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Инфраструктура как TypeScript

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Автоматизация Cloud 3

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API управления ресурсами

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Сервисы HTTP/REST Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 X-Amz-Date: 20130813T150211Z Host: Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIDEXAMPLE/20130813/us-east- 1/ec2/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz- date, Signature=ced6826de92d2bdeed8f846f0bf508e8559e98e4b0194b84example54174deb456c ImageId=ami-2bb65342 &MaxCount=3 &MinCount=1 &Monitoring.Enabled=true &Placement.AvailabilityZone=us-east-1a &Version=2016-11-15

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var launchRequest = new RunInstancesRequest() { ImageId = amiID, InstanceType = "t1.micro", MinCount = 1, MaxCount = 1, KeyName = keyPairName, SecurityGroupIds = groups }; var launchResponse = ec2Client.RunInstances(launchRequest); var instances = launchResponse.Reservation.Instances; SDK для вызова REST сервисов

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az storage account create \ --location westus \ --name samplesa \ --resource-group myrg \ --sku LRS Командная строка

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Сложности со скриптами

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Desired State Configuration 6

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Описание целевого состояния

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Управление графами ресурсов

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Инструменты от вендоров

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Языки разметки 9 Yet Another Markup Language

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Azure ARM Templates: JSON "resources": [ { "apiVersion": "2016-01-01", "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts", "name": "mystorageaccount", "location": "westus", "sku": { "name": "Standard_LRS" }, "kind": "Storage", "properties": { } } ]

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AWS CloudFormation: YAML Resources: S3BucketForURLs: Type: "AWS::S3::Bucket" DeletionPolicy: Delete Properties: BucketName: !If [ "CreateNewBucket", !Ref "AWS::NoValue", !Ref S3BucketName ] WebsiteConfiguration: IndexDocument: "index.html" LifecycleConfiguration: Rules: - Id: DisposeShortUrls ExpirationInDays: !Ref URLExpiration Prefix: "u" Status: Enabled

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resource "azurerm_storage_account" "sa" { name = "mysa" location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location resource_group_name = account_tier = "Standard" account_replication_type = "LRS" } Terraform: HashiCorp Configuration Language

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Языки разметки

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Пример: Соотношение кода и разметки KV Store Table “URLs” Function “Add URL” Function “Open URL”

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{ "Resources": { "InstanceSecurityGroup": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", "Properties": { "SecurityGroupIngress": [ ... ] } }, "EC2Instance": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties": { "InstanceType": "t2.micro", "SecurityGroups": [ { "Ref": "InstanceSecurityGroup" } ], "ImageId": "ami-0080e4c5bc078760e" } } } } Ссылки на ресурсы

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{ "condition": "[equals(parameters('production'), 'Yes')]", "type": "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets", "apiVersion": "2017-03-30", "name": "[variables('availabilitySetName')]", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "properties": { "platformFaultDomainCount": 2, "platformUpdateDomainCount": 3 } } Условия

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locals { files = ["index.php","main.php"] } resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "files" { count = "${length(local.files)}" key = "${local.files[count.index]}" bucket = "${}" source = "./src/${local.files[count.index]}" } Циклы

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Повторное использование

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Кажется, мы это уже когда-то делали?

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IDEs Code completion Unit tests Types Functions Package managers Versioning Classes Code reviews Contracts SDKs Workflows Refactoring

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Pulumi 14

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Универсальные языки программирования

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• • • • • Провайдеры • • • • •

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const resourceGroup = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("rg"); const storageAccount = new"storage", { resourceGroupName:, accountReplicationType: "LRS", accountTier: "Standard", }); Пример TypeScript

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const resourceGroup = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("rg"); const storageAccount = new"storage", { resourceGroupName:, accountReplicationType: "LRS", accountTier: "Standard", }); Desired State

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Как работает Pulumi

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Static Website on AWS 17

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N провайдеров, M языков

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N провайдеров, M языков

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Сложность O(N*M)

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Сложность O(N+M)

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Сложность O(N+M)

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Управление состоянием

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Serverless Functions в Azure 22

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Ресурсы, нужные для Azure Function

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// A resource group to contain our Azure Functions const resourceGroup = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("rg"); // A Node.js Azure Function const nodeApp = new azure.appservice.ArchiveFunctionApp("http", { resourceGroup, archive: new pulumi.asset.FileArchive("./javascript"), }); export const nodeEndpoint = nodeApp.endpoint; Node.js Azure Function

