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14 Years of iOS Lessons and Key Points Seyfeddin Başsaraç Seyfeddin Başsaraç

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Seyfeddin Başsaraç Follow Your Passion is a Myth. 1

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This is me.

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Wrote my fi rst program when I was 18.

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My only good grade in engineering: Programming

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1 Fully devout yourself. 2

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Follow the Best. Aim for Better. 3

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Twitter (circa 2008)

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People I’ve Idolized Frank Chimero Dan Cederholm Wilson Miner Jeffrey Zeldman Jason Santa Maria

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People I’ve Idolized Suzan Kare

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Imitate, then Innovate 4

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Redraw favorite websites in Photoshop.

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View Source

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Be Great at At Least One Thing 5

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Learn things the right way.

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Learn things the right way.

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Have Great Mentors 6

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Dara & Fahri Designer - Developer - Maker

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Don’t Fear Change *If you’re comfortable 7

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Constraints are Nice.

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Two failed attempts, but I learned how to make apps.

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Learn the Fundamentals 8 Knowing how to make is not enough.

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Make Lots of Apps 9

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Egg Timer iOS

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Egg Timer iOS

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İsim Ş e hir G a m e P a ym e nt Syst e m with QR Ch a ir Comp a ny C a t a lo g Loy a lty C a r d with Multitou c h N e ws Cli e nt

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Deliver Apps on Time. 10

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Build every feature, then polish.

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Specialize. 11

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the Win Without Pitching Manifesto

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Show your work. 12

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Create your own space.

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Communities are key.

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Show Your Work

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You’re a SUPERHERO 13

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Playing on hard di ff i culty.

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Take Long Walks *Sans–headphones 14

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Take Good Care of Your Health 15

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Neck pain is a b*tch.

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Making So ft ware is a Cra ft . Making Good Products is Art. 16

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Thank you.