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Global DesignOps Conference Lessons from growing design in the open Tammie Lister / @karmatosed 2019

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A DesignOps awakening

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Why open source?

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Free kittens are free of charge initially, yes, but that doesn't include the monetary costs of vet care, food, or replacing clawed up furniture.

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Design in the open

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The lessons

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Look to others

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Build bridges

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Reduce the firehose

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Do not be a helicopter

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API : Assume Positive Intent

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Use inclusive language

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Always show the next step

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Provide context

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Make space for growth

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Failure is an option

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Always have support

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Document everything

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Have a schedule

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Take time

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The future

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Global DesignOps Conference Thank You Tammie Lister / @karmatosed Email: [email protected] growing-design-in-the-open-source