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  LTKA #2 Connected Services - Models & Architecture Dr.-Ing. Eueung Mulyana ET-3010 | Connected Services and Cloud Computing | Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA 1 / 51

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Outline Basic Model Start Small - Gmail Model Mapping Inside the Cloud Data Center Components, Models & Interactions 2 / 51

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  CS Basic Model Revisited 3 / 51

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CS - Model Connected Services & Cloud 4 / 51

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Model (Zoom-In) System-Boxes Inside Cloud Nested Clouds 5 / 51

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Convention: Cloud vs. Network Historically, before the rise of CC, the term Cloud was very common to be used to refer to Networks or Interconnected-Systems Thus, in this lecture, Cloud may refer to both of them, depends on context. Notes In CC concept, Network is a part of CC, but Network is not used only for CC 6 / 51

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  Start Small Gmail Service 7 / 51

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Gmail Service The Story of Send  8 / 51

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Gmail Service The Story of Send Steps 1. Sender 2. Sender's Provider (ISP) 3. Backbone 4. Data Center - Front Server 5. Data Center - Gmail Backend (Cloud) 6. Backbone 7. Recipient's Provider 8. Recipient 9 / 51

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  Model Mapping 10 / 51

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Sender (1) Sender e.g. Customer of an ISP (TLKM) 11 / 51

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Sender's ISP (2) Sender's ISP e.g. TLKM 12 / 51

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Model TLKM 1 2 (1) and (2) 13 / 51

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Backbone (Outgoing) (3) Backbone - e.g. TLKM Peering / Upstream Channels 14 / 51

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Data Center - Front Server (4) Google DC - Front Server 15 / 51

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Data Center - Front Server (4) Google DC - Front Server 16 / 51

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Data Center - Front Server (4) Google DC - Front Server 17 / 51

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Data Center - Gmail Backend (5) Google DC - Gmail Backend 18 / 51

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Data Center - Gmail Backend (5) Google DC - Gmail Backend 19 / 51

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Model TLKM 3 4,5 Google (3), (4) and (5) 20 / 51

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Backbone (6) Backbone - e.g. Google's Peering / Upstream Channels 21 / 51

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Recipient's ISP (7) Receipient's ISP e.g. XL 22 / 51

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Recipient (8) Recipient e.g. Customer of an ISP (XL) 23 / 51

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Model TLKM 6 7 Google XL 8 (6), (7) and (8) 24 / 51

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  Inside the Cloud 25 / 51

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Providers (ISPs) TLKM Google XL Providers' Cloud Next: An Example of Providers' Network (SPIRENT) 26 / 51

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Google TLKM Google XL Google's Cloud 28 / 51

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Google DC 2004, From Jupiter Rising:... (Arjun Singh SIGCOMM 2015 33 / 51

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Backbone TLKM Google XL Transport & Interconnection Backbone 34 / 51

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Notes TLKM Google XL Google's Cloud 36 / 51

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Google's Global DC Facility Backbone in the Cloud 37 / 51

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  Data Center 38 / 51

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Some Defs Literal: Facility to store and process data. A large group of networked computer servers typically used by organizations for the remote storage, processing, or distribution of large amounts of data (Google Def). A datacenter is a (centralized) facility, either physical or virtual, for the storage, management, and dissemination of data and information organized around a particular body of knowledge or pertaining to a particular business ( A data center is a facility that centralizes an organization's IT operations and equipment, and where it stores, manages, and disseminates its data. Data centers house a network's most critical systems and are vital to the continuity of daily operations ( Major Functional Components Compute (Servers) Storage Network 39 / 51

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Data Center Example A Look into a Google Data Center  40 / 51

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  Components, Models & Interactions 41 / 51

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Legacy Service Provider System Era before CS 42 / 51

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Connected Service Provider System CS Era 43 / 51

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Connected Service Provider Part of the Global Cloud 44 / 51

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Connected Service Provider Simplification 45 / 51

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Connected Things System CS is not only for Human But also for Arbitrary Things 46 / 51

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Connected Things Simplification 47 / 51

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CS Components HW: Devices + Infrastructure SW System: Client App + Backend SW System: UI + Data (Local+Remote) + Process (Local+Remote) 48 / 51

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  Refs 49 / 51

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Refs 1. 2. (N/A) 3. Urs Hoelzle, OpenFlow @ Google, ONS 50 / 51

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  END Eueung Mulyana ET-3010 | Connected Services and Cloud Computing | Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA 51 / 51