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Iuri Fernandes A Brief Introduction to Elixir

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Elixir! • Runs on Erlang VM • Cool language • But before…

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The problem • Telecommunications • Fast • Fault tolerant • Distributed

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Erlang and Telecom • Designed for telecom problems • OTP(Open Telecom Platform)

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Slide from José Valim’s presentations

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Slide from José Valim’s presentations

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BEAM • Erlang VM • Processes are units of computation • Message passing FTW

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Image from “Learn you some Erlang for great good” licensed under Creative Commons Messages

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OTP • Framework • Concurrent and distributed applications • Models behaviors for processes • And much more …

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OTP Examples Image from “Learn you some Erlang for great good” licensed under Creative Commons

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Image from “Learn you some Erlang for great good” licensed under Creative Commons OTP Examples

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Image from “Learn you some Erlang for great good” licensed under Creative Commons OTP Examples

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Elixir • Created in 2012 by José Valim • Functional (Immutability) • Dynamically typed • Metaprogramming • Fresh life to Erlang ecosystem • BEAM VM

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Drops of Elixir defmodule MyModule do def increment(argument) do argument + 1 end end defmodule PatternMatching do def head([]), do: nil def head([head | _]), do: head end

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Drops of Elixir defmodule MyModule do def increment(x) when is_integer(x) do x + 1 end end defmodule PatternMatching do def head([]), do: nil def head([head | _]), do: head end

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Drops of Elixir parent = self() # Spawns an Elixir process (not an operating system one!) spawn_link(fn -> send parent, {:msg, "hello world"} end) # Block until the message is received receive do {:msg, contents} -> IO.puts contents end

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Drops of Elixir defmodule Stack do use GenServer # Callbacks def handle_call(:pop, _from, [h|t]) do {:reply, h, t} end def handle_cast({:push, item}, state) do {:noreply, [item|state]} end end

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Drops of Elixir # Start the server {:ok, pid} = GenServer.start_link(Stack, [:hello]) # This is the client, :pop) #=> :hello GenServer.cast(pid, {:push, :world}) #=> :ok, :pop) #=> :world

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Applications • Chat web app with Phoenix • Embedded systems with Nerves • Pusher app replacement with Poxa

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