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@andy fl [email protected] Are we there yet? Building an Internal Development Platform By Andy Fleener https:// fl

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@andy fl [email protected] Let’s take a Road Trip https:// fl

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@andy fl [email protected] More about the journey than the destination https:// fl usFoPi-2hDGVmT-28xRKD4-2iehVxy-2icwqUa-28d3ZbC-2gmwYVa-2idL4uJ-s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj-HAHtHV-2nNdaoU-DL1yYc-2jWbmpr- AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS-QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] Sometimes you will fi nd things you didn’t anticipate https:// fl usFoPi-2hDGVmT-28xRKD4-2iehVxy-2icwqUa-28d3ZbC-2gmwYVa-2idL4uJ-s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj- HAHtHV-2nNdaoU-DL1yYc-2jWbmpr-AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS- QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] The anticipation of arrival always feels like it took longer than it did Are we there yet? 🙃 https:// fl usFoPi-2hDGVmT-28xRKD4-2iehVxy-2icwqUa-28d3ZbC-2gmwYVa-2idL4uJ-s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj-HAHtHV-2nNdaoU- DL1yYc-2jWbmpr-AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS-QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] Find a balance of the right number of stops along the way https:// fl usFoPi-2hDGVmT-28xRKD4-2iehVxy-2icwqUa-28d3ZbC-2gmwYVa-2idL4uJ-s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj-HAHtHV-2nNdaoU- DL1yYc-2jWbmpr-AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS-QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] What we’re going to cover today What is a Platform How do you know if you need one How do you go about building one How do you migrate to it And how do you evolve it

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@andy fl [email protected] What is a Platform / Platform Engineering?

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@andy fl [email protected] "A platform is a foundation of self-service APIs tools services knowledge and support which are arranged as a compelling internal product. Autonomous delivery teams can make use of the platform to deliver product features at a higher pace with reduced coordination" – Evan Bottcher

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@andy fl [email protected] "A thick platform might consist of the combination of several inner platform teams providing a myriad of services. A thin platform could simply be a layer on top of a vendor-provided solution." – Team Topologies book chapter on Platform Teams

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@andy fl [email protected] –Steven Lohrenz on thenewstack “Platform engineering is the process of designing, building, and maintaining work fl ows and tools for software engineering organizations to drive consistency and speed up common tasks.“

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@andy fl [email protected] Undifferentiated Engineering

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@andy fl [email protected] Undifferentiated Engineering Not everything you do will provide direct value to your customers Some of the most valuable work is improving the way you do work https:// fl usFoPi-2hDGVmT-28xRKD4-2iehVxy-2icwqUa-28d3ZbC-2gmwYVa-2idL4uJ-s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj-HAHtHV-2nNdaoU- DL1yYc-2jWbmpr-AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS-QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] Platforms serve at least 3 purposes Limit Entropy – Drive consistency Gain Ef fi ciency – Speeding up common tasks = cheaper & faster Reduce Cognitive-Load – Shrink the surface area of what an average engineer needs to know https:// fl usFoPi-2hDGVmT-28xRKD4-2iehVxy-2icwqUa-28d3ZbC-2gmwYVa-2idL4uJ-s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj-HAHtHV-2nNdaoU- DL1yYc-2jWbmpr-AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS-QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] “Platform engineering is a new fi eld that has arisen to meet the growing complexity of distributed software development. As software development has started involving more tools, clouds and work fl ows, it’s become increasingly dif fi cult for software developers who are now asked to manage more different aspects that go into writing robust, secure, performant and capable applications.” –Steven Lohrenz on thenewstack

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@andy fl [email protected] How do you know if you need a platform?

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@andy fl [email protected] What kind of Platform you need? 
 It depends: What is your Business Strategy? What is your Organizational Strategy? What is your Technical Strategy? https:// fl usFoPi-2hDGVmT-28xRKD4-2iehVxy-2icwqUa-28d3ZbC-2gmwYVa-2idL4uJ-s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj-HAHtHV-2nNdaoU- DL1yYc-2jWbmpr-AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS-QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] Remember our Goals Limit Entropy – Drive consistency Gain Ef fi ciency – Speeding up common tasks = cheaper & faster Reduce Cognitive-Load – Shrink the surface area of what an average engineer needs to know https:// fl usFoPi-2hDGVmT-28xRKD4-2iehVxy-2icwqUa-28d3ZbC-2gmwYVa-2idL4uJ-s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj-HAHtHV-2nNdaoU- DL1yYc-2jWbmpr-AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS-QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] How do you build one?

