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lagénorhynque lagénorhynque (defprofile lagénorhynque :id @lagenorhynque :reading "/laʒenɔʁɛ̃ k/" :aliases [" "] :languages [Clojure Haskell English français] :interests [programming language-learning law mathematics] :commits ["" ""] :contributes [""])
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1. 2.
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(comparative linguistics) (comparative linguistics) (language family) > (branch) cf. (languages)
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(Indo-European) (Italic): (Germanic): , (Balto-Slavic): (Afro-Asiatic) (Semitic): (Sino-Tibetan) (Sinitic): ( ): , etc.
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(linguistic typology) (linguistic typology) (morphological typology) (isolating language): (agglutinative language): , (in ected language): , , , , (incorporating language):
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(word order) : , , : , , , : etc. SOV SVO VSO
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( ) ( ) (phonogram) (phonemic script) (alphabet): , , (abjad): , (abugida): (syllabic script) (logogram): (ideogram):
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: ( ? + ? > ?) : : SOV : ( ) ( > ) / /
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Watashi wa shiro wain ga ippai nomitai.
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/ ( ; Hàny ǔ ) / ( ; Hàny ǔ ) : > : : SVO : ( ) ( )
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Wǒ xiǎng hè y ī b ē i bái pútáojiǔ.
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/ English / English : > : : SVO : ( > > ) /
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I want to drink a glass of white wine.
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/ français / français : > : : SVO : ( > > )
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Je veux boire un verre de vin blanc.
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/ Deutsch / Deutsch : > : : SOV : ( > > ) V2
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Ich möchte ein Glas Weißwein trinken.
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/ русский язык (russkiy yazyk) / русский язык (russkiy yazyk) : > : : SVO : ( > > ) /
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Ya khochu vypit' stakan belogo vina. Я хочу выпить стакан белого вина.
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/ / ﺔﯾﺑرﻌﻟا ﺔﻐﻠﻟا ﺔﯾﺑرﻌﻟا ﺔﻐﻠﻟا (allughat alearabia) (allughat alearabia) : > : : VSO : ( > > ) 3
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'urid 'an 'ashrib kwbana min alnabidh al'abyadi. ا ا ً ب أ نأ رأ.
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/ Türkçe / Türkçe : ( ? > ?) : : SOV : ( > > ) / /
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Bir kadeh beyaz şarap içmek istiyorum.
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Further Reading Further Reading ( )