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Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson DPC, Amsterdam, 2013 Nginx The power within

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Co-founded Work at EngineYard PEAR Developer From Iceland @h on Twitter Helgi

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Nginx Just a web server?

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✓ Web Server ✓ Proxy ✓ Cache ✓ Mail Proxy ✓ And more! No! It’s so much more!

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Important for tweaking

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Always run configtest before doing anything!

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Reload (HUP Signal)

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Reload (HUP Signal) ‣ Reloads config ‣ Starts up new workers ‣ Old workers stop listening ‣ Finish up any work they have

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Upgrade (USR2 Signal)

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Upgrade (USR2 Signal) ‣ Live upgrade of Nginx executable ‣ Starts up a new Master ‣ Run in parallel ‣ Old Workers gracefully shutdown ‣ Old Master can be brought back

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Requires --with-debug during build time error_log /path/to/log debug; Debugging

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server { error_log /path/to/log; location /conference { error_log /path/to/log debug; } } Debugging

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events { debug_connection; debug_connection; } Connection Specific

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Rewrite Log entries are notice level rewrite_log on; error_log /path/to/log notice; Debug Rewrite Rules

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Rewrite Module

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Regex (PCRE)

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Responsible for all if statements, file exists checks, returns and more.

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Can work with most Nginx variables such as $http_cookie, $request_method, $user_agent, $uri and countless others.

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The power of SET Text set $helgi “Hi”;

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Forward Domains server { server_name; return 301 $scheme://$request_uri; }

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Load Balancing

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upstream web_workers { server; server; server; server; } Simple Round Robin

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Least Connection upstream web_workers { least_conn; server; server; server; server; }

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upstream web_workers { ip_hash; server; server; server; server; } Consistent IP Routing

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upstream web_workers { server; server weight=2 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=15; server weight=4 max_fails=3; server weight=4 max_fails=4 fail_timeout=20; keepalive 8; } Different Weights weight and ip_hash can work together in Nginx 1.3.1+

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http { proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_cache_path /dev/shm/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=my-cache:8m max_size=2g inactive=600m; proxy_temp_path /dev/shm/nginx/tmp; proxy_cache_use_stale updating; server { location / { proxy_pass; proxy_cache my-cache; proxy_cache_valid 200 302 60m; proxy_cache_valid 404 1m; } } }

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add_header add_header Set-Cookie "_orchestra=1; Max-Age=2; Path=/";

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expires location ~* ^.+\.(jpg|js|jpeg|png)$ { expires 1h; }

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cd /path/to/your/nginx/source ./configure --add-module= /usr/local/nginx/mod/headers-more/ make make install How to compile modules into nginx

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more_set_headers 'Server: My-Temple'; # set and clear output headers location /bar { more_set_headers 'X-MyHeader: blah' 'X-MyHeader2: foo'; more_set_headers -t 'text/plain text/css' 'Content-Type: text/foo'; more_set_headers -s '400 404 500 503' -s 413 'Foo: Bar'; more_clear_headers 'Transfer-Encoding' 'Content-Type'; } # set output headers location /type { more_set_headers 'Content-Type: text/plain'; }

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# set input headers location /foo { more_set_input_headers 'Host: London'; more_set_input_headers -t 'text/plain' 'X-PHP-UK: bah'; } # replace input header X-PHP-UK *only* if it already exists more_set_input_headers -r 'X-PHP-UK: howdy';

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Blue Sky thinking!

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Nginx PHP Memcache Request Flow

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Nginx PHP Memcache SET GET

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location / { if ($request_method != GET) { rewrite . @fallback last; } # append an extenstion for proper MIME type detection if ($args ~* format=json) { rewrite ^/$uri/?(.*)$ /$uri.json$1 break; } if ($args ~* format=xml) { rewrite ^/$uri/?(.*)$ /$uri.xml$1 break; } if ($args ~* format=html) { default_type text/html; add_header "Content" "text/html; charset=utf8"; charset utf-8; } set $memcached_key "$uri?$args"; memcached_pass; error_page 500 404 405 = @fallback; } location @fallback { /* pass to FastCGI */ }

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set $memcached_key "$uri?$args"; memcached_pass; error_page 500 404 405 = @fallback;

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Set Misc Module

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Provides various extras for the rewrite module

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location /beer { set $amount $arg_amount; set_if_empty $amount 9999; } /beer?amount=12 /beer?amount=

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location /beer { set $amount $arg_amount; set_if_empty $amount 9999; set_unescape_uri $name $amount; set_quote_sql_str $quoted_name $name; }

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And more! set_md5 set_sha1 set_encode_base64 set_decode_base64 set_hmac_sha1 set_random set_secure_random_alphanum and more

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location /coffee { set $raw “sekret”; set_sha1 $woop $raw; echo $woop; }

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location /hmac { set $secret “superduper”; set $sign “I want this signed”; set_hmac_sha1 $signature $secret $sign; set_encode_base64 $signature $signature echo $signature; }

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upstream mysql_backend { drizzle_server dbname=test password=some_pass user=web charset=utf8 protocol=mysql; }

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location /secret { set_unescape_uri $name $arg_name; set_quote_sql_str $quoted_name $name; drizzle_query "INSERT INTO agents (name) VALUES ($quoted_name)"; drizzle_pass mysql_backend; }

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Slide 54 text Nginx doesn’t expose POST as a variable

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location /secret { set_unescape_uri $name $arg_name; set_quote_sql_str $quoted_name $name; drizzle_query "SELECT * FROM agents WHERE name = $quoted_name"; drizzle_pass mysql_backend; }

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Does not output JSON by default

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JSON + CSV Output

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location /secret { set_unescape_uri $name $arg_name; set_quote_sql_str $quoted_name $name; drizzle_query "SELECT * FROM agents WHERE name = $quoted_name"; drizzle_pass mysql_backend; rds_json on; }

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Questions? @h Please rate at