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@andy fl [email protected] 80% talking to people to understand the problem https:// fl usFoPi-2hDGVmT-28xRKD4-2iehVxy-2icwqUa-28d3ZbC-2gmwYVa-2idL4uJ-s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj-HAHtHV-2nNdaoU-DL1yYc-2jWbmpr- AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS-QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] Rule #1 Build trust with people who are going to use the platform (i.e. your coworkers)

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@andy fl [email protected] Without established trust you will NOT get enough feedback to build the platform that your company actually needs

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@andy fl [email protected] Rule #2 Establish effective feedback loops

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@andy fl [email protected] We all have more work to do than time to do it Do not expect documentation to do marketing for you Do expect you will be co-creating the platform with the people who are going to use it Be AVAILABLE https:// fl UVdams-UVcK1d-ViNMFH-Vvn6Yi-ViNVAF-UgMjPa-ViP364-ViNSpR-UgMpik-VfPjYw-UVd8LJ-UVcHcJ-VfPkCY-UVcHEY-ViNGnB-ViNEfv-UVcMMf-VfPjoy-ViNXzF-ViNP8a-UgMGi2-PsLRqg- UgMzzx-UdK2nj-ViNETe-UgMEj2-Vvn8SP-ViP6bc-UdKdsL-VfPC9U-UVd5vW-UgMFfR-9SpDQo-PsLT2x-Pq5qHU-QteCR5

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@andy fl [email protected] 10% deciding what not to build https:// fl b2D2CZ-2efotfR-8Hu1s7-DuqTmW-FE2zj-NyMkg-2mV7wM4-tEqi4-H5vn4d-J2Wafj-mH1jFr-2gBKUWY-q8C5fr-2NzaNE-5FjeTP-pbJ2tP-5bsEE2-v4NwbF-qC1ZTA-2iFWqSr-NQpRM- oyGDTd-27ZAWym-2d3FSJ-6drNuG-bpkp5K-4T2qsD-73haYc-7rJgaf-29ZSBi-8gaRmr-X1y1e7-eUgA2h-eU5dun-CmSthQ/

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@andy fl [email protected] Rule #3 Find an Opinion

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@andy fl [email protected] Deciding what your platform won’t do – What constraints it’s going to have, is just as important as deciding what it will do.

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@andy fl [email protected] Be as explicit as possible about the constraints and contracts

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@andy fl [email protected] Not every idea will move you towards your goals

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@andy fl [email protected] 10% crushing hopes and dreams https:// fl

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@andy fl [email protected] Rule #4 Chop Wood and Carry Water

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@andy fl [email protected] Your stakeholders will want some things that are impossible to deliver https:// fl

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@andy fl [email protected] Ruthlessly prioritize - decide what you’re not going to build and stand by your decisions

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@andy fl [email protected] It’s more important to make good on the promises you make than to make promises to everyone

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@andy fl [email protected] You won’t know if you got it right until it’s in use

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@andy fl [email protected] How do you migrate to it?

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@andy fl [email protected] Always be Migrating Start small - fi nd the smallest batch you can Avoid one way doors State is the worst https:// fl aEJTVh-2RUBSs-2hHvHY5-e4WbEo-ojmgLA-6QVnkB-2oAXc9b-oCBex2-2nALF3c-jRaZaF-z6LE2k-8Y2YpP-ojmcVQ-oyPnwG-2kSn1kd-abeSDx-2jjoD7r-dyU6k9-2kSoAvs-cyx8GY- oox8Mb-9gKpNh-2kSoB2c-6FJAod-a5f6dz-2m1XcK9-9gGjKn-QZmMN9-MSTd4f-fa455V-SodF6b-2mVuyJN-fa452c-rQbjUJ-fa459D

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@andy fl [email protected] Small Batches Find the smallest workload you can to migrate fi rst Shrink the feedback loop Small things are easier to reason about https:// fl N8G8jW-2jdqV6J-2jhJx6L-buBUFY-Jq2Hb6-2kZw3jf-2kZshPP-2gN7jJh-2m8qjtZ-2b9sgQA-hPywe-KgKQ9p-2m6KiBE-2hxTU6m-rd2BWJ-2iyjTpw-8RQ5s2-QGpcDm-2o3NKpa-2nmhM9X-2c3kTjd- dPoUPA-NbcvrP-dtR3cH-291vbFi-2gxSaD6-7U8GH3-bVRXUM-Rtb5ry-CzEqeh-2k62p55-ZUD4zf-H1PbWH-2kV52pF-fwdGUz-2jZRWNm-26fhaoj/

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@andy fl [email protected] No One-way Doors Leave yourself a way out Run on both platforms at the same time Make the switch a boring event https:// fl H4whv2-j6iQ65-f7VbaQ-224wvSj-cLVyZL-s8GBwT-2cY2Bs4-jz3Eb9-G5Ap9-oCyzcZ-MEGyXE-RXNEDX-gwGrBB-4z5wrn-pvpmm6-awL3NP-J3qg4t-2w6wH8-8GkX5N-F2HV7s-hbZnc1-sxtJxG- Ny1jBN-2bcw1QD-7VZ7bT-27V7Bn5-EjNRg9-24pXXkN-4YXvji-LQsxkY-p94yVw-gi5EgL-Sou2BN-pZYpPK/

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@andy fl [email protected] State is literally the WORST Find ways to manage state separately from your compute Use replication and failover systems where you can Build state veri fi cation tests in places where you have concern https:// fl LkyL1o-2oswHv1-4f9L7Q-298RPMf-QZV7M6-2jHFhc5-2jPVqZ6-2kcwDJJ-2couQTd-2h38e9p-4QtfsF-HLuGEA-2iT9one-2bNYTh-2nK99i4-8iCuT6-2mny5Py-2h3w1Dy-GFxVte-6JFVwp-2mzxz61-2jLUHpd- Edrort-x4nqDA-2iUtpPJ-Hpr6tL-3ZTPUB-p6MaX-8ievKV-SNcvbG-2kreWZf-7MH4Ug-2kaiEg7-2g8ATeN-emSbWi-dPzkVc

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@andy fl [email protected] So how do you evolve it?

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@andy fl [email protected] The average life of a platform is 3-5 years

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@andy fl [email protected] The more you extend the life the higher the value

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@andy fl [email protected] Pay attention to the court of public opinion

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@andy fl [email protected] Find ways to add value throughout the platform

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@andy fl [email protected] Find a balance of the right number of stops along the way https:// fl usFoPi-2hDGVmT-28xRKD4-2iehVxy-2icwqUa-28d3ZbC-2gmwYVa-2idL4uJ-s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj-HAHtHV-2nNdaoU-DL1yYc-2jWbmpr- AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS-QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] The anticipation of arrival always feels like it took longer than it did We got there! https:// fl usFoPi-2hDGVmT-28xRKD4-2iehVxy-2icwqUa-28d3ZbC-2gmwYVa-2idL4uJ-s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj-HAHtHV-2nNdaoU-DL1yYc-2jWbmpr- AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS-QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] Sometimes you will fi nd things you didn’t anticipate Be poised to adapt https:// fl usFoPi-2hDGVmT-28xRKD4-2iehVxy-2icwqUa-28d3ZbC-2gmwYVa-2idL4uJ-s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj-HAHtHV-2nNdaoU-DL1yYc-2jWbmpr- AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS-QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] More about the journey than the destination Invest in the process to evolve the platform https:// fl s72gC7-2kdeMzz-PFngiZ-2gNwhcX-XKSRWE-aC76sF-2hFeFou-ZMisnR-2kyWFjb-29vJGPj-HAHtHV-2nNdaoU-DL1yYc-2jWbmpr-AVX3o3-2hhRBn9-27mUZUU-2ifWr6w-2k7BA45-23Y6CHz-2eykGTk-LjwXFK-2kJUEcT-2i4BtkS-dqfMuW-zafnSp-Qg8wYS- QkbJ8X-2kQLJ6m-2ni7UXo/

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@andy fl [email protected] Questions? https:// fl