Slide 6
Slide 6 text
✓ RECON, a content-based filtering algorithm for reciprocal recommendation
‣ The first work to distinguish RSSs and define its properties.
‣ Extract implicit preferences by looking at attributes in common amongst those whom a given user has
sent messages to. (e.g. Body Shape, Personality, Education…)
‣ However, physical appearances is often the main factor taken into consideration…
✓ Reciprocal Collaborative Filtering (RCF), a collaborative filtering based algorithm
‣ Use a nearest-neighbor collaborative filtering
‣ Significantly improve on RECON’s results
‣ SoTA!!
‣ However, limitation in computational complexity of calculating similarities between all pairs of users
Related Works
Peng Xia, Benyuan Liu, Yizhou Sun, and Cindy Chen. 2015. Reciprocal Rec- ommendation System for Online Dating.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining P. 234-241.