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Brewing the Best of All Worlds Spring Cloud in the cloud for frictionless Kubernetes-based microservices Mark Heckler Principal Cloud Advocate, Java/JVM Languages [email protected] [email protected] @mkheck

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@mkheck Who am I? • Architect & Developer • Advocate • Author • Java Champion, Rockstar • Kotlin Developer Expert • Pilot 🛩

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@mkheck Latest book @springbootbook

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@mkheck The Plan “To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.” - Leonard Bernstein

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@mkheck Quick Overview • Configuration: externalize it • Service Discovery: decouple it • Backing services: retrieve it • Consuming services: share it • Gateway service: expose it, route it Also baked in: load balancing, circuit breaking, (reactive) flowing, securing

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@mkheck Let’s code!

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@mkheck Helpful resources • • [email protected][email protected] • @springbootbook •@mkheck on Twitter