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try! Swift Tokyo 2024 After Talk Presented by: Kenta Enomoto, STORES, Inc. Date: March 27, 2024 Introducing Pkl

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About Me 2 Kenta Enomoto STORES, Inc. Branded App Team iOS Engineer

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About Pkl 3 ● An open-source language developed by Apple ● Configuration that is programmable, scalable, and safe ● Generates output for JSON, YAML, Property Lists, XML, and more ● /ˈpɪk.əl/

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Basic Syntax 4 name = "Swallow" job { title = "Sr. Nest Maker" company = "Nests R Us" yearsOfExperience = 2 } sample.pkl

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Basic Syntax (with Class) 5 amends "../Environment.pkl" appmakerClientId = "a1b2c3d4e5g6h7i8j9k0A1" appmakerTemplateId = "4649" isDarkContentBarStyle = true itemsPerPage = 20 appearance { colorAccent = "#333333FF" colorAccentLight = "#D3D3D3FF" colorPrimary = "#FFFFFFFF" } myEnvironment.pkl import "Appearance.pkl" appmakerClientId: String appmakerTemplateId: String isDarkContentBarStyle: Boolean itemsPerPage: Int appearance: Appearance Environment.pkl

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Validation 6 import "Appearance.pkl" appmakerClientId: String appmakerTemplateId: String(this.length == 4) itemsPerPage: Int(this > 0 && this < 50) isDarkContentBarStyle: Boolean appearance: Appearance Environment.pkl colorAccent: String(this.startsWith("#") && (this.length == 7 || this.length == 9)) colorAccentLight: String(this.matches(Regex("^#([0-9A-Fa-f]{6}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})$"))) // You can even use regex colorPrimary: String Appearance.pkl

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Code Generation with Pkl 7 amends "../Environment.pkl" appmakerClientId = "a1b2c3d4e5g6h7i8j9k0A1" appmakerTemplateId = "4649" isDarkContentBarStyle = true itemsPerPage = 20 appearance { colorAccent = "#333333FF" colorAccentLight = "#D3D3D3FF" colorPrimary = "#FFFFFFFF" } myEnvironment.pkl { "appmakerClientId": "a1b2c3d4e5g6h7i8j9k0A1", "appmakerTemplateId": "4649", "isDarkContentBarStyle": true, "itemsPerPage": 20, "appearance": { "colorAccent": "#333333FF", "colorAccentLight": "#D3D3D3FF", "colorPrimary": "#FFFFFFFF" } } my_environment.json $ pkl eval -f json myEnvironment.pkl -o my_environment.json

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Use Cases 8 ● Originally developed as a server technology ● Generate Kubernetes manifest files

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Use Cases for iOS Apps 9 ● Automatically generate multiple apps from the same codebase by injecting configuration items. ● For managing the configuration of large applications with YAML or JSON, you can generate configuration files with type safety (Hello XcodeGen.) ● Let me know your ideas.

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Integration with iOS Apps 10 ● PklSwift ○ Swift Code generation from Pkl ○ fully type-safe ○ Interface with Swift Concurrency ○ ● PklSwift does not work for iOS (yet.)

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Integration with iOS Apps 11 Generate property lists and JSON files using the pkl eval command.

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Thank you 13 Enjoy your daily configuration :D