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GARETH RUSHGROVE Product Manager, Docker Cloud-Native Developer Workflows for Docker Applications

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- The building blocks for Docker applications - What we mean by developer workflow - Reducing developer friction - Lots of demos What we’ll cover

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The Docker fundamentals Building Blocks

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Docker Desktop - Docker and Kubernetes on your local machine - Easy to install and easy to manage

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- Describe the steps to build a Docker image - More than 1.1m Dockerfiles public on GitHub Dockerfile # We name the `base` stage so we can reference it in multiple later # stages but only need to update it in one place if we change it FROM python:3-alpine AS base WORKDIR /app RUN pip install pipenv==2018.10.13 COPY Pipfile /app/ COPY Pipfile.lock /app/ RUN pipenv install --system --deploy # The `app` stage is used as the base for images that don't # need the development dependencies FROM base AS app COPY src /app # The `test-base` stage is used as the base for images that require # the development dependencies. FROM base AS test-base

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Compose and Kubernetes config - Describe the components of your multi-service application in code version: '3.7' services: sensu-backend: image: sensu/sensu:latest command: sensu-backend start hostname: sensu-backend ports: - 3000:3000 - 8080:8080 sensu-agent: image: sensu/sensu:latest command: sensu-agent start --backend-url ws://sensu-backend:8081 depends_on: - sensu-backend deploy: replicas: 4

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Your source code - The most important part. Your application. export default () => (
Hello world


{` p { color: blue; } div { background: red; } @media (max-width: 600px) { div { background: blue; } } `}

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How we use our tools together Workflow

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workflow Noun the sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.

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The hard way - Just use the low-level tools - Workflow is by memory, or maybe documentation if you’re lucky $ kubectl run --image hello-dockercon:1 hello --port=8080 deployment.apps "hello" created $ kubectl get deployment hello -o json { "apiVersion": "extensions/v1beta1", "kind": "Deployment", "metadata": { "annotations": { "": "1" }, "creationTimestamp": "2018-11-26T12:42:53Z", "generation": 1, "labels": { "run": "hello" }, "name": "hello", "namespace": "default",

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Pick and mix - Wrap everything in a Makefile (or similar) - Introduce other tools $ make do-everything

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From within an IDE - Integrated functionality in your editor - Customisation via plugins $ cat spec.txt Cloud Native Application Bundle Core 1.0.0 (CNAB1) Working Draft, Nov. 2018 Cloud Native Application Bundles (CNAB) are a standard packaging format for multi-component distributed applications. It allows packages to target different runtimes and architectures. It empowers application distributors to package applications for deployment on a wide variety of cloud platforms, cloud providers, and cloud services. It also provides the capabilities necessary for delivering multi-container applications in disconnected environments. CNAB is not a platform-specific tool. While it uses

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The same fundamentals - Writing code - Testing code - Building artefacts - Running code

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Working with others Team Workflow

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Source control - Share code and changes with other people

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Continuous integration - Ensure you always have a working, integrated version of your software

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Docker registry - Store your artefacts centrally - Avoid the need to constantly rebuild and retest

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The same fundamentals - Writing code - Testing code - Building artefacts - Running code

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Time for a few demos Reducing Developer Friction

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friction Noun the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.

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friction Noun conflict or animosity caused by a clash of wills, temperaments, or opinions.

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developer friction Made up concept the resistance that a developer encounters when trying to do their job

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friction Noun ...the energy lost to friction is turned into sound and heat.

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So how can we reduce the friction when it comes to developer workflow?

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Demo time

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If all you remember is... Conclusions

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Build - Multi-stage builds can reduce the need for scripts - New tools like docker assemble reduce the need for configuration at all $ docker fab build . [+] Building 8.2s (13/16) => local://project (docker-hlb.yaml) => => transferring project: 2B => local://project (*.[fc]sproj) => => transferring project: 2B => local://project (pom.xml) => => transferring project: 29B => resolve image config for => resolve image config for => resolve image config for => runtime image => => resolve => => sha256:7e9a9557c5738bcf45787bbc6bf5fff60f06562c2ddb

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Inner-loop development - Change code or configuration, automatically rebuild images and run application locally $ cat skaffold.yaml apiVersion: skaffold/v1alpha5 kind: Config build: tagPolicy: sha256: {} artifacts: - image: garethr/skaffold-example local: useBuildkit: true deploy: kubectl: manifests: - stack.yaml

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Testing - Fast feedback - Share tests between applications to help enforce organisational policy $ cat .github/main.workflow action "test" { uses = "actions/docker/cli@master" args = "build --target test ." } action "security" { uses = "actions/docker/cli@master" secrets = ["MICROSCANNER"] args = "build --target security --build-arg MICROSCANNER } action "lint" { uses = "actions/docker/cli@master" args = "run -i hadolint/hadolint hadolint -

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Packaging multi-service applications - Share applications with others easily with docker app - Reduce operator friction by defining clear interfaces $ docker-app install garethr/myapp Waiting for the stack to be stable and running... service1: Ready service2: Ready mysql: Ready Stack hello is stable and running

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- Always be looking for ways to reduce developer friction - Improvements might be incremental, or they might be revolutionary - Composable tools are one honking great idea, let's do more of those! In summary

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Take A Breakout Survey Access your session and/or workshop surveys for the conference at any time by tapping the Sessions link on the navigation menu or block on the home screen. Find the session/workshop you attended and tap on it to view the session details. On this page, you will find a link to the survey.

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Slide 33 text Get the Forrester Report on Container Platforms For more information visit:

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Come Join Us In San Francisco April 29-May 2 2019

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Thanks And any questions?