // Arrange // All the preparations you need });

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“…arrange my test == what I’m given.” “…act in my test == when something happens.” “…assert the results == something happens then this is what I expect as the outcome.”

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describe('E2E with Given When Then', () => { it('should use Given When Then', () => { }); }); // When // All the steps +assertions you need to come to the // scenario to test // Then // Scenario to test beforeEach(() => { // Given // All the preparations you need });

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Isolated test data . describe('Customer login', () => { let customer = {}; beforeEach(() => { // Set application to clean state cy.setInitialState() .then(() => { // Create test data return cy.setFixture('customer'); }) }): // … tests will start below })

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it('should create and read product', () => { … cy.get('.sw-field—product-name').type('T-Shirt Ackbar'); cy.get('.sw-select-product__select_manufacturer') .type('Space Company’); … });

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Cypress.Commands.add('typeSingleSelect', { prevSubject: 'element', }, (subject, value, selector) => { … cy.wait(500); cy.get(`${selector} input`) .type(value); });

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describe('Example test', () => { // Source Cypress docs it('Just doing things', () => { cy.visit('/my/resource/path'); cy.get('.awesome- selector’).click(); let el = Cypress.$('.new-el'); if (el.length) { cy.get('.another-selector'); } else { cy.get('.optional-selector'); } }); });

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describe(‚Example Test', () => { // Source: Cypress docs it('Doing things right'‚ () => { cy.visit('/my/resource/path') cy.get('.awesome-selector') .click() .then(() => { let el = Cypress.$('.new-el'); if (el.length) { cy.get(‚.another-selector'); } else { cy.get(‚.optional-selector'); }; }); }); });

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