Slide 6
Slide 6 text
先⾏研究: フィードフォワードネットを
記憶装置 (key-value memory) とみなす [Geva+ʼ21]
フィードフォワードネット (=2層MLP) は注意機構と似ている
2022/09/27 ୈ14ճ࠷ઌNLPษڧձ
Attention head
Key vectors
Value vectors
… weighted sum
inner product
mer block works as a key-value memory. The first linear
ner product. Taking the activation of these neurons as
e vectors through weighted sum. We hypothesize that
expressing factual knowledge.
in Transformers, even without any fine-tuning.
2 Background: Transformer
Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) is one of the
most popular and effective NLP architectures. A
Transformer encoder is stacked with L identical
blocks. Each Transformer block mainly contains
two modules: a self-attention module, and a feed-
forward network (abbreviated as FFN) module. Let
X 2 Rn⇥d denote the input matrix, two modules
can be formulated as follows:
Qh = XW
h ,Kh = XW
h , Vh = XW
h , (1)
Self-Atth(X) = softmax QhK
h Vh, (2)
FFN(H) = gelu (HW1) W2, (3)
2: Illustration of how an FFN module in a Transformer block works as a key-value memory. The first linear
FFN(key) computes intermediate neurons through inner product. Taking the activation of these neurons as
s, the second linear layer FFN(val) integrates value vectors through weighted sum. We hypothesize that
edge neurons in the FFN module are responsible for expressing factual knowledge.
fectiveness of the proposed knowledge at-
on method. First, suppressing and ampli-
knowledge neurons notably affects the ex-
on of the corresponding knowledge. Second,
d that knowledge neurons of a fact tend to
ivated more by corresponding knowledge-
ssing prompts. Third, given the knowledge
ns of a fact, the top activating prompts re-
d from open-domain texts usually express
rresponding fact, while the bottom activating
pts do not express the correct relation.
our case studies, we try to leverage knowl-
neurons to explicitly edit factual knowledge
trained Transformers without any fine-tuning.
esent two preliminary studies: updating facts,
asing relations. After identifying the knowl-
neurons, we perform a knowledge surgery
in Transformers, even without any fine-tuning.
2 Background: Transformer
Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) is one of the
most popular and effective NLP architectures. A
Transformer encoder is stacked with L identical
blocks. Each Transformer block mainly contains
two modules: a self-attention module, and a feed-
forward network (abbreviated as FFN) module. Let
X 2 Rn⇥d denote the input matrix, two modules
can be formulated as follows:
Qh = XW
h ,Kh = XW
h , Vh = XW
h , (1)
Self-Atth(X) = softmax QhK
h Vh, (2)
FFN(H) = gelu (HW1) W2, (3)
where W
h , W
h , W
h , W1, W2 are parameter ma-