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Porting a macOS Clojure dev setup to Windows WSL2 Michiel Borkent @borkdude 2020-09-10

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About me • Clojure/Script developer for over 10 years • Moved to Mac roughly 10 years ago (cmd.exe, Clojure tooling) • I like the flexibility of laptops, but I also like the power of a desktop

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A new PC • 128GB memory, 2GB SSD, Ryzen 3950X, NVIDIA graphics • Equivalent Mac Pro machine would 3x more ($3000 vs $9000) • Want to use it as a remote dev machine • But no macOS: now what? • Windows + WSL2 to the rescue?

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Installing Windows without Windows • Tried bootable USB on macOS without success • Friend with Windows laptop, Rufus • Could MS make this more streamlined for non-Windows users?

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Basic setup

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Transferring work dev setup • Needed to copy my zsh scripts and a couple of databases • Wanted to use rsync. • Enabled ssh:
 $ sudo service ssh start • How to enable on boot? Systemd, but wsl should already be running? • Windows firewall doesn't forward and blocks port 22 ...

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Open/forward ports: #4150 Useful Powershell script in comments:

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Start wsl / ssh at login

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All rsynced, dev setup runs! Worth noting: even ClojureScript hot reloading works over remote connection! Tailscale for access outside home

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Emacs on remote machine In Terminal: git-gutter, flycheck-inline
 Other options: tramp, ssh -X, FUSE/sshfs Fix iTerm2 key bindings:

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VSCode + Calva + clj-kondo + SSH extension

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Reboot after patch Tuesday Configure in group policy, see this article

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WSL2 executing Windows programs