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नमस्ते: आज मासु भात खाने िदन KtmJS आइिदनु भएकोमा मुरी मुरी धन्यवाद

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सोल्टीलाई Javascript सिजलो लाग्छ रे Rabi C Shah Co-founder, Project Manager - Sr. Software Developer, @Baxi - The Bike Taxi Web Hacker, @Minsh Co-Ordinator @BangaloreJS } JS

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अिग्रम चेतावनी आजको िवषय / slides मेरो आफ्नो अनुभवमा आधािरत भएकोले कसैलाई िचत्त नबुझेमा I'm sorry.

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एजेन्डा Javascript Engineer भएकोमा गवर् गनुर्होस | जब सम्म Internet रहन्छ, तब सम्म तपाइँको भिवष्य सुिनिश्चत छ | *शपर्हरुको बसोबास जङ ् गलमा हो

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सोल्टी ले एकिदन stackoverflow / jobs खोलेछ | बा बा Full Stack developer को कित Demand? त्यिह िदन उसले Javascript िसध्याउने िनधो गरेछ | - Functions, Loops, Conditions. - Async Operations & Callback functions - Prototypes - Closures - Hoisting. - Node.js ओहो आफ्नो त 40,000+ को जािगर त पाक्यो | कित सिजलो भन्दै बोता को मोमो खान गएछ |

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Interview को िदन : • ल त सोल्टी, Infinite Scroll of Grid Blocks implement गिरदेउ | • Javascriptको दुईवटा महत्त्वपूणर् programming paradigm क े हो? • Render-tree Construction, Layout, Paint, Critical Rendering Path क े हो? • सोल्टीलाई अरु प्रश्न त याद पिन छैन | कित गाहोर् मान्दै बोता को मोमो खान गएछ |

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संसारक ै सबैभन्दा misunderstood programming language & संसारक ै सबैभन्दा popular programming language पिहला भाषा बुझ्नुहोस् | JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, programming language with first-class functions. Most well-known as the scripting language for Web pages, many non-browser environments also use it, such as node.js and Apache CouchDB. JS is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm, dynamic scripting language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and declarative (e.g. functional programming) JavaScript interpreters can also be found in a huge list of other places, including Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, SVG images, Yahoo's Widget engine, server-side environments such as Node.js, NoSQL databases like the open source Apache CouchDB, embedded computers, complete desktop environments like GNOME (one of the most popular GUIs for GNU/Linux operating systems), and others.

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त्यसपिछ Language Agnostic हुनुहोस | म त जे पिन Java वा Python मा बनाउछु | म त Hardcore Linux User हो | मलाई Corporate Product मनपदैर्न | म त Hardcore Mozilla हो | क े Technology तपाईको काका वा काकीको हो? Try to Solve a Problem. If you are good at it, you will understand when to use what Technology. Ultimately you will be implementing a decent Architecture. This is the most important trait of a Developer.

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On-boarding in Chapi

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On-boarding in Chapi • हामी लाई एउता Bot चािहएको िथयो जस्को काम Userलाई Instructions िदने िथयो | • Therefore, its a Set of Instructions. [ InstructA, InstructB, …..] • क ु नै क ु नै Instruction मा User को Input वा Async Operations पिन हुन सक्छ | Therefore, it has promises. [ PromiseA, PromiseB, PromiseC … ] • र हरेक Instruction Time Bound छ. So each promises has a default settimeout. [ Promise (resolve, reject) { setTimeout (fn…, 500 / variable time) }, …] • UI को क ु रा गदार्, हाम्रोमा एउता Dialogue Component छ जसमा Message Component composed छ र each Message Component is passed to a requestAnimationFrame.

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भन्न खोजेको क े हो भने, एउता Javascript Engineer लाई तीनवटा extension िसत Deal गनुर्छ .JS, .CSS & .HTML त्यसैले It's not that easy and the sole reason why a Full Stack or Front end developer is mandatory in a web based company.

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JS !== CRUD Replicating Tmux Split Pane Behavior in Browsers

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SHOW HN (Hacker News)

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Todo Tab for Productivity

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Organization को मुख्य Product नै Team हो | म पिन यस्तै Team Programiz िसत काम गरेर हामीले एउता राम्रो Online Coding Playground बनाएको छम |

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Kathmandu JS

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सोल्टीले आज क े बुझ्यो ? • JS त्यित सिजलो रहेन छ | • Try to Solve a Problem. If you are good at it, you will understand when to use what Technology. Ultimately you will be implementing a decent Architecture. • बनाएर मात्र हुँदैन | अरु हरुले Use पिन गनर् सक्नु पयोर् |

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धन्यवाद We’re Hiring. We’re mentoring. @programiz