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Jonah Andersson Developer Fundamentals of Serverless .NET Development with Azure Durable Functions 2021-12-01

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Hi, I’m Jonah Andersson! ☺ ▪ Software Engineer/Developer ▪ Full stack .NET ▪ Certified Azure Developer ▪ Microsoft MVP – Azure ▪ Microsoft Technical Trainer ▪ Founder/Community Leader of Azure User Group Sweden ▪ I mentor to inspire others into tech!

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Jonah – Offline Version

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Serverless Azure Functions Durable Functions Application Patterns Demo/Examples Learning Resources

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5 Scenario: 5 Philosophers, 5 Chopsticks A philosopher needs both Chopsticks - on left and right to eat. Otherwise, he/she can’t The Dining Philosophers Problem PROBLEMS: • Deadlock • Starvation

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6 Have you been deadlocked? A deadlock is a condition where a program cannot access a resource it needs to continue. When an active application hits a deadlock, it may "hang" or become unresponsive.

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What is really Serverless? Abstraction of servers and infrastructures Break logic into functions Focus on developer productivity Autoscaling Great integration Consumption model (Pay-as-You-Go) Automation of processes

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Azure Functions Azure Serverless Compute Service On-Demand , Pay-as-you-Go Event-Driven Focus on logic = Developer productivity Integration with other services & APIs Azure Functions

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Azure Durable Functions Extension of Azure Functions Stateful Workflows in Serverless Environments Manages, Checkpoints and Restarts State for you Durable Task Framework C#, Javascript, Python, F#, Powershell

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Azure Functions Azure Durable Functions STATELESS STATEFUL

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Orchestrator Functions Client Functions Activity Functions Durable Function Types Entity Functions

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The Orchestrator is our FRIEND but STRICT! More info about Deterministic APIs: functions/durable/durable-functions-code- constraints#using-deterministic-apis DETERMINISTIC!

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With Determined Orchestrator No Orchestrator

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Orchestrator Code Constraints – DONTs & DOs Dont generate random numbers or GUIDs NewGuid() method Dont access data stores like databases and configurations Blocking APIs - Threads like Sleep, Run or Delay Dont create Infinite Loops! CreateAsNew() Pass configurations into Activity function Use DurableOrchestrationContext Dont use CurrentDateTime Use.CurrentUtcDateTime()

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Application Patterns of Azure Durable Functions Function Chaining Fan out / Fan in Async HTTP API Monitor Human Interaction Aggregator

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Function Chaining Pattern F1 F2 F4 F3 Execute a sequence of functions in a particular order like a chain! Output of F1 is required input of F2, so on!

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Orchestrator STARTED Activity 1 SCHEDULED Orchestrator SLEEPS! Activity 1 DONE Orchestrator WAKES UP! Activity 2 SCHEDULED Activity 2 DONE Orchestration COMPLETED Orchestrator SLEEPS! Function Chaining in ACTION!

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The Orchestrator can be a sleepyhead but it is GOOD!

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No content

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Fan Out / Fan In Pattern Execute multiple functions in parallel and then wait for all functions to finish and aggregate the results when done.

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E2_BackupSiteContent orchestrator function

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Async HTTP APIs Pattern Start DoWork GetStatus Solves the problem of coordinating the state of long-running operations with external clients Use HTTP Endpoint trigger the long running action Redirect a client to a status endpoint

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Async HTTP APIs Pattern

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Monitor Pattern ▪ Flexible, recurring process in a workflow ▪ Polling until specific conditions are met ▪ Use Case: Periodic job clean up

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Monitor Pattern

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Human Interaction Pattern Requests Approval ProcessApproval Escalate Automate business processes that requires human interaction

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Approval Workflow Example

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Aggregator (Stateful Entities) Aggregating event data over a period of time into a single addressable entity.

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Aggregator (Stateful Entities)

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Sub-Orchestrations in Durable Functions Sub-Orchestration in Orchestration Supported .NET, Javascript, Python

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Sub-Orchestration in Code

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Developing Azure Functions Visual Studio or VS Code Azure Portal, Azure CLI Azure Functions Core Tools A client for web requests like a web browser or Postman Azure Storage Explorer (Local Dev) Supported Languages C#, Java, Powershell, Python, Typescript, etc.

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Fullstack Development with Azure Functions Azure Static Web Apps – React, Blazor, Vue.js, