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Async Iterators REAL WORLD USAGE in NODE.JS 10

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Ryan Paul

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Iterators & Async Functions Bringing Together

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Availability Supported Not Yet Chrome 63 Safari (Preview) Node.js 10 Edge Firefox 55

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Async Iterators in Theory •Write generator functions that yield promises •Loop over async iterators with the new for- await-of syntax •A useful abstraction for representing streams

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Async Iterators in Practice const timer = time => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time)); async function* counter() { let counter = 0; while (true) { await timer(5000); yield counter++; } }

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Consuming an Async Iterator let iter = counter(); for await (let item of iter) console.log(item) Using the for-await-of syntax

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Underneath the Sugar •An iterator is an object with a next() function •The next() function returns an object with value and done properties •The value is the yielded value and done is a boolean indicating whether the iterator is complete

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Async Iteration Protocol •Use the async iteration protocol to turn any object into an async iterator •Objects that conform with the protocol can be consumed with for-await-of •The protocol uses Symbol.asyncIterator

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Async Iteration Protocol class Example { async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { let counter = 0; while (true) { await timer(5000); yield counter++; } } } let example = new Example(); for await (let item of example) console.log(item);

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Some Practical Examples Real-World Async Iterators

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Using Async Iterators in the Real World •You can use async iterators today in node.js 10 •Every ReadableStream instance supports the async iteration protocol •Useful for I/O and many other everyday tasks

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Reading Files with Async Iterators let file = fs.createReadStream("file.txt"); let content = ""; for await (let chunk of file) content += chunk; console.log(content);

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Streaming Database Query • RethinkDB is an open source database for building real- time web applications • RethinkDB changefeed lets you stream updates from a table or query • You can wrap a changefeed cursor with an async iterator so that it can be consumed with a for-await-of loop

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Streaming Database Query const r = require("rethinkdbdash")(); function* stream(cursor) { while (true) yield; } let query = await r.db("rethinkdb").table("stats").changes(); for await (let item of stream(query)) console.log(item);

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Serving as an SSE Event Stream • Server Sent Events (SSE) is a standard for building real- time web applications • Broadcast a stream of events in response to an HTTP request • Easy to consume in the browser with the EventSource client API

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Serving as an SSE Event Stream async function iterStream(res, iter) { let header = {"Content-Type": "text/event-stream"}; res.writeHead(200, header); for await (let item of iter) res.write(`data: ${item}\n\n`); } http.createServer((req, res) => iterStream(res, counter())).listen(8000);

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Serving as an SSE Event Stream let events = new EventSource("/"); events.onmessage = ev => console.log(ev); Create an EventSource instance in the browser and attach a function to onmessage to see events

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But what happens when the client disconnects?

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Serving as an SSE Event Stream • The generator continues to run when the client disconnects • We shouldn’t leave a dangling generator every time a user loads the page • Naive solution: what if we invoke iter.return() when the connection closes?

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Serving as an SSE Event Stream async function iterStream(res, iter) { res.connection.on("close", () => iter.return()); let header = {"Content-Type": "text/event-stream"}; res.writeHead(200, header); for await (let item of iter) res.write(`data: ${item}\n\n`); } Watch for the connection to close and call the iter.return() function

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Serving as an SSE Event Stream •Calling iter.return() doesn’t terminate the pending promise •The pending promise continues until it rejects or resolves •We need a way to cancel the pending promise

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Promise Cancellation Introducing

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Promise Cancellation function timer(time, cancelled) { let handle; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { handle = setTimeout(resolve, time); cancelled.then(() => clearTimeout(handle)); }); } let cancel, cancelled = new Promise(resolve => cancel = resolve); timer(5000, cancelled); cancel();

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Promise Cancellation let cancel; let cancelled = new Promise(resolve => cancel = resolve); timer(5000, cancelled); cancel(); Create a promise and assign its resolve function to a variable in the parent scope

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Promise Cancellation function timer(time, cancelled) { let handle; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { handle = setTimeout(resolve, time); cancelled.then(() => clearTimeout(handle)); }); } Pass the cancelled promise into the function and terminate the timer when it resolves

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Promise Cancellation function timer(time, cancelled) { let handle; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { handle = setTimeout(resolve, time); cancelled.then(() => { reject(new Error("Cancelled")); clearTimeout(handle); }); }); } Reject the promise so that all downstream subscribers know that it was cancelled

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SSE Example with Cancellation Putting it all Together

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SSE Example with Cancellation async function iterStream(res, iter, cancel) { let header = {"Content-Type": "text/event-stream"}; res.writeHead(200, header); res.connection.on("close", cancel); for await (let item of iter) res.write(`data: ${item}\n\n`); } Add an extra parameter for the cancel() function and invoke it when the user closes their connection

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SSE Example with Cancellation async function* counter(cancelled) { let counter = 0; while (true) { try { await timer(5000, cancelled); yield counter++; } catch (err) { if (err.message === "Cancelled") break; } } } Pass the cancelled promise into the timer and force the loop to break when the exception is thrown

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SSE Example with Cancellation let cancel, cancelled = new Promise(resolve => cancel = resolve); http.createServer((req, res) => iterStream(res, counter(cancelled), cancel)).listen(8000); Create the cancellation promise and pass it into the iterStream() function

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Resources • My Blog post about cancellation and async iterators: cancellation/ • Async Iterators TC39 proposal: • Follow me on Twitter: @segphault