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Tracking All the Things Chris Powers Engineering Manager at Groupon

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Where We Were (Tech) Tracking Chaos! 20-30 tracking pixels per page Tracking servers on the brink of falling over Multiple tracking systems, schemas across platforms Unable to collect rich data

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Where We Were (Org) Organizational Chaos! No central ownership, no oversight Little communication/collaboration between trackers Multiple tracking systems across organization Different groups with different data requirements

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Data Consumers CEO: Key Business Metrics Marketing: Attribution, SEM Spend PM/Developers: Feature Metrics, Lift Data Scientists: Data Spelunking

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Where do we track?

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API Desktop Browsers Mobile Browsers iOS Android Web App Touch App Backend Service Backend Service Email

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Browsers Mobile API Services Email Transform Data Warehouse Real-time Analytics Ad Hoc Queries Raw Store UAT, Staging, Production

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What do we track?

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Tracking Dichotomies Centralized vs. Decentralized (Core vs. Ad Hoc) Explicit vs. Implicit Fat vs. Skinny Client-side vs. Server-side Logic

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Message Overhead Client/Server Event IDs Client/Server Timestamps Client Message Index Schema ID App ID - where did the message come from? Message Encoding - To JSON, or not to JSON?

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TIME User Session Session Page Page Page Page Page Page Page TRACKING EVENTS

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User/Device Data User Identifier User Agent (parsed or raw) Metadata: Number visits, kind of user, etc. Logged in / logged out Leave tracking cookie after logout?

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Sessionization Session ID (Timestamp + User ID) Session Expiry Logic Set cookie w/ wildcard domain, time limit (not session) Session ID will be used as a key for client data Referral Data

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Page View Data What constitutes a “page view”? AJAX? Mobile? Page ID (Session ID + Timestamp) Type (what kind of a page) URL (parsed or not?) Country/Locale (can this change in a session?)

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Page View Data, Cont. App Specific Metadata Referring Page ID, Referring Click ID Other app specific attribution logic Tracking Library Version Beware the Back Button, Reload & Browser Cache

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How do we track?

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Explicit Tracking TrackingHub - simple one liner tracking TrackingHub.add(“msgName”, {some: “data”})

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Implicit Tracking Bloodhound - Easy impression/click tracking

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Importance of Visualizations Make the (nearly) invisible visible! Improve adoption from non-tech team members Improve adoption from developers too! Provide visibility outside of engineering/product org

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Delivering Client Messages Batch messages to reduce overhead, server load Persist message cache across page loads Use retry logic if delivery fails Options for encoding batches Origin switches are a pain point (http/https, subdomain)

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Persistence Tips Version all messages Create migration functions to upgrade data to newest version Isolate top-level localStorage keys to reduce churn Abstract away storage engine (cookie, localStorage, db) Track storage usage, fire warning messages Purge old data (beware of ghosts)

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Data Verification Surprisingly hard to verify correctness Define success metrics and loss thresholds up front You will have data loss - how will you measure it? Identify points throughout pipe where validation can occur Consider a tracking pixel as a point of comparison Use message indexes to identify dropped messages

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Testing the Tracking Unit Test the tracking components and all “core” tracking Use a crawler to fire messages, look for them in data stores Keep realtime alerts looking for missing/malformed keys Develop process when quality is questioned, don’t panic!

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Tracking Security Nothing from the client can be fully trusted. Bots will run JS, and they will do weird things. Be prepared and able to throw out data by session/user/ip. Know your users’ patterns, and identify outliers. Be prepared to block IPs from the tracking endpoint.

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Questions? @chrisjpowers