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Maps♥ Data A voyage across the world of geo-visualization Rasagy Sharma Information Designer & Data Artist

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What does the term map mean? Mapping data/information vs making a map: Verb vs noun As a noun: conceptual, geographic, schematic, contextual, fantasy…

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Mapping maps Detailed (Lot of Geographical data) Abstract (Less/No Geographical data) Accurate & real Imaginary or conceptual Geographic maps Schematic maps Mind mapping Charts Fiction or Fantasy maps

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Custom Mapboxstyles by Rasagy, including Heads Up & Moonlight

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Traffic Fatalities in Washington D.C., exhibited in Berlin

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Part of research collaboration with Jennings Anderson

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Collaboration with Harsha (Mint team)

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Tableau Dashboard for MADTA hackathon

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No content

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This was once home

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Visualizing trains, exhibited at NGMA, Bengaluru

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WHAT can I do with this data? can I visualize this well? HOW

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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1. Introduction: Geo (map) + viz (data) 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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Babylonian Map of the World (~600 BC), Anaximander’s Map (~600 BC vs today) , Leonardo da Vinci, “Town plan of Imola” 1502

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“Whale Chart” (1851), Map of Hindoostan(1822)

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Maps as a representation of world’s data • Area covered by water vs land • Terrain type • Country borders • Buildings, land use • Transport network • Points of interest • & more

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How map data is stored: Raster vs Vector Raster: • Image/pixel • Data in bands • Ex: Satellite imagery (RGB & more), Elevation, Temperature etc. • Formats: GeoTIFF, JPEG2000 Vector: • Geometry: Point, line, polygon • Can have more attributes • Ex: Road network, Contour lines, Points of Interest, Building outlines & heights etc. • Formats: Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON*, KML, CSV…

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Data that you can show on a map: nodes, ways, relations Created using using OpenStreetMap

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Maps turn the real world into 2D • Projection: Equations to turn the earth into a 2D surface • Latitude & Longitude • Geocoding: Place à (long,lat) Illustrations from Map School, Transition by Mike Bostock

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Xkcdon Map Projections

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Figure & ground Visualizing bus stops & telemetry data by Rasagy

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Layers to visualize on top of: Streets, Light, Dark Mapboxbasemap styles

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1. Introduction: Think about the basemap & the data 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz: Visualizing data within layers of a map 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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Maps as visualization: Traffic Visualizing traffic in Delhi

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Maps as visualization: Popular areas Delhi on Google Maps

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz: Subtle, layered in the map 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots: Showing your data on top of a map 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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Selecting a base map Created using MapboxStudio

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Adding data as dots Bus stop Data from OpenStreetMap

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Dots + opacity

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Dots + opacity + color

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Dots + opacity + color + size

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Visual encoding: Mapping data to visual properties Visual Encoding by Noah Iliinsky

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Where is Ukraine: dots + opacity + color Where Americans think Ukraine is

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Racial segregation: dots + color Demographics Research Group, U of Virginia

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Mapping homeless population: dots + color Understanding Homelessness

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Earthquakes: symbols + opacity + size + color + time Volcano map using Axis Maps

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2019 Lok Sabha verdict: dots + size + color Mint Article

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Jobs gained vs lost: dots + size + color + time Geography of job loss

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Potholes in New Jersey: too many dots? Pothole map

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Clusters: Easy to read + Interactive Cluster demo

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots: Visual encoding + controlling density 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths: Visualizing using geographical areas 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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Trade with China: Light to dark states-that-rely-the-most-on-trade-with-china/

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Unemployment rate: Hue + Brightness

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Paddy crop farming in India: Area & Production India Data Portal by Gramener Production (tonnes) across states & districts Crop area (hectares) across states & districts

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BJP votes by turnout, Type of employers of women Mint

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Color progressions in Choropleths Mapboxblogpost

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NYC Tree map: Interactive choropleth → dot map

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths: Familiar, but is data based on area? 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins: Splitting the map into small pieces 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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Hex bins: South Africa, Nebraska, and Kenya Hex bins in Mapbox

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Germany in circles: Income & Agriculture Zeit Magazine

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Deficient rainfall in India Mint

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins: Best of clustering & choropleths 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram: Skewing map with data 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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Map of the world: Population to skew Big think article

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Interactive Cartogram: Varying data fields WorldMapper

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Dorling Cartogram: Obesity in USA (count & percentage) D3 example

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Square cartogram: Size for policies, color for status New York Times

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2019 Indian Elections: Choropleth vs Cartogram General Election Results Explorer

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Choropleth vs Tiled grids: States with nondiscrimination laws NPR Blog

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Tiled grid + small multiples: Obesity over the year

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram: Harder to create, more honest 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap: Smoother distribution on a map 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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Interactive heatmap: Clustering for attention 4ced4fb3176a

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap: High level overview, choose colors wisely 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths: Using lines to mark data as boundaries 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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Contour maps/Isopleths: Distances you can cover in x time

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Metro connectivity in Delhi Mint

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths: Dynamic, novel view of time-based data 9. Flow maps 10.3D

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps: Connecting a map 10.3D

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Flow: Slave trade from Africa

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Migration in Indian metros Mint

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Flow: Where students go to study NY Times

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps: Connections lead to stories 10.3D

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D: Using another dimension

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Colored buildings: Zoning map for Vancouver • http://maps.nichols

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Density & count: Height for density, volume for count • https://www.m es/00273/

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D: Do you really need to use another dimension?

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1. Introduction 2. Maps as viz 3. Dots 4. Choropleths 5. Bins 6. Cartogram 7. Heatmap 8. Isopleths 9. Flow maps 10.3D: Using another dimension

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The spectrum of tools Interactive tools: Tableau, Flourish, Mapbox Studio… Programming libraries: d3 (js), Mapbox GL (js), Deck GL (js), ggmap (R), basemap+matplotlib (Python) GIS tools: ArcGIS, QGIS…

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Indian choropleths using Excel

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Flourish templates

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Tableau’s Story points

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QGIS: Open source, great for print

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Mapbox: Interactive geo viz on web

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Where to get Indian data • Datameet shapefiles ( • Open data portals (, etc.) • OpenStreetMap (, extract using • Ask on Datameet group ( & google group)

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“Nothing is certain in this life but death, taxes and requests for geographic data to be represented on a map.” — Danny DeBelius (NPR)

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Twitter: @rasagy Instagram: @rasagy.sharma / @data.n.coded