Slide 119
Slide 119 text
P. Erd¨
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P. Erd¨
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problems. Discrete Mathematics, 60 :147-153, 1986.
L. Moser. On the different distances determined by n
points. The American Mathematical Monthly, 59 :85-91,
L. Sz´
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discrete geometry. Combinatorics, Probability and
Computing, 11 :1-10, 1993.
L. Guth, N. H. Katz. On the Erd¨
os distinct distance
problem on the plane. ArXiV 2010.
J. Garibaldi, A. Iosevich, S. Senger. The Erd¨
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Problem. Student Mathematical Library, AMS. 2010.
Roger Mansuy Le probl`
eme des distances d’Erd¨