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Practical application of ReactorKit ReactorKit Meetup Japan 18/06/28

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Yu Sugawara @yusuga_

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• Picos LLC. • Sapporo • 3 members: iOS Engineer / Web Engineer / Web Designer • Currently looking for new projects!

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Practical application of ReactorKit

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Reason for adoption

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Do you know the proper implementation of ___ ?

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Do you know the proper implementation of ___ ? • ___ → MVC, MVVM, MVP, Clean Architecture, VIPER • Cost of learning • In-house usage incurs additional cost of learning

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It is difficult to properly implement the architecture

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• ReactorKit is a framework for a reactive and unidirectional Swift application architecture.

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Lightweight architecture

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Lightweight architecture • Only two protocols. 1. View protocol (StoryboardView protocol) 2. Reactor protocol • The less pieces, the easier to understand

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Lightweight architecture Layer Purpose View Raise an action, reflect state on the display. Reactor Update state by an action. Service Business logic. For example, API request, update DB, etc.

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Lightweight architecture Layer In order to... View Conform to View protocol. Reactor Conform to Reactor protocol. Service No protocols in place but can be implemented.

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Lightweight architecture • Depending on your project... • Too simple architecture might make a project even more complex • In our experience, it was just right

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Examples • Counter • The most simple and basic example of ReactorKit • GitHubSearch • A simple implementation of asynchronous process which provides a GitHub repository search

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Examples • RxTodo • How to implement TableView tasks in a service layer • Cleverbot • How to implement API Request in a service layer • Drrrible • A practical example available in the App Store

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Articles in Japanese • ReactorKit(Flux + Reactive Programming)ΛֶͿ1 ೖ໳ฤ • ReactorKit(Flux + Reactive Programming)ΛֶͿ2 جૅฤ • ReactorKit(Flux + Reactive Programming)ΛֶͿ3 ࣮ફฤ • Other: iOSΞϓϦͷΞʔΩςΫνϟʹ͍ͭͯߟ͑Δ • Comparison with MVC2, MVVM and ReactorKit

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Some troubles that we encountered

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Some troubles that we encountered • On a 1 1/2 month project... • Some problems were difficult to understand without experiencing them firsthand

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! Q #1: Who controls screen transitions?

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! Q #1: Who controls screen transitions? • For example with MVVM... • ViewModel controls screen transitions • Used for loosely coupling Views • kicksterter/ios-oss is an example which uses View (UIViewController) for screen transitions

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! Q #1: Who controls screen transitions? • ! A. View layer • You can NOT import UIKit with Reactor

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RxTodo - TaskListViewController self.addButtonItem.rx.tap .map(reactor.reactorForCreatingTask) .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] reactor in guard let `self` = self else { return } let viewController = TaskEditViewController(reactor: reactor) let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewController) self.present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil) }) .disposed(by: self.disposeBag)

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! Q #2: Who controls Alerts?

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! Q #2: Who controls Alerts? • Usually View does, but... let alert = AlertService(provider: reactor.provider) let alertActions: [TaskEditViewCancelAlertAction] = [.leave, .stay] self.cancelButtonItem.rx.tap .flatMap { title: "Really?", message: "All changes will be lost", preferredStyle: .alert, actions: alertActions) } .filter { $0 == .leave } .map { _ in Reactor.Action.cancel } .bind(to: reactor.action) .disposed(by: self.disposeBag)

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! Q #2: Who controls Alerts? • ! A. Service layer

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RxTodo - TaskEditViewController final class TaskEditViewController: BaseViewController, View { func bind(reactor: TaskEditViewReactor) { self.cancelButtonItem.rx.tap .map { Reactor.Action.cancel } .bind(to: reactor.action) .disposed(by: self.disposeBag) } }

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RxTodo - TaskEditViewReactor case .cancel: if !self.currentState.shouldConfirmCancel { return .just(.dismiss) // no need to confirm } let alertActions: [TaskEditViewCancelAlertAction] = [.leave, .stay] return self.provider.alertService .show( title: "Really?", message: "All changes will be lost", preferredStyle: .alert, actions: alertActions ) .flatMap { alertAction -> Observable in switch alertAction { case .leave: return .just(.dismiss) case .stay: return .empty() } }

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AlertService • RxTodo/Sources/Services/AlertService is amazing • This makes the Action of Alert type-safe.

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This makes the Action of Alert type-safe case .cancel: if !self.currentState.shouldConfirmCancel { return .just(.dismiss) // no need to confirm } let alertActions: [TaskEditViewCancelAlertAction] = [.leave, .stay] return self.provider.alertService .show( title: "Really?", message: "All changes will be lost", preferredStyle: .alert, actions: alertActions ) .flatMap { alertAction -> Observable in switch alertAction { case .leave: return .just(.dismiss) case .stay: return .empty() } }

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Controlling Alerts with the Service layer • There are arguments for and against • Further details are available at ReactorKitΛֶͿ3 ࣮ફฤ • In my opinion, user operations are part of the action stream • Another example: login screens

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Drrrible - AuthService final class AuthService: AuthServiceType { func authorize() -> Observable { // ...... let safariViewController = SFSafariViewController(url: url) let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: safariViewController) navigationController.isNavigationBarHidden = true self.navigator.present(navigationController) self.currentViewController = navigationController return self.callbackSubject .flatMap(self.accessToken) .do(onNext: { [weak self] accessToken in try self?.saveAccessToken(accessToken) self?.currentAccessToken = accessToken }) .map { _ in } } }

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Drrrible - AuthService final class AuthService: AuthServiceType { fileprivate let callbackSubject = PublishSubject() }

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Drrrible - AuthService final class AuthService: AuthServiceType { func callback(code: String) { self.callbackSubject.onNext(code) self.currentViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) self.currentViewController = nil } }

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Drrrible - LoginViewReactor final class LoginViewReactor: Reactor, ServiceContainer { func mutate(action: Action) -> Observable { switch action { case .login: let setLoading: Observable = .just(Mutation.setLoading(true)) let setLoggedIn: Observable = self.authService.authorize() .flatMap { self.userService.fetchMe() } .map { true } .catchErrorJustReturn(false) .map(Mutation.setLoggedIn) return setLoading.concat(setLoggedIn) } } }

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! Q #3: How to use in combination with Realm?