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Запустим pulumi up … Type Name Plan + pulumi:pulumi:Stack functions-dev create + ├─ azure:appservice:ArchiveFunctionApp http create + │ ├─ azure:storage:Account http create + │ ├─ azure:appservice:Plan http create + │ ├─ azure:storage:Container http create + │ ├─ azure:storage:ZipBlob http create + │ └─ azure:appservice:FunctionApp http create + └─ azure:core:ResourceGroup rg create

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// A .NET (C#) Azure Function const dotnetApp = new azure.appservice.ArchiveFunctionApp("dotnet", { resourceGroup, archive: new pulumi.asset.FileArchive("./dotnet/publish/"), appSettings: { runtime: "dotnet", }, }); .NET Azure Function

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const linuxResourceGroup = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("linuxrg"); const linuxPlan = new azure.appservice.Plan("linux-asp", { resourceGroupName:, kind: "Linux", sku: { tier: "Dynamic", size: "Y1" }, reserved: true, }); const pythonApp = new azure.appservice.ArchiveFunctionApp(...); Python Azure Function on Linux

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const linuxResourceGroup = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("linuxrg"); const linuxPlan = new azure.appservice.Plan("linux-asp", {...}); const pythonApp = new azure.appservice.ArchiveFunctionApp("http", { resourceGroup: linuxResourceGroup, plan: linuxPlan, archive: new pulumi.asset.FileArchive("./python"), appSettings: { runtime: "python", }, }); Python Azure Function on Linux

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const f = new azure.appservice.HttpEventSubscription("greeting", { resourceGroup, callback: async (context, req) => { return { status: 200, body: `Hello ${}!`, }; }, }); Callbacks => Serverless Functions

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const queue = new"myqueue", { storageAccountName:, }); queue.onEvent("MyMessageHandler", { callback: async (context, msg) => { doWork(msg); }, }); Callbacks => Serverless Functions

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Containers 27

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Crosswalk for AWS

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Load- balanced container instances Load Balancer Container Container

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const listener = new awsx.elasticloadbalancingv2.NetworkListener("lb",{ port: 80 }); const service = new awsx.ecs.FargateService("nginx", { desiredCount: 2, taskDefinitionArgs: { containers: { nginx: { image: "jonashackt/spring-boot-vuejs", memory: 512, portMappings: [listener], }}}}); Nginx + Fargate + Load Balancer

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Запустим pulumi up … Type Name Status + pulumi:pulumi:Stack pulumi-typescript-aws-fargate-dev created + ├─ awsx:x:ec2:SecurityGroup nginx created + │ └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup nginx created + ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Vpc default-vpc-accd9bc5 created + │ ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet default-vpc-accd9bc5-public-1 created + │ └─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet default-vpc-accd9bc5-public-0 created + ├─ awsx:x:ecs:FargateService spring-boot-vuejs created + │ └─ aws:ecs:Service spring-boot-vuejs created + ├─ awsx:x:ecs:FargateTaskDefinition spring-boot-vuejs created + │ ├─ aws:cloudwatch:LogGroup spring-boot-vuejs created + │ ├─ aws:iam:Role spring-boot-vuejs-execution created + │ ├─ aws:iam:Role spring-boot-vuejs-task created + │ ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment spring-boot-vuejs-execution-9a42f520 created + │ ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment spring-boot-vuejs-task-32be53a2 created + │ ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment spring-boot-vuejs-task-fd1a00e5 created + │ └─ aws:ecs:TaskDefinition spring-boot-vuejs created + ├─ awsx:x:ecs:Cluster default-cluster created + │ ├─ awsx:x:ec2:SecurityGroup default-cluster created + │ │ ├─ awsx:x:ec2:IngressSecurityGroupRule default-cluster-ssh created + │ │ │ └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule default-cluster-ssh created + │ │ ├─ awsx:x:ec2:IngressSecurityGroupRule default-cluster-containers created + │ │ │ └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule default-cluster-containers created + │ │ ├─ awsx:x:ec2:EgressSecurityGroupRule default-cluster-egress created + │ │ │ └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule default-cluster-egress created + │ │ └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup default-cluster created + │ └─ aws:ecs:Cluster default-cluster created + └─ aws:lb:ApplicationLoadBalancer nginx created + ├─ awsx:lb:ApplicationTargetGroup nginx created + │ └─ aws:lb:TargetGroup nginx created + ├─ awsx:lb:ApplicationListener nginx created + │ ├─ awsx:x:ec2:IngressSecurityGroupRule nginx-external-0-ingress created + │ │ └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule nginx-external-0-ingress created + │ ├─ awsx:x:ec2:EgressSecurityGroupRule nginx-external-0-egress created + │ │ └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule nginx-external-0-egress created + │ └─ aws:lb:Listener nginx created + └─ aws:lb:LoadBalancer nginx created

