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Kafka Streams vs. Spark Structured Streaming (extended ver.) Lee Dongjin -

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Introduction ● So many Streaming Frameworks / Libraries ○ RxJava, Spring Reactor, AKKA streams, Flink, Samza, Storm, … ○ What to use?! ● Spark Structured Streaming vs. Kafka Streams ○ Advantages, Disadvantages, and Trade-offs. ○ When to use, or not to use.

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Spark Structured Streaming: Overview (1) ● Stream processing engine based on Spark SQL (2.0) API: RDD → Dataframe Execution: Batch → Streaming (microbatch, continuous) Spark Core (1.x) Spark SQL (2.x) Spark Streaming Spark Structured Streaming

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Spark Structured Streaming: Overview (2) ● Describes the processing logic with Spark SQL Operations ○ Easy to learn: almost identical to normal Batch SQL ■ Except: Source, Sink, Trigger, Output Mode, Watermark, etc ... ○ Provides various data sources and functions ○ Optimized by Catalyst Optimizer

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Spark Structured Streaming: WordCount (1) // Create DataFrame representing the stream of input lines // from connection to localhost:9999 val lines = spark.readStream .format("socket") .option("host", "localhost") .option("port", 9999) .load() // Split the lines into words & generate running word count val words =[String].flatMap(_.split(" ")) val wordCounts = words.groupBy("value").count()

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Spark Structured Streaming: WordCount (2) // Start running the query that prints // the running counts to the console val query = wordCounts.writeStream .outputMode("complete") .format("console") .start() query.awaitTermination()

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Kafka Streams: Overview (1) ● A stream processing library that directly integrates with Kafka ○ from 0.10.0. ○ Doesn't need a special runtime like YARN: runs in a normal java process. ○ Masterless: runs on top of Kafka’s consumer group.

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Kafka Streams: Overview (2) ● Describes the processing logic as a graph of processors ○ ‘Processing Topology’ ○ Source, Sink: Subclass of Processor ● With… ○ High level DSL (a.k.a. KStream API) ■ Recommended ○ Low level API

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Kafka Streams: WordCount (1) // Build Topology with StreamsBuilder final StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder(); // KStream: unbounded series of records final KStream source =; // Transform input records into stream of words with `flatMapValues` method final KStream tokenized = source .flatMapValues(value -> Arrays.asList( value.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()).split(" ")) );

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Kafka Streams: WordCount (2) // KTable: Stateful abstraction of aggregated stream // Build KTable from KStream by group and aggregate operations final KTable counts = tokenized .groupBy((key, value) -> value) .count(); // Convert KTable to KStream KStream changeLog = counts.toStream(); // Write back to output kafka topic, Produced.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.Long())); // Build Topology instance return;

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Kafka Streams: WordCount (3) Properties props = ... // Configuration properties Topology topology = ... // Topology object final KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(topology, props); /* Omit some boilerplate codes... */ // Start the Kafka Streams application streams.start();

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KStream, KTable, ... KStream KTable KGroupedTable KGroupedStream SessionWindowedStream TimeWindowedStream group windowedBy aggregate aggregate group toStream

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Kafka Streams: Low Level API ● You can define Processor classes manually ○ Example: WordCountProcessor ○ In fact, DSL builds Processor instances internally. ● Achieves efficiency & fault-tolerance with… ○ Intermediate Topic ○ StateStore

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Kafka Streams: StateStore ● Local, in-memory Key-Value store ○ Implemented with RocksDB - Fast! ○ Backed by changelog topic - Easy to restore! ● Under the hood ○ ex) KTable

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How Spark Structured Streaming works (1) ● Dataframe: Container of QueryExecution ○ Transformation method: Returns new Dataframe object with updated LogicalPlan. ■ map, filter, select, ... ○ Action method: trigger computation and return results. ■ count, show, ... Dataframe QueryExecution LogicalPlan Provides API Handles the primary workflow for executing LogicalPlan Describes logical operation

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How Spark Structured Streaming works (2) ● When action method is called, the LogicalPlan is translated into RDD operations ○ And finally, Tasks. (Unresolved) LogicalPlan (Resolved) LogicalPlan (Optimized) LogicalPlan SparkPlan Resolve variables w/ Catalog Logical Optimization (ex. Predicate Pushdown) Convert into RDD Operations * RDD Operations are divided into Tasks and run by Executors.

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How Spark Structured Streaming works (3) ● Then, What happens with Streaming? ○ StreamExecution ■ (Almost) Resolved LogicalPlan ■ Trigger ■ Output Mode ■ Output Sink StreamExecution LogicalPlan

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How Spark Structured Streaming works (4) ● Driver triggers StreamExecution periodically. ○ Driver checks newly arrived records. (ex. checks the latest offset in Kafka topic.) ○ Clones LogicalPlan, fill with arrived records, and run in normal workflow. ■ In other words, all workflow is identical with Batch computations from then on. ○ For each Task, Executor requests the records of given offset range to Kafka brokers.

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How Spark Structured Streaming works (5) val lines = spark.readStream ... .load() ... val query = wordCounts.writeStream .outputMode("complete") .format("console") .start() query.awaitTermination() (Create Dataframe, along with contained LogicalPlan.) (Resolve LogicalPlan, Create StreamExecution instance, and have StreamingQueryManager to start it.)

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How Kafka Streams works (1) ● Built on top of Kafka’s consumer group feature ○ Automatically divides the records into disjoint sets. ● StreamTask ○ Created per input partition. ○ ex) Streams Topology with input topic A (2 partitions) and B (3 partitions): 3 StreamTasks! ○ Run by thread pool.

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How Kafka Streams works (2) ● Run with 1 machine, 1 process with 2 threads

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How Kafka Streams works (3) ● Run with 2 machines, 2 processes with 2 threads each

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Comparison Kafka Streams Spark Structured Streaming Deployment Standalone Java Application Spark Executor (mostly, YARN cluster) Streaming Source Kafka only Kafka, File System, Kinesis, ... Fault-Tolerance StateStore, backed by changelog RDD cache Syntax Low level Processor API / High Level DSL Spark SQL Semantics Simple Rich (w/ query optimization)

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Conclusion ● Spark Structured Streaming for rich semantics ○ ETL Tasks. ○ ex) Join records with RDBMS, run ML pipeline, etc., ... ● Kafka Streams for lightweight manipulation of Kafka topics ○ Preprocess Kafka topics. ○ Microservice run with Kafka topics. ○ Event-based prediction. (e.g., Kafka Streams w/ tensorflow)

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Questions? ● Slides ○ ● 한국 스파크 사용자 모임 ○ ● Kafka 한국 사용자 모임 ○