Overview of the deck
This deck was developed by Paul Millerd, a former
strategy consulting, who wanted a simple, clean look
that he could use for his freelance consulting work.
The deck is designed for simplicity, only using two basic
fonts (Montserrat and Open Sans) as well as some basic
colors (Dark Blue and Grey). If you want to fine tune the
color scheme, you can do this in the master template.
Finally, the deck is designed with practicality in mind.
Many consulting templates give you all sorts of cool
looking slides that never get used in any sort of analysis.
If you look at strategy consulting decks, the most
common slides are text-based slides with clear
takeaways, column/bar charts and simple tables.
A Note: The “secret” of consulting firm presentations has
nothing to do with the right template. Instead, they are
persuasive and impactful because of the structured
problem-solving process and the structured
communication process that brings large amounts of
information together in a compelling way.
E-Mail Paul =>
[email protected]