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Algebraic Data Type in Swift ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹɹ 2018/01/13 Tokyo iOS Meetup Yasuhiro Inami / @inamiy

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Types in Swift Bool, Int, Int(N), UInt(N), Float, Double, String, Optional, Array, Set, Dictionary, etc... Value types can be expressed using struct and enum. struct Pair { enum Either { let a: A case a(A) let b: B case b(B) } }

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Algebraic Data Type (ADT) • Mathematics (algebra) just works in types • Algebra = study of mathematical symbols and the rules • e.g. • Abstract Algebra = study of "algebraic structures" • e.g. Magma, Semigroup, Monoid, Group, Ring, etc • Data and rules inside the data set • e.g. , ɹfor (Int, 0, )

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Isomorphic Two objects cannot be distinguished ↓ There exists an "arrow" and also a unique "inverse arrow" ( 1:1 correspondence)

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Characteristics of structand enum • struct ❤ Void • enum ❤ Never • " "What do we mean by ❤?" • Let's think categorically algebraically

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Think algebraically • struct is a product type • `struct Pair` 㱻 • `Void` 㱻 • enum is a sum type • `enum Either` 㱻 • `Never` 㱻

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Think more algebraically Elementary algebra: • Associativity: ɹ( = ) • Distributivity: In type system: • ((A, B), C) (A, (B, C)) (A, B, C) • (A, Either) Either<(A, B), (A, C)>

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(continued1) 1 The Algebra of Algebraic Data Types, Part 2 - Chris Taylor

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Function as Exponential Object • `A -> B` can be expressed as • (Never -> A) Voidɹ㱻ɹ • (A -> Never) Neverɹ㱻ɹ ɹ( ) • (Void -> A) Aɹ㱻ɹ • (A -> Void) Voidɹ㱻ɹ

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Exponent Laws • • (C -> B -> A) ((B, C) -> A)ɹ/* currying ! */ • • (Either -> A) (B -> A, C -> A) • • (C -> (A, B)) (C -> A, C -> B)

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Algebraic Data Type = and for types!

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Appendix 1: Initial Algebra ADT as fixed point of endofunctor (initial algebra): e.g.

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Appendix 2: Derivative of ADT ...2 trees below the hole, and a list of "above node value (A)", "left or right side of the node subtree (Bool = 2)", "node subtree (Tree)".

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References • The Algebra of Algebraic Data Types, Part 1 - Chris Taylor • The algebra (and calculus!) of algebraic data types • Understanding F-Algebras | Bartosz Milewski's Programming Cafe • ݍ࿦ษڧձ ୈ7ճ @ ϫʔΫεΞϓϦέʔγϣϯζ • Steve Awodey, Category Theory (2010)

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Thanks! Yasuhiro Inami @inamiy