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Pattern Matching

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Steak Holder

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Aaron Patterson

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Ruby core team

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Rails core team

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Stage II: Advanced Beginner

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0. Excited to be in England 1. English country, I have accent. 2. Fear and guilt 3. Fear of plugs and outlets 4. Can't stop thinking of strange 5. Romance Ebi

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Manchester Agile Rails

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No content

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No content

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No content

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No content

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world hello greeting

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digraph nfa { rankdir=LR; world [shape = doublecircle]; hello [shape = circle]; hello -> world [label="greeting"]; }

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digraph nfa { rankdir=LR; world [shape = doublecircle]; hello [shape = circle]; goodbye [shape = circle]; hello -> world [label="greeting"]; goodbye -> world }

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world hello greeting goodbye

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2 3 . 4 / /articles(.:format) 5 6 /articles/new(.:format) 0 1 / articles (?-mix:[^./?]+) new

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Pattern Matching Move between theory and practice

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Journey Yes, it's named after the '70s rock sensation

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What is a router? Provides 1: URL generation 2: Path Recognition 3: Route parsing

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Why a new router?

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0 700 1400 2100 2800 Journey Journey-2 Rack-Mount LOC

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Known algorithms

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References • Compilers: Principles, Techniques, & Tools (Aho, Lam, Sethi, Ullman) • Intro to Formal Languages and Automata (Linz)

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CPU Time

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Memory Usage

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Current Performance url generation path recognition route parsing rack-mount Journey

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Why patterns matter

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Regular Expressions /om(g)!/

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Rails Routes

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resource :articles

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/articles(.:format) /articles/new(.:format) /articles/:id/edit(.:format) /articles/:id(.:format)

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Parens don't capture

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:whatever => /([^./?]+)/

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/articles(.:format) /\/articles(?:\.([^.\/?]+))?$/

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/\/articles(?:.([^.\/?]+))?$/ /\/articles\/new(?:.([^.\/?]+))?$/ /\/articles\/([^.\/?]+)\/edit(?:.([^.\/?]+))?$/ /\/articles\/([^.\/?]+)(?:.([^.\/?]+))?$/ GET /articles/new 200 OK!

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/\/articles(?:.([^.\/?]+))?$/ /\/articles\/new(?:.([^.\/?]+))?$/ /\/articles\/([^.\/?]+)\/edit(?:.([^.\/?]+))?$/ /\/articles\/([^.\/?]+)(?:.([^.\/?]+))?$/ GET /foos/new 404 Not Found

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How long does this take?

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r = routes.length

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x = regexp compare

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O(r ⨉ x)

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Can we do better?

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Finite State Machines Parse Trees Automata

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Parse Trees

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Parsing regexp

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○ ○ b ○ b a * a b () | Describe node types

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Parsing rails routes

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Journey::Parser parser = ast = parser.parse '/articles(.:format)' puts ast.to_dot

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○ ○ () / articles ○ . :format

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To String! parser = ast = parser.parse '/articles(.:format)' puts ast.to_s puts ast.to_regexp

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OR AST parser = trees = [ '/articles(.:format)', '/articles/new(.:format)', ].map { |s| parser.parse s } ast = trees puts ast.to_dot

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| ○ ○ ○ () / articles ○ . :format ○ () ○ new ○ / / articles ○ . :format

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SECRET FEATURE parser = ast = parser.parse '/articles|books(.:format)' SUPER SECRET!

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3 0 b 2 a b 1 a a b b a Double circle is acceptance state

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3 0 b 2 a b 1 a a b b a

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3 0 b 2 a b 1 a a b b a b

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3 0 b 2 a b 1 a a b b a ba

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3 0 b 2 a b 1 a a b b a baa

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3 0 b 2 a b 1 a a b b a baabb

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aab 3 0 b 2 a b 1 a a b b a

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Deterministic Finite Automaton

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Only one path

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Storage class DFA attr_reader :table def initialize @table = { |h, from| h[from] = {} } @table[0]['a'] = 1 @table[0]['b'] = 0 @table[1]['a'] = 1 @table[1]['b'] = 2 @table[2]['a'] = 1 @table[2]['b'] = 3 @table[3]['b'] = 0 @table[3]['a'] = 2 end end

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FSM Simulation

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class Simulator def initialize(dfa) @dfa = dfa end def simulate(symbols) state = 0 until symbols.empty? state = @dfa.move(state, symbols.shift) end state end end

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class DFA ... def move(from, symbol) @table[from][symbol] end end move function

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irb> sim = => # irb> sim.simulate %w{ b a a b b } => 3 irb> sim.simulate %w{ a a b } => 2

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Time: O(n) n = string.length

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Space: S + T states.length + transitions.length

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Nondeterministic Finite Automaton

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Has nil edges

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Can't tell direction

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Simulation of NFA

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6 0 2 ε 4 ε 3 a 5 b ε ε a|b

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6 0 2 ε 4 ε 3 a 5 b ε ε nil-closure

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6 0 2 ε 4 ε 3 a ε 5 b ε a

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Storage class NFA def initialize @table = { |h, from| h[from] = { |i,sym| i[sym] = [] } } @table[0][nil] << 2 @table[0][nil] << 4 @table[2]['a'] << 3 @table[4]['b'] << 5 @table[3][nil] << 6 @table[5][nil] << 6 end def nil_closure(states) { |s| @table[s][nil] }.flatten end end

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FSM Simulation class Simulator def initialize(nfa) @nfa = nfa end def simulate(symbols) states = @nfa.nil_closure([0]) until symbols.empty? next_s = @nfa.move(states, symbols.shift) states = @nfa.nil_closure(next_s) end states end end

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Move function class NFA ... def move(states, symbol) { |s| @table[s][symbol] }.flatten end end

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irb> sim = => # irb> sim.simulate %w{ a } => [6] irb> sim.simulate %w{ b } => [6] irb> sim.simulate %w{ b b } => [] irb> sim.simulate %w{ c } => []

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Time: O(r ⨉ x) r = operators.length, x = string.length

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NFA Construction

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○ ○ () / articles ○ . :format /articles(.:format)

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cat nodes 1 0 /

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/articles 2 0 1 / articles

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Optional 3 0 ε 1 ε 2 ????? ε

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6 0 1 / 2 articles ε 3 ε 4 . 5 :format ε

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parser = ast = parser.parse '/articles(.:format)' nfa = ast tt = nfa.transition_table puts tt.to_dot Journey::NFA

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Converting NFA to DFA

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Eliminate nil transitions

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Collapse duplicate edges

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6 0 1 / 2 articles ε 3 ε 4 . 5 :format ε /articles(.:format)

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2 3 . 4 0 1 / articles :format /articles(.:format)

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CODES! parser = ast = parser.parse '/articles(.:format)' nfa = ast tt = nfa.transition_table.generalized_table puts tt.to_dot

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SHORTER CODES! parser = ast = parser.parse '/articles(.:format)' dfa = ast tt = dfa.transition_table puts tt.to_dot

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ANY NFA converts to DFA

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O(r ⨉ x) => O(x) r = operations.length, x = string.length

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Converting Automata to Regexp

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2 3 . 4 0 1 / articles :format /articles(.:format)

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2 3 . 4 0 /articles :format /articles(.:format)

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/articles(.:format) 2 4 .:format 0 /articles

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/articles(.:format) 4 0 /articles(.:format)?

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Generalized Transition Graph

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/users(.:format) /users/new(.:format) /users/:id/edit(.:format) /users/:id(.:format) resource :users

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2 3 . 4 / 5 6 8 . 7 9 / 10 . 11 12 14 . 13 15 0 1 / users (?-mix:[^./?]+) new (?-mix:[^./?]+) (?-mix:[^./?]+) edit (?-mix:[^./?]+) (?-mix:[^./?]+) resource :users

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The Plan?

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Combine All Routes

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Produce DFA

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Simulate in O(n) Time

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The Future

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JS Simulation

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No content

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Rails Console irb>'out.html', 'wb') { |f| irb* f.write( irb* Wot::Application.routes.router.visualizer irb> )} => 69074

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Table => JSON parser = ast = parser.parse '/articles(.:format)' dfa = ast tt = dfa.transition_table puts tt.to_json

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Table => SVG parser = ast = parser.parse '/articles(.:format)' dfa = ast tt = dfa.transition_table puts tt.to_svg

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JS Tokenizer function tokenize(input, callback) { while(input.length > 0) { callback(input.match(/^[\/\.\?]|[^\/\.\?]+/)[0]); input = input.replace(/^[\/\.\?]|[^\/\.\?]+/, ''); } }

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JS Simulator tokenize(input, function(token) { var new_states = []; for(var key in states) { var state = states[key]; if(string_states[state] && string_states[state][token]) { var new_state = string_states[state][token]; highlight_edge(state, new_state); highlight_state(new_state); new_states.push(new_state); } } if(new_states.length == 0) { return; } states = new_states; });

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routes.rb marshalling

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Test suggestions

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Test coverage

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Usage Heat Maps

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Open Questions

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Is our GTG deterministic?

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/users/new|/users/:id 4 5 0 1 / 2 users 3 / new (?-mix:[^./?]+)

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"new" =~ /new|[^.\/?]+/

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Can we make it deterministic?

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L1 = {new} L2 = {[^./?]+}

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/users/new|/users/:id 4 5 0 1 / 2 users 3 / L1 L2 - L1

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Is it worth our effort?

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DFA => Ragel

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Is it worth our effort?

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Thanks Tatsuya Ono!

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Thank You!!

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