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Tomáš Jukin @Inza Arduino and Neural Nets

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16 MHz

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2 KB RAM 16 MHz

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? ? ?

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7 + 8 + 4 = 19!

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7 + 8 + 4 = 19

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7 + 8 + 4 = 19 Input Hidden Output

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7 + 8 + 4 = 19 7 Segment Display to Binary

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Tomáš Jukin @Inza @JuicymoCZ

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Tomáš Jukin @Inza @JuicymoAcademy

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Dendrite Nucleus Axon

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Input Activation Function Output

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Dendrite 2 Nucleus Axon Dendrite 1

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Input 2 Activation Function Output Input 1

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Input 2 Activation Function Output Input 1 0,2 0,8 0,43 0,18 0,37

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Input Hidden Output Feed Forward ANN

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Input Hidden Output

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Input Hidden Output Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor

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Input Hidden Output Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor Flow

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Input Hidden Output Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor 20º = 20/180 = 0,111…

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Input Hidden Output Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor 20º = 20/180 = 0,111…

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Input Hidden Output Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor 20º = 20/180 = 0,111…

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Input Hidden Output Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor 20º = 20/180 = 0,111… 0,345 = 34% power

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Input Hidden Output Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor 20º = 20/180 = 0,111… 0,345 = 34% power 0,4 = 40% power

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Input Hidden Output Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor 20º = 20/180 = 0,111… 0,345 = 34% power 0,4 = 40% power 0,4 - 0,345 = 0,055

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Input Hidden Output Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor 20º = 20/180 = 0,111… 0,345 = 34% power 0,4 = 40% power 0,4 - 0,345 = 0,055

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Input Hidden Output Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor 20º = 20/180 = 0,111… 0,345 = 34% power 0,4 = 40% power 0,4 - 0,345 = 0,055 W11 = 0,14 W12 = 0,65 W14 = 0,42 W13 = 0,26 W21 = 0,21 W22 = 0,37 W24 = 0,19 W23 = 0,46

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Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor 20º = 20/180 = 0,111… 0,345 = 34% power 0,4 = 40% power 0,4 - 0,345 = 0,055 W11 = 0,14 W12 = 0,65 W14 = 0,42 W13 = 0,26 W21 = 0,21 W22 = 0,37 W24 = 0,19 W23 = 0,46 Backpropagation

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Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor 20º = 20/180 = 0,111… 0,345 = 34% power 0,4 = 40% power 0,4 - 0,345 = 0,055 W11 = 0,14 W12 = 0,65 W14 = 0,42 W13 = 0,26 W21 = 0,21 W22 = 0,37 W24 = 0,19 W23 = 0,46 Backpropagation

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Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor 20º = 20/180 = 0,111… 0,345 = 34% power 0,4 = 40% power 0,4 - 0,345 = 0,055 W11 = 0,14 W12 = 0,65 W14 = 0,42 W13 = 0,26 W21 = 0,21 W22 = 0,37 W24 = 0,19 W23 = 0,46 Backpropagation

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Ultrasonic Sensor Gyroscope Wheel Encoder Left Motor Right Motor 20º = 20/180 = 0,111… 0,345 = 34% power 0,4 = 40% power 0,4 - 0,345 = 0,055 W11 = 0,14 W12 = 0,65 W14 = 0,42 W13 = 0,26 W21 = 0,21 W22 = 0,37 W24 = 0,19 W23 = 0,46 Backpropagation

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When to use ANNs? It can learn and detect patterns

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When to use ANNs? But beware local optimum!

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When to use ANNs? To much training is bad!

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When to use ANNs? To much training is bad! To few training is bad too!

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And what about hardware?

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How ANN stores data? FF ANN needs just a two dimensional array

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How ANN stores data? FF ANN needs just a Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Net

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Nice! So I can run it everywhere then, can I?

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ANN on UNO? NOPE :-(

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ANN on UNO? 2 KB RAM => 19 neurons effectively

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ANN on UNO? Average ANN has >100 neurons

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ANN on UNO? Interesting ANN has >2000 neurons

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ANN on UNO? => No go on UNO …

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ANN on Raspi? Yop, that is a start…

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ANN on Raspi? Yop, that is a start… and I2C or UART will connect it with UNO…

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ANN on Raspi? Yop, that is a start… and I2C or UART will connect it with UNO… but BEWARE the VOLTAGE!

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Case Study

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#Probee Robot

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#Probee Robot 3x UltraSonic Sensor (Forward / Backward / Turret) 4x DC Motor 1x Motor Controller (Left / Right) 1x Arduino UNO (= brain) 1x Bluetooth Module 1x 2x16 I2C LCD (= status display)

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#Probee Robot UNO ANN Hours to learn movement…

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#Probee Robot UNO ANN Hours to learn movement… 15 minutes battery

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#Probee Robot UNO ANN Hours to learn movement… 15 minutes battery Needs better HW preparation … =>

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Interested? Build or Implement start today! You can start right now… …with any language… …or on Arduino!

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Inspiration Blog post about ANN on UNO ANN controlling robot in video

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Tomáš Jukin @Inza @JuicymoCZ

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Photo Credits All photos used are CC from Flickr !