From Vertical to Horizontal
The challenges of scalability in the cloud
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Four-line bio
● CTO & co-founder at Exoscale
● Open Source Developer
● Monitoring & Distributed Systems Enthusiast
● Linux since 1997
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“The ability of a system, network, or process to handle
a growing amount of work in a capable manner or its
ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth”
- Wikipedia
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● Culture
● Organization and Process
● Technical Architecture
● Operations
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● Culture
● Organization and Process
● Technical Architecture
● Operations
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Scaling Geometry
Recent History
Enter the cloud
Distributed Headaches
Architecture Drivers
Looking forward
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Quick Notes
● “Cloud” an umbrella term
● Here conflated with public IAAS
● Oriented toward web application design
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Scaling Geometry
Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal
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Vertical (scaling up)
Adding resources to a single system
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Vertical (scaling up)
This is how you typically approach scaling MySQL
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Horizontal (scaling out)
Accommodate growth by spreading workload over
several systems
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Horizontal (scaling out)
Typical approach to scaling web servers
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Most common strategy: vertical first, and then
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Recent History
Leading up to IAAS
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Whenever possible, a great approach
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So, why stop?
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Moore’s law
“Over the history of computing, the number of
transistors on integrated circuits doubles
approximately every two years.”
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Average core speed has been stable for several years
Consistent increase in cores per node
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“You mean I have to use threads?”
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Vertical Scaling Challenges
(424 pages)
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Vertical Scaling Challenges
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No more automatic vertical approach
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“What if I put an API on it?”
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Enter: the Cloud
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● IT as a utility
● Programmable resources
● Decoupling of storage from system resources
● Usage-based billing model
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● Much lower capacity planning overhead
● OPEX makes accounting department happy
● Nobody likes to change disks or rack servers
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● Switches? gone.
● VLANs? gone.
● IP allocation and translation? gone.
● OS partitioning? gone.
● OS RAID management? gone.
“There is no cloud, there is just someone else’s computer”
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● It’s hard to break out of the big iron mental model
● It’s hard to change our trust model
○ “I want to be able to see my servers!”
● There is still an upper limit on node size
● Horizontal-first approach to building infrastructure
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Distributed Headaches
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Two nodes interacting imply a distributed system
Reduces SPOF, increases amount of failure scenarios
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Distributed systems are subject to Brewer/CAP
Cannot enjoy three of Consistency, Availability, Partition tolerance
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● Consistency: Simultaneous requests see a consistent set of data
● Availability: Each incoming request is acknowledged and receives a success or failure
● Partition Tolerance: The system will continue to process incoming requests in the face
of failures
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Architecture Drivers
Reducing complexity to focus on higher order problems
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Inspectable services
Queues over RPC
Degrade gracefully
Prefer concerned citizens
Configuration from a service registry
Nodes as immutable data structures
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Inspectable services
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Build introspection within services
Number of acknowledged, processed, failed requests
Time actions to quickly identify hotspots
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Avoid the monitor effect
Small unobtrusive probes
UDP is often sufficient
Queues help dynamically shape systems
Queue backlog growing? Spin-up new workers!
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Degrade Gracefully
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Embrace failure
Systems will fail. In ways you didn’t expect.
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Avoid failure propagation
Implement backpressure to avoid killing loaded systems. Queues make great pressure valves.
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Don’t give up
Use connection pooling and retry policies.
Best in class: finagle, cassandra-driver
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Keep systems up
SQL down? No more account creations, still serving existing customers.
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Prefer Concerned Citizens
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All moving parts force new compromises
This is true of internal and external components
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Choose components accordingly
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You probably want an AP queueing system
So please avoid using MySQL as one!
Candidates: Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, Redis (to a lesser extent)
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Cache locally
Much higher aggregated cache capacity
No Huge SPOF
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Choose your storage compromises
Object Storage, Distributed KV (eventual consistency), SQL (no P or A).
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Configuration through service registries
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Keep track of node volatility
Reprovisioning of configuration on cluster topology changes
Load-balancers make a great interaction point (concentrate changes there)
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The service registry is critical
Ideally needs to be a strongly consistent, distributed system.
You already have an eventually consistent one: DNS!
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Zookeeper and Etcd
Current best in class. Promotes usage in-app as well as distributed locks, barriers, etc.
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Immutable Infrastructure
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No more fixing nodes
Human intervention means configuration drift
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● Configuration Drift? Reprovision node.
● New version of software? Reprovision node.
● Configuration file change? Reprovision node.
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Depart from using the machine as the base unit of
All nodes in clusters should be equivalent
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Looking Forward
The cluster is the computer
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A new layer of abstraction
Virtual resources pooled and orchestrated
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Generic platform abstractions
PAAS solutions are a commodity (cf: OpenShift)
Generic scheduling and failover frameworks (Mesos, Kubernetes Operators)