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By Vineet Talwar @vineetsktalwar Google ‘Core Web Vitals’: Improving the performance and SEO of WordPress websites for a better user experience

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2 #WCGR2021

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3 Let’s talk about buttons

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6 Terminology • DNS • Latency • Time to Interactive (TTI) • First Contentful Paint (FCP)

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7 Core Web Vitals

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8 Google wants you to speed up

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9 Google <3 User Experience

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10 Bad website performance has a measurable business impact​

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13 “ But How?

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16 “ Website Hosting

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18 Website Hosting • Shared • Dedicated • Cloud

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19 “ Go Cloud!

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Source: Reddit

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23 Testing • • Lighthouse test ( • Gtmetrics • Chrome devtools

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28 Lazy Loading § Lazy loading offscreen images with JS § Lozad.js or Lazysizes § § Library as fallback with loading=lazy

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30 Image Optimization • Tinypng • Smush • Optimizilla •

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webp is new black.

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32 Images CDN • S3+ CloudFront • Digital Ocean Spaces • Jetpack Photon • Akamai CDN • Fastly • Plugins: W3 Total Cache, WP Offload S3

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34 Fonts • Font Swap – http://fonts.googleapis .com/css?family=Robot o&font-display=swap • @font-face { • font-family: ‘custom font’; • src:url(..); • font-display: swap; • }

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36 Caching • Page Cache • Browser Cache • Object Cache • Database Cache • Transient Cache • Opcache, Redis, Memcached • Plugins: W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache

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Transient Caching 'featured', 'posts_per_page' => 5 ) ); // Put the results in a transient. Expire after 12 hours. set_transient( 'foo_featured_posts', $featured, 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } ?> // Run the loop as normal have_posts() ) : ?> have_posts() ) : $featured->the_post(); ?> // featured posts found, do stuff // no featured posts found Using Trasients with WP_Query to retrieve featured posts

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Jake Archibald at google i/o16

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42 “ Go Offline!

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Source: Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

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44 Service Workers Source: Medium

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JS and CSS

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46 Critical CSS • Inline Critical CSS: addyosmani/critical, filamentgroup/criticalcss, pocketjoso/penthouse • Load CSS Async: filamentgroup/loadCSS

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47 Javascripts • High bootup time • Defer Third Party Embeds • Obese Expensive Libraries • Split the Code • Preload, preconnect, prefetch, dns-prefetch • Minify, Automate minification

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48 Minify • Minify CSS, Minify JS • Optimize libraries with webpack: GoogleChromeLabs/webpack-libs-optimizations • Plugins: Autoptimize, W3 Total Cache

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49 Compression • Compress everything • Gzip, brotli • Configure in Web server

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50 Resource Hints • Preconnect Critical Origin • Preload Critical Scripts • Prefetch Visible Links • Priority Hints (For Future)

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51 Adaptive serving • Data saver mode / Light Applications • Slow network specific version • Offline first

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52 Scaling • Scale Up and Scale Forward • Load Balancer Architecture • Serverless • Elasticsearch for queries

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53 What else ? • Bloats • Unwanted Plugins • Optimize DB • Cleanup wp-admin • Expiry Header

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54 Source: knowyourmeme.c om Possible Issues ?

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Website Speed is more important than ever

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Core Web Vitals have to be part of every SEO audit

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E-Mail: [email protected] Twitter: @vineetsktalwar Thank You