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Mike Clarke @mikeclarke Postgres at Disqus

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what is disqus

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what is disqus

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the present

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where we use Postgres ๏ All comment data ๏ Comments ๏ Threads ๏ Forums ๏ Imports ๏ All user data ๏ Users ๏ Profiles

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where we DON’T we use it ๏ Stats and counters (Cassandra) ๏ Eventual consistency ๏ Availability ๏ Queue (RabbitMQ) ๏ Compatibility with existing libraries ๏ Availability

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our main cluster ๏ 3+ TB of data ๏ Hardware ๏ 6 node cluster (1 master, 1 failover, 4 read-only slaves) ๏ 384G RAM ๏ 16xRAID10 800G SSDs ๏ Previously 32xRAID10 15K RPM drives ๏ Dual 2.9GHz OctoCore CPUs

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our workload ๏ 50,000 transactions / second ๏ Even more queries / second ๏ millions of new posts + threads daily

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the power of SSDs (before)

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the power of SSDs (before)

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the power of SSDs (after)

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the power of SSDs (after)

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pain points

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logical replication ๏ Love + Hate for Slony ๏ Killer feature: flexible replication sets ๏ Still running a patched 2.0.3 release ๏ Hate the lock-in & using 3rd party tool ๏ Tremendous risk associated with upgrade ๏ Unbelievably excited for BDR

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connecting to postgres ๏ Lots of possibilities ๏ Connect directly to Postgres ๏ local pgBouncer - Postgres ๏ pgBouncer - pgBouncer - Postgres ๏ pgBouncer - HAProxy - Postgres ๏ HAProxy - pgBouncer - Postgres ๏ Zen of Python ๏ “There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.”

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the future

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a parallel to nginx ๏ right tool for the job... ๏ ...isn’t always obvious ๏ nginx can be used for: ๏ streaming HTTP connections ๏ resizing images on the fly ๏ caching & transforming HTTP responses ๏ and more!

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building your app on your database vs. building your app inside your database

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real extensions ๏ already a bunch of awesome extensions today ๏ PostGIS (huge di erentiator for PG) ๏ pg_repack ๏ pl/v8 ๏ hstore ๏ ... and others, but we can do better

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“magical pony” extensions ๏ PL/Proxy-style query routing ๏ move partitioning logic into postgres ๏ query progress indicator ๏ helps set biz analyst expectations ๏ pg_autoscale ๏ tools a la Heroku for everyone ๏ INDEXED BY support in SQL

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tl;dr 1. SSDs are fantastic 2. connections & replication 3. extensions are a honking great idea -- let’s do more!

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thanks! @mikeclarke