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 Microservices with Zoran Majstorović

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Content • Intro
 from monolith decoupling to microservices integration • The Main Part
 microservices messaging with RabbitMQ/AMQP • Ruby Code Refactoring 
 from ActiveRecord Callback to Consumer as a Microservice • A Simple Microservice Deployment
 in docker container to AWS ECS

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Let's start with a bad example

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A better example ... or can we just publish the event and let subscribed consumers do the work? a complete to-do list for this event

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Decoupling Publisher / Producer Subscriber / Consumer Subscriber / Consumer Subscriber / Consumer

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Monolith vs Microservices vs Complexity in
 Interactions Code

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Microservice • a small program that handle one task • independently deployable • work together by communicating so that can accomplish the larger task • integrated system on the whole provides value articles/microservices.html

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App Integration Options • File Transfer • Shared Database • Remote Procedure Invocation • Messaging While all four approaches solve essentially the same problem,
 each style has its distinct advantages and disadvantages.

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File Transfer Consumer A Consumer B Consumer C DATA
 FILE Producer Export Import

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Shared Database Consumer A Consumer B Consumer C Producer DB

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Remote Procedure Invocation Consumer A Consumer B Consumer C Producer Call Result

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Messaging Exchanges Bindings Queues Consumer A Consumer B Consumer C Producer AMQP 0-9-1 Message Broker

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• a binary, networking protocol with minimal overhead • originated in 2003 by John O'Hara at JPMorgan Chase • version 0.9.1 was specified in 2008 • in 2011 OASIS standards group change it to a significantly different beast

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AMQP 0-9-1 • virtual host is a logical partition within the server 
 (a multi-tenant system similar to virtual hosts in Apache/Nginx) • each of virtual hosts can have many connections, channels, queues, exchanges and some other things • bindings binds an exchange to a queue or many queues • exchange can be: direct, fanout, with topic or headers • queue is a buffer that holds messages on behalf of a consumer (or consumers)

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The Producer • external application which creates messages and decides: • how the attributes should be configured for routing • from which exchange the messages should start from • what is the actual payload that is being sent

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The Message • an atomic unit of processing • consists of: • content (body, bare message or payload) • attributes - metadata about the message like content type, encoding, routing key, whether the message will be persistent or not, and whether it has a priority level, etc. • is created (published) by the producer • may go through more than one exchange before landing in the right queue

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The Exchange • Direct exchange route messages based on an exact match with the specified routing key • Fanout exchange automatically route the message to all the queues known to them (ignores the routing key) • Topic exchange pattern match on the routing key (topic) to route the messages • Header exchange use the message header attributes for matching the queue • Default (anonymous) exchange is a direct exchange (created automatically) which routes messages with empty exchange name - it compares routing key with the queue name

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Multiple Queues and Consumers Consumer A Queue 1 Queue 2 Queue 3 Consumer B Consumer C

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The Consumer • external application which is subscribed to one or more queues • alerted whenever a message shows up in the subscribed queue • can poll the queue at regular intervals to see which messages were added in the queue since the last time it made the request • can send acknowledgments back to RabbitMQ that the message has been: • received (known as ack), or • rejected (nack for negative acknowledgments)

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Bindings • Routing Key • Publisher: exchange.publish(payload, routing_key: 'foo') • Queue Binding: queue.bind(exchange, routing_key: 'foo') • Headers • Publisher: exchange.publish(payload, headers: { ... }) • Queue Binding: queue.bind(exchange, arguments: { ... })

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• an message broker implemented with Erlang/OTP • implements all the AMQP 0.9.1 concepts:
 messages, queues, exchanges, bindings, virtual hosts ... • ... and with plugins for other messaging protocols such as
 STOMP, XMPP, and more • has fantastic client support in a variety of popular languages: Ruby, Python, Java, PHP, C#, JavaScript, Go, Elixir, Objective-C, Swift, ...