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Realm's Notification is excellent let results = realm.objects(Person.self).filter("age > 5") notificationToken = results.observe { [weak self] (changes: RealmCollectionChange) in guard let tableView = self?.tableView else { return } switch changes { case .initial: tableView.reloadData() case .update(_, let deletions, let insertions, let modifications): tableView.beginUpdates() tableView.insertRows(at:{ IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0) }), with: .automatic) tableView.deleteRows(at:{ IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0)}), with: .automatic) tableView.reloadRows(at:{ IndexPath(row: $0, section: 0) }), with: .automatic) tableView.endUpdates() case .error(let error): fatalError("\(error)") } }

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! Q #3: How to use in combination with Realm? • ! A. As a global event of a Service layer

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Global Event

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RxTodo - TaskService

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! Q #4: Do you need Reactor for NoAction?

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ReactorKit - Reactor public struct NoAction {}

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Cleverbot - MessageCellReactor final class MessageCellReactor: Reactor { typealias Action = NoAction struct State { var message: String? } let initialState: State init(message: Message) { self.initialState = State(message: message.text) } }

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! Q #4: Do you need Reactor for NoAction? • ! A. Not necessary, but there are some benefit

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! Q #4: Do you need Reactor for NoAction? • Design Goal (from Official Doc.) • Start Small: ReactorKit doesn't require the whole application to follow a single architecture. ReactorKit can be > adopted partially, for one or more specific views. You don't need to rewrite everything to use ReactorKit on your existing project. ReactorKit -

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Reason that I use Reactor with NoAction • Want a UI component to be reactive • e.g. the stream of a global event • Obey the design concept; View : Reacter ʹ 1 : 1 • Conversion over configuration works well

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! Q #5: Who manages UITableViewCell's Reactor ?

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! Q #5: Who manages UITableViewCell's Reactor ? • For example, the composition of UITableViewController's Reactor and UITableViewCells' Reactors • UITableViewCells' Reactors dynamically increase and decrease Cleverbot

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! Q #5: Who manages UITableViewCell's Reactor ? ! A. UITableViewController's Reactor Cleverbot

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Cleverbot - ChatViewSection struct ChatViewSection { var items: [ChatViewSectionItem] } enum ChatViewSectionItem { case incomingMessage(MessageCellReactor) case outgoingMessage(MessageCellReactor) }

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Cleverbot - ChatViewReactor final class ChatViewReactor: Reactor { struct State { var sections: [ChatViewSection] = [ChatViewSection(items: [])] var cleverbotState: String? = nil } }

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6. Dependency Injection

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Drrrible (0.2.0) - DI import Swinject import SwinjectAutoregistration let DI = Container().then { $0.register(Networking.self) { _ in Networking(plugins: [AuthPlugin()]) } .inObjectScope(.container) $0.autoregister(AuthServiceType.self, initializer: AuthService.init) .inObjectScope(.container) $0.autoregister(UserServiceType.self, initializer: UserService.init) .inObjectScope(.container) $0.autoregister(ShotServiceType.self, initializer: ShotService.init) .inObjectScope(.container) $0.autoregister(AppStoreServiceType.self, initializer: AppStoreService.init) .inObjectScope(.container) }

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Drrrible (0.2.0) - ServiceContainer protocol ServiceContainer {} extension ServiceContainer { var networking: Networking { return DI.resolve(Networking.self)! } var authService: AuthServiceType { return DI.resolve(AuthServiceType.self)! } var userService: UserServiceType { return DI.resolve(UserServiceType.self)! } var shotService: ShotServiceType { return DI.resolve(ShotServiceType.self)! } var appStoreService: AppStoreServiceType { return DI.resolve(AppStoreServiceType.self)! } }

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SwinjectStoryboard (Our experience) extension SwinjectStoryboard { @objc class func setup() { defaultContainer.register(AppRootViewReactor.self) { _ in AppRootViewReactor() } defaultContainer.storyboardInitCompleted(AppRootViewController.self) { $1.reactor = $0.resolve(AppRootViewReactor.self) } } }

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I'm still having troubles with DI • The latest Drrrible does not have Swinject • Remove Swinject @devxoul committed on 16 Aug 2017 • I don't know why Swinject was removed, so we ask devxoul later • Perhaps planning to introduce devxoul/Pure? • Pure DI is Dependency Injection without a DI Container

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Future tasks • Difficult to design 'transform()' • Much easier to trigger 'refresh' in 'viewWillAppear()' • For more details see ReactorKitΛֶͿ3 ࣮ફฤ • I'm worried about performance of ReactorKit (and RxSwift) with larger projects

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Conclusion • Conversion over configuration makes development easy • Conforming to Protocol allows for flexible desgin • Unidirectional streams are easier to construct • Less code required for architecture

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Thank you!ɹɹɹ ɹ