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in the Workplace COMIC TIMING COMIC TIMING For Presentations, Sales, & Relationships by Kory Hoang : @KoryJNebo

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Hi, my name is Kory Hoang

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The Secret of My Success ?

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Not quite...

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What is Comic Timing anyways?

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Consider Your Favorite Comedy Movies ...

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They’re all carefully *edited* ...

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What about live performances then?

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That’s where Comic Timing comes into play!

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Doing Stand-Up Learning the Human Condition

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Lol no.

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What’s the point of Comedy?

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Comedy only has one universal objective...

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To tell the Truth.

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Comedy is inherently relatable

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Comedy is important for Relationships

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All forms of communication should be a growing process...

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Can Comic Timing only be learned through experience?

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How do we improve our Comic Timing then?

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It comes down to three things...

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I. Embrace Each Challenge as a Learning Experience

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II. Bring Energy Into Everything You Do

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III. Live in the Moment

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These factors contribute to great storytelling

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These factors contribute to great storytelling

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These factors contribute to great communication

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Comic Timing is rooted in Naturalism!

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There are no rules or limitations for comedy or communication

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Anyone can have a good memory, but...

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Memorization & Expectations can get in the way of Spontaneity & Creativity

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Watch how people communicate with eachother in public places!

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Genuine communication is learning what to look for in other people

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That’s how you give them what they really want

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That’s how you give them what they really want (and vice versa)

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Scenario Time!

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You have a standard sales script you need to pitch

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It can be delivered by 3 different people

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to 3 different audiences

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for 9 different outcomes.

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No one client is the same.

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The same goes for people.

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Sometimes you just have to do your homework...

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The 5 W’s!

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Only then can you get to “How”

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This same process applies for stand-up routines

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Why can’t we do the same for clients, coworkers, and the people in front of us?

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Our industry can do better

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We are capable of doing better

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We are capable of doing better if we CHOOSE to.

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I. Embrace Each Challenge as a Learning Experience

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A lot of people are afraid of making mistakes

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Anxiety that accompanies the thought of trying something new

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Dreaming of scenarios doesn’t set up reality very well

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But those moments in real life can help us learn about others and ourselves.

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Experience is necessary for Comic Timing

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The most successful people you meet didn’t just land at the top of the mountain

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There is usually Struggle & Failure on the path to Success

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Sometimes the only way out (and up) is through

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Comedians follow this thought process all the time

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Sometimes it can help to learn to laugh at yourself and your circumstances

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Be open to learning and experiencing more

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Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

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II. Bring Energy Into Everything You Do

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What kind of energy?

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Physical energy?

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... but not really.

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“Chekhov’s Gun”

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Making sure your physical and emotional energy is both intentional and sustainable

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Comfortability is key

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Tension is the enemy of naturalism and good communication

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Have you ever taken your calls standing up?

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Being yourself plays a major role in the energy you give

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Ask yourself about the kind of people you find more approachable in life

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We like FLAWED fictional characters because it’s realistic and relatable

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Power and image is what we give to other people

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Be confident - but understand the difference between confidence and cockiness

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This makes for great storytelling as well

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The energy and confidence you bring can help others as well

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We have an unspoken responsibility to be good to others if we accept it

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Find the people who give you energy and that you feel you can give back to

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III. Live in the Moment

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“Don’t Play the Result! “

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Play each scene and each beat as it comes

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You don’t always know the story as much as you think you do

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This doesn’t mean “don’t be prepared”

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But don’t play yourself into a bad situation

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The result isn’t written yet

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“Act as if”

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“Act as if” it ‘s the way you want things to be

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“A chip and a chair”

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NEVER count yourself out of life’s poker game!

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Your reward is a story that will hopefully either inspire or encourage laughter

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“Listen and be mindful of your circumstances”

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Be observant and live in the moment more

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It starts with the little things - work your way from there

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How do we set Goals?

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Have positive short-term goals that are actionable

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It’s okay to not reach your goals

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You most likely still learned something along the way

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It’s called Comic TIMING for a reason!

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The Secret of My Success ?

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Embrace each challenge as a learning experience Bring energy into everything you do Live in the moment

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THANK YOU! : @KoryJNebo