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Cosmos App 30

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Cosmos App (1)

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Cosmos App (2)

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Cosmos App (3)

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export const functions = new CosmosApp("urls", { resourceGroup, locations: ["WestEurope", "WestUS", "SouthEastAsia"], factory: ({location, cosmosdb}) => { const app = new azure.appservice.ArchiveFunctionApp("app", { location, archive: new pulumi.asset.FileArchive("./app"), appSettings: { COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT: cosmosdb.endpoint, }, }); return { id: }; }}); Глобальные приложения

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export const functions = new CosmosApp("urls", { resourceGroup, locations: ["WestEurope", "WestUS", "SouthEastAsia"], factory: ({location, cosmosdb}) => { const app = new azure.appservice.ArchiveFunctionApp("app", { location, archive: new pulumi.asset.FileArchive("./app"), appSettings: { COSMOSDB_ENDPOINT: cosmosdb.endpoint, }, }); return { id: }; }}); Глобальные приложения

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Kubernetes 33

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class AksCluster extends pulumi.ComponentResource { constructor(name: string, args: AksClusterArgs, opts: pulumi.ComponentResourceOptions = {}) { super("examples:aks:AksCluster", name, args, opts); const password = new random.RandomPassword("password"/*, {...}*/); const sshPublicKey = new tls.PrivateKey("key"/*, {...}*/); const adApp = new azuread.Application("aks"/*, {...}*/); const adSp = new azuread.ServicePrincipal("aksSp"/*, {...}*/); const vnet = new"vnet"/*, {...}*/); const subnet = new"subnet"/*, {...}*/); const cluster = new azure.containerservice.KubernetesCluster("aksCluster"/*, {...}*/) } } Managed Clusters

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Crosswalk for Kubernetes

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// Define the application Pod. const appPod = new kx.PodBuilder({ containers: [{ image: "app:1.0.0", env: { "APP_CONFIG_PATH": "/app/config" }, volumeMounts: [configs.mount("/app/config")], }], }); // Create a Kubernetes Deployment using the previous Pod definition. const deployment = new kx.Deployment("nginx", { spec: appPod.asDeploymentSpec({ replicas: 3 }), }); // Expose the Deployment with a load balancer using a Kubernetes Service. const service = deployment.createService({ type: kx.types.ServiceType.LoadBalancer, }); Библиотека Kx

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// Find all distinct versions of MySQL running in your cluster. const mySqlVersions = kq .list("v1", "Pod") .flatMap(pod => pod.spec.containers) .map(container => container.image) .filter(imageName => imageName.includes("mysql")) .distinct(); mySqlVersions.forEach(console.log); Запросы

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Контроль качества 36

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Языки программирования для инфраструктуры? Точно?

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const group = require("./index").group; // check: Instances must not have SSH open to the Internet. it("must not open port 22 (SSH) to the Internet", done => { pulumi.all([ group.urn, group.ingress ]).apply(([ urn, ingress ]) => { if (ingress.find(rule => rule.fromPort == 22 && rule.cidrBlocks.find(block => block === ""))) { done(new Error(`Illegal SSH port 22 open to the Internet on group ${urn}`)); } else { done(); } }); }); Unit Testing

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const policies = new PolicyPack("aws", { policies: [ { name: "prohibited-public-internet", description: "Ingress rules with public internet access are prohibited.", enforcementLevel: "mandatory", validateResource: validateTypedResource(aws.ec2.SecurityGroup, (sg, args, report) => { const publicInternetRules = (sg.ingress || []).find(ingressRule => (ingressRule.cidrBlocks || []).find(cidr => cidr === "")); if (publicInternetRules) { report("Ingress rules with public internet access are prohibited."); } }), }, ], }); Policy as Code

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AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)? 39

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м TypeScript Python Java .NET Транслируется в CloudFormation

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const hello = new lambda.Function(this, 'HelloHandler', { runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_8_10, code: lambda.Code.asset('lambda'), handler: 'hello.handler' }); new apigw.LambdaRestApi(this, 'Endpoint', { handler: hello }); Пример AWS CDK

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Примеры из моей презентации ✓ ✓ ✓  ✓ ✓ ✓  ✓  ✓ 

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Выводы 40

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Используйте Инфраструктуру как код Создаёте приложения для cloud?

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Меньшие компоненты Лучшая автоматизация

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Преимущества кода

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м Инфраструктура как код Архитектура как код

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