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Building design systems at GitHub Diana Mounter @broccolini

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Style guide status: End of 2015

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Slide 4 text GitHub app Primer modules

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Slide 5 text GitHub app More CSS Primer modules

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More CSS Primer modules Problems No docs }

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Problems • Piles and piles of CSS that does the same thing • Inconsistent styles • Inconsistent naming conventions

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This made our CSS: • Hard to maintain • Hard to de-bug • Hard to design & prototype with

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Which led to: • Bugs in production • Lengthy design-to-development times • Inconsistencies in the user experience

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A grassroots design systems team

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Core Maintainers Contributors

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Quick wins, big impact

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h1 h2 h3 Utilities Single-purpose classes that do one thing well.

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Custom CSS Re-usable CSS Custom CSS Custom CSS Custom CSS Custom CSS Custom CSS Custom CSS Custom CSS Custom CSS Re-usable CSS Re-usable CSS

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Custom CSS Re-usable CSS Custom CSS Custom CSS Re-usable CSS Re-usable CSS Re-usable CSS Re-usable CSS Re-usable CSS

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Started to build systems

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16 breaks down 8 8 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Spacing scale

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16 breaks down, and adds up to whole numbers more easily. 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 128 128 64

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Then we ruined everyone’s lives

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No content

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Typography scale Type scales based on powers of two often end up in more sensible numbers.

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Typography scale

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Brent Jackson Mathematical Web Typography

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Clear and consistent naming convention

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Adam Morse CSS and Scalability "If I’m reading html, I want to know what the css is going to do.”

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.text-gray-dark .text-gray .text-gray-light .bg-blue-dark .bg-blue .bg-blue-light .btn .btn--small .btn--green-dark .card .card--small .card--large

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What’s important for your naming convention? • Searchablity • Clarity • Scannability • Intention

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Slide 32 text GitHub app More CSS Primer modules More CSS No docs }

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Slide 33 text GitHub app More CSS Primer modules

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A company style guide has different needs to an open-source framework

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All the CSS and all the docs in one place

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Style guide GitHub app Custom CSS Primer modules

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Primer is our CSS framework

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Primer is our CSS framework The style guide is documentation on how to use Primer

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Sure! You’re gonna make it OOCSS/ functional/atomic/BEM right?

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When you actually see the code.

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Lots of arguments vibrant discussions

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Principle led development!

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Write down your principles!

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Sometimes it can feel like Sisyphean task

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Break it down

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Explain the why 
 behind the what

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Communicate to more people more often

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Make changes and status clear & obvious

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Seek feedback

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Respond in a timely manner, and

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Respond in a timely manner, and don’t wait for them to call you

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No content

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What next?

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Audit components

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Make it public DRAFT

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Hopes for the future…

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Style guide driven design

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Where does design happen?

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“Design decisions run all the way through a product, like mould in a good cheese” Cenny D What design sprints are good for

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Figma Sketch Pen & paper Prototyping in code Production implementation Photoshop Usability testing Where does design happen? Prototyping in InVision

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How can design systems be in all those places?

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Thank you.