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Modern Device Features Andrew Dunkman @adunkman Leveraging From the Web The previously scheduled talk “Continuous Delivery with Node.JS and Docker” isn’t happening for reasons, so here’s something entirely different.

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Web Apps U G H EXIT 90

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Web Apps U G H EXIT 90 Native Apps W T F EXIT 91

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Web Apps U G H EXIT 90

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Web Apps U G H EXIT 90 Desktop Apps R L Y EXIT 92

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getUserMedia WebRTC Peer Connection Ambient Light Notification Battery Orientation Geolocation Service Workers Web Workers File, FileList IndexedDB AppCache Local, Session Storage

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Modern Device Features Geolocation

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Modern Device Features Ambient Light

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Modern Device Features getUserMedia

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Modern Device Features Orientation

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Modern Device Features Battery

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Modern Device Features Notification

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Modern Device Features File, FileList

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Modern Device Features Local, Session Storage

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Modern Device Features Web Workers

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Modern Device Features Service Workers

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Modern Device Features IndexedDB

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Modern Device Features WebRTC Peer Connection

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Modern Device Features WebRTC Peer Connection

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Modern Device Features AppCache

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Modern Device Features AppCache Please don’t.

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getUserMedia WebRTC Peer Connection Ambient Light Notification Battery Orientation Geolocation Service Workers Web Workers File, FileList IndexedDB AppCache Local, Session Storage

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getUserMedia WebRTC Peer Connection Ambient Light Notification Battery Orientation Geolocation Service Workers Web Workers File, FileList IndexedDB AppCache Local, Session Storage

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Modern Device Features Andrew Dunkman @adunkman Leveraging From the Web

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Modern Device Features Andrew Dunkman @adunkman Leveraging From the Web Demos: Slides: