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Dapr on AKS: building distributed apps with ease

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Marc Duiker Azure MVP 2 Sr Dev Advocate [email protected] Dapr Community Manager ❤️ pixel art

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3 Building block demos Deploy to AKS What is Dapr?

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What is Dapr? 4

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5 E-commerce system State Management Email Payment Front-end Shipping Checkout Inventory Cart Internet Queue I just want to trace my calls end-to-end. How do I encrypt calls with ongoing cert rotation? How do applications discover and call each other? How do I handle failed calls and perform retries? How do I secure access to my data layer? How do I handle state conflicts from multiple apps? How do I measure latency on my database? How do I orchestrate business logic transactions? How do I send messages to many applications? Developer challenges

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6 Distributed application runtime

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7 Dapr is a portable, event- driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.

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8 virtual or physical machines

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9 Speeds up microservice development by providing a common set of building block APIs.

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10 Service invocation State Management Publish & subscribe Bindings (input & output) Actors Secret Stores Configuration Observability Workflows Distributed Lock

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11 HTTP/gRPC Dapr API Dapr sidecar Application App

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12 POST http://localhost:3500/v1.0/invoke/cart/method/order GET http://localhost:3500/v1.0/state/inventory/item67 POST http://localhost:3500/v1.0/publish/order GET http://localhost:3500/v1.0/secrets/vault/password42 GET http://localhost:3500/v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr/businessprocess/1234/start HTTP/gRPC Dapr API App

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13 C# Python Java Script Java Go SDKs

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14 10th largest CNCF project Submitted to CNCF Nov 2021 Incubation maturity level

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20.5K GitHub stars 2.5K Contributors +1M Docker pulls / month 290k Unique doc views / month 5.4k Discord members 15

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16 Contributing organizations

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17 Bindings Configuration State Management Publish & subscribe Observability Actors Secret Stores Workflows Distributed Lock Components AWS DynamoDB Azure CosmosDB GCP Firebase Redis Cassandra AWS SQS Azure Service Bus GCP Pub/Sub Redis RabbitMQ AWS Secrets mngr Azure KeyVault GCP Secret mngr HashiCorp Vault Kubernetes Secrets AWS DynamoDB Azure CosmosDB Redis MongoDB Postgres AWS S3 Azure Storage GCP Storage Twilio Kafka Jeager Zipkin Prometheus App Insights Datadog Redis Redis Azure App Configuration Dapr Workflow

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19 App CosmosDB

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20 Sidecar App CosmosDB metadata: name: mystorage spec: type: metadata: - name: value: SaveStateAsync() GetStateAsync() yaml

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21 Redis metadata: name: mystorage spec: type: state.redis metadata: - name: value: Sidecar App SaveStateAsync() GetStateAsync() yaml

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22 Is Dapr a service mesh?

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23 No.

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24 Developer centric Infrastructure centric Service mesh ≠ Building block APIs & components Network traffic & Routing

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Building block demos 25

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26 Service invocation Checkout Order processor POST

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27 Publish & subscribe Checkout Order processor

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28 State Management Redis Order processor

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29 Deploy to AKS

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30 Redis Pods POST /neworder Python Pod read / write Node Pod Operator/Injector/Sentry Pods Deploy and manage Dapr Dapr on AKS az aks create --resource-group dapr-aks-rg --name dapr-aks --node-count 2 --enable-addons http_application_routing --generate-ssh-keys

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41 Building block demos Deploy to AKS What is Dapr?

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