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Gems • Bunny - AMPQ client for Ruby (MRI) • March Hare - AMPQ client for JRuby • Sneakers - a background consumer/worker • Hutch - asynchronous inter-service communication • RabbitMQ HTTP API client (various management features) • Ruby RabbitMQ Clients Blog: http://

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Features • No message loss • Persistent Messages • Publisher Confirms • Message Acknowledgment • Mirrored Queues • Message Ordering • Dead Letter Exchanges • Alternate Exchanges • Message and Queues TTLs • Consumer Priorities • Federation ... and many more

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Back to Refactoring ... or can we just publish the event and let subscribed consumers do the work?

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Introducing Publisher

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Publish Message with Topic

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Message Consumer

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Publish Message with Headers

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Message Consumer

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Better Ruby Code

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Patterns = proven solutions to recurring problems

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Messaging Patterns (65) Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

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Microservice Messaging Benefits • language-agnostic • amplifies loose-coupling • makes scaling and rearchitecting simpler • better reliability and availability - messages will be waiting until the consumer is ready to process them • multiple communication patterns: events, message/reply, notification, async request-response, pub/sub, etc.

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Microservice Messaging Drawbacks • introducing new complexity into the system 
 (the message broker) • a failure in the message broker can cause severe effects on the system (highly-available message broker) • big messages can cause network congestion • "eventual data consistency" (instead of immediate consistency across different microservices)

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Message Consumer Microservice Deployment
 with Docker

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Installing Docker CE on Workstation • macOS: desktop-mac • Linux Ubuntu: server-ubuntu • or any other Linux distro: offering=community&operating_system=linux&type=edition

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My Ruby Project Structure

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docker-compose.yml docker-compose build my_consumer:latest

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Elastic Container Registry (ECR) aws ecr create-repository --repository-name my_consumer eval $(aws ecr get-login) docker tag my_consumer:latest docker push

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Elastic Container
 Service (ECS) • logical way to group resources (services and tasks) • currently provides two launch types: • EC2 • Fargate (abstract away EC2 instances) ECS resources collection:

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ECS Cluster
 Building Blocks Task Definition • specify the resources for a Docker container or group of containers, such as:
 docker image (registry), ports, CPU/Mem, logs, any volumes, environment variables, etc. Task • running containers according to the Task Definition (one-off or long-running) • TaskRole allow access to S3, DynamoDB, etc. Service • manage long-running tasks (defines desired count and replace failed containers) • integrates with Elastic Load Balancer

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ECS Task Definition

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ECS Task aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name staging aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://my-consumer.json aws ecs run-task --launch-type FARGATE 
 --cluster staging 
 --task-definition my-consumer 
 "awsvpcConfiguration={subnets=[subnet-ce7c8bf2], securityGroups=[sg-08044d7e]}"

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ECS Service • runs and maintains the requered number of tasks associated with the elastic load balancer aws ecs create-service --cluster staging 
 --service-name my-service 
 --task-definition my-consumer 
 --desired-count 2 
 --launch-type "FARGATE" 
 --network-configuration "awsvpcConfiguration={subnets=[subnet-ce7c8bf2], securityGroups=[sg-d97138af]}"

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Deploying Updates 1. Build a new image and push it to the repository 2. Create a new revision of the Task Definition
 (revision numbers increment automatically) 3. Update Service to use new Task Definition revision or simply use: 
 ecs-deploy -c staging -n my-service -i

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Advanced Example of AWS ECS Deployment using Terraform to spin the infrastructure: applications-to-aws-using-ecs-and-fargate- a988a1cc842f VPC with 2 subnets 
 (1 public and 1 private)
 in each Availability Zone

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 CodeBuild AWS 
 CodePipeline screenshots from:

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 vs Kubernetes 1. AWS ECS can not be run on-premise 2. AWS ECS lacks advanced features These two differences can either be seen as weakness or as strengths.

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That's All!
 Thank You