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Monitoring with Prometheus & Thanos

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Agenda Why Monitoring Monitoring Stack Why Thanos Thanos Components Managing Overload

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Why SRE's Care About Monitoring?

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How we monitor Monitoring Stack Prometheus, Operator: we k8s Thanos, Grafana Legacy Graphite & StatsD Prometheus on EC2

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Deployment Prometheus operator helm chart: Prometheus, Alertmanager, Grafana servers Host node_exporter kube-state-metrics Default set of Alerts and Dashboards The helm chart IS NOT kube-prometheus

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Configuration kube-prometheus/values.yaml prometheus: ingress: ... prometheusSpec: replicas: 2 retention: 48h storageSpec: ... alertmanager: ingress: ... alertmanagerSpec: ... config: route: routes: ... receivers: ...

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Scraping targets kube-prometheus/values.yaml prometheus: prometheusSpec: serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: any: true # scrape any ServiceMonitor which has metadata labels `prometheus=my-prometheus` serviceMonitorSelector: matchExpressions: - key: prometheus operator: In values: - my-prometheus ...

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Scraping targets kubectl get servicemonitor random-cvs-k8s-sm -o yaml kind: ServiceMonitor metadata: labels: prometheus: my-prometheus name: random-svc-k8s-sm spec: namespaceSelector: matchNames: - tribe-name selector: matchLabels: app: random-svc-k8s

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Namespaced Prometheus HA Prometheus pods per namespace Only for product engineering teams Reduce coupling between teams

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Provisioning cluster-namespaces/charts/helmfile.yaml - name: {{ requiredEnv "NS_NAME" }}-monitoring namespace: monitoring chart: ./ns-monitoring version: 0.1.0 values: - ../namespaces/{{ requiredEnv "NS_NAME" }}/{{ requiredEnv "ENV_NAME" }}/values.yaml - ns-monitoring/values-{{ requiredEnv "ENV_NAME" }}.yaml.gotmpl

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Configuration cluster-namespaces/charts/ns-monitoring/values-live.yaml.gotmpl prometheusSpec: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - {{ requiredEnv "NS_NAME" }}-init ruleNamespaceSelector: matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - {{ requiredEnv "NS_NAME" }}-init serviceMonitorSelector: matchExpressions: ...

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Listing Running Prometheus kgp -l app=prometheus -n monitoring | awk '{print $1}' prometheus-consumer-core-monitoring-prometheus-0 prometheus-consumer-core-monitoring-prometheus-1 prometheus-conversions-monitoring-prometheus-0 prometheus-conversions-monitoring-prometheus-1 prometheus-crm-data-monitoring-prometheus-0 prometheus-crm-data-monitoring-prometheus-1 prometheus-discovery-monitoring-prometheus-0 prometheus-discovery-monitoring-prometheus-1 prometheus-payments-monitoring-prometheus-0 prometheus-payments-monitoring-prometheus-1 prometheus-platform-monitoring-prometheus-0 prometheus-platform-monitoring-prometheus-1 ...

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Limitations Alerting on longer periods are not possible, retention is too low

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Wrapping up HA Prometheus per namespace are automatically provisioned, altho they all run at monitoring namespace. Platform on-call team are paged if smth goes wrong. Shared responsibility between Cloud Runtime and SRE squads. Namespaced Prometheus pods have 12h of retention.

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Routing Alerts charts/external/kube-prometheus/values-live-eks.yaml alertmanager: config: route: receiver: 'default-receiver' routes: - match: tribe: platform receiver: 'platform-opsgenie' # we need to do the step above for every tribe - match: tribe: page receiver: 'opsgenie'

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Why Thanos? Prometheus federation is hard Global View Long term storage (LTS) Downsampling

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Prometheus Federation Global Prometheus that pulls aggregated metrics from datacenter Prometheus servers.

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Prometheus Federation prometheus.yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: 'federate' honor_labels: true metrics_path: '/federate' params: 'match[]': - '{__name__=~"job:.*"}' static_configs: - targets: - 'kube-prometheus:9090' - 'platform-prometheus:9090' - 'consumer-core-prometheus:9090'

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Thanos Architecture

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Thanos Querier

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Thanos Sidecar

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Thanos Store

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Thanos Compactor

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Thanos Ruler

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HA Ruler Two different deployments rule: replicas: 1 persistence: enabled: true size: 10Gi storageClass: default ruleReplica: replicas: 1 ...

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Deployment Models Federation, Global View Monitoring Cluster

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Federation with Thanos

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Managing Overload High cardinality metrics are likely to be the primary cause of the performance problems.

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TSDB (Time Series Database) Briefly

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Detecting a Problem prometheus_tsdb_head_series metric tells the total number of time series, check if it has increased

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Detecting a Problem prometheus_tsdb_head_samples_appended_total tells the ingestion rate

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Detecting a Problem Find expensive metrics topk(10, count by (name, job) ({name=~".+"}))

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Reduce Load Dropping labels kubectl edit servicemonitors service-monitor-name endpoints: ... metricRelabelings: - action: labeldrop regex: (id|path|status)

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Reduce Load Dropping metrics endpoints: ... metricRelabelings: - action: drop regex: component_(expensive_metric_foo|expensive_metric_bar) sourceLabels: - __name__

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Reduce Load Increase scrape_interval and evaluation_interval On service monitor kubectl edit servicemonitors service-monitor-name endpoints: interval: 45s ... PS: Keep in mind that it’s not practical to increase these beyond 2 minutes

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Reduce Load On Prometheus operator globally prometheusSpec: scrapeInterval: 45s evaluationInterval: 45s ...

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Sample Limit On service monitor endpoints: sampleLimit: 150000 On thanos store helm chart config containers: - name: thanos-store args: - "--store.grpc.series-sample-limit={{ }}"

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