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Hi Folks, I’m Kamila Santos Backend Developer at Ame Digital in/kamila-santos-oliveira/ @kamilah_santos kamila_code

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Clean Code Clean code is simple and easy to follow, with isolated scope, easy to be tested, and well (self) documented

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Clean Code “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. ” Martin Fowler

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Clean Code Be consistent Scout rule RASAP KISS

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Clean Code Use names that reveal the intention

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Clean Code Use Pronounceable / Searchable names

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Clean Code Don’t define names with what you find most beautiful / cute

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Clean Code Choose a word by Idea / Concept

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Clean Code Clean code is obvious for other developers

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Clean Code Clean code doesn't contain duplicate code

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is completely opposite to the clean code Code smells

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Code, methods and classes that have grown too much, accumulate over time as the program evolves Bloaters

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A class that contains many lines of code, methods and fields. Bloaters - Large Class

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Use string constants as field names and constants for code information USER_ADMIN_ROLE  1 Bloaters - Primitive Obsession

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More than four parameters for a method Bloaters - Long Parameter List

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Parts of code that contain identical groups of variables (such as parameters of externals configs) Bloaters - Data Clumps

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Incorrect or incomplete application of OOP principles Object-Orientation Abusers

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Very complex switch statements or sequence of if statements OO Abusers - Switch Statements

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Two or more class perform identical functions but have different methods names OO Abusers - Alternative Classes with Different Interfaces

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If you need to change something in one place of your code , you have to make many changes in other places too Change Preventers enters

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something unnecessary and meaningless, the absence of which would make the code more efficient, easier to understand and cleaner Dispensables

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Duplicate Code, Comments and Dead Code Dispensables

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Contribute to excessive coupling between classes or show what happens if coupling is replaced by excessive delegation Couplers

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Refactoring is the process of changing a software system in a way that it does not change its external behavior, but has an improved internal structure. Refactoring

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"I'll do it later" Technical debt

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Lack of well-defined development patterns Causes of technical debt

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Delayed (or never done) refactoring Causes of technical debt

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Lack of interaction between team members Causes of technical debt

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Absence of documentation and tests and updating them Causes of technical debt

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Business pressure Causes of technical debt

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During a code review When to refactor?

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When adding a feature When to refactor?

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When fixing a bug When to refactor?

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when you go through the code and see the possibility of it being improved (and you can invest time in it) When to refactor?

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The new code needs to be cleaner than the previous one how to refactor a code?

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New functionalities shouldn’t be created during refactoring, how to refactor a code?

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This technique make methods calls simplier and easier to use, modifying the interfaces for interaction Simplifying Method Calls

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In this category we remove code duplication, simplifies methods and prepares application for other refactorings. Composing Methods

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helps with data handling and untangling of excessive class associations. Organizing Data

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Teach how safely move features between classes, hide implementation details and create new classes. Moving Features between Objects

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Reduce and improve conditional expressions Simplifying Conditional Expressions

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Move functionally along the class inheritance hierarchy,i.e create new interfaces and classes and replacing inheritance with delegation. Dealing with Generalization

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Composing Methods

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Problem: a method with more than one responsibility, which can be extracted for a new method Extract Method

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Extract Method

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Extract Method

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Organizing Data

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Problem: you have a code that can be represented by a constant Replace Number with Symbolic Constant

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Replace Number with Symbolic Constant

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Replace Number with Symbolic Constant

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Simplifying Method Calls

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Problem: a method returns a value instead of an Exception Replace Error Code with Exception

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Replace Error Code with Exception

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Replace Error Code with Exception

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collection of test cases or specs designed to test a program for a specific behavior Test Suite

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Test suites are usually divided according to the functionality of the system or the type of test performed Test Suite

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Test Case shows the paths taken by a module, Use Case or functionality within the project. Test Case

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test each code functionality separately, each unit of it Unit Test

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Platform for building and executing tests, Junit

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Discovery and test execution in the JVM Junit Platform

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exposes the TestEngine interface, which defines the execution contract for any testing tool on the JUnit platform Junit Platform

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Contains new features for building tests using JUnit, and provides a TestEngine implementation for running tests written with JUnit Jupiter. Junit Jupiter

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Provides a TestEngine for running tests written in JUnit 3 and 4 Junit Vintage

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it is a useful method for determining the Pass or Fail status of a test case. Declaration methods are provided by the org.junit.Assert class that extends the java.lang.Object class Asserts

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There are several types of asserts like boolean, null ... Asserts

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is a special form of syntactic metadata that can be added to the Java source code for better readability and code structure Annotations

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standard test case names: testSampleServiceCreateOrder () Best practices

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Always try to make a statement for each test method Best practices

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Don't pass the test just to pass it! Best practices

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Coverage and test report Best practices

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Mock your data Best practices

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Test only one unit of code at a time Best practices

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Make each test independent of all others Best practices

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Name your tests cleanly and consistently Best practices

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All methods, regardless of visibility, must have appropriate unit tests Best practices

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Independent of Frameworks

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Independent of UI

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Independent of Database

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Entities "encapsulate Enterprise wide business rules. An entity can be an object with methods, or it can be a set of data structures and functions. "  The Clean Architecture

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Use Cases "contains application specific business rules. It encapsulates and implements all of the use cases of the system. These use cases orchestrate the flow of data to and from the entities, and direct those entities to use their enterprise wide business rules to achieve the goals of the use case."  The Clean Architecture

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Interface Adapters "The software in this layer is a set of adapters that convert data from the format most convenient for the use cases and entities, to the format most convenient for some external agency such as the Database or the Web." - The Clean Architecture

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Conclusion separating these layers is not easy, but separating them from the beginning makes the code more testable and easier to maintain.

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General conclusion these techniques / methodologies / standards are widely used and recommended.

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General conclusion Among the techniques, clean architecture is the most difficult to implement and it is worth considering the learning curve

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General conclusion And that radically changes your code :D facilitating the maintenance and addition of new features, in addition to the integration of new team members

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Thanks <3 Other social networks, examples and slides in qrcode Linkedin n/kamila-santos-oliveira/ Twitter @kamilah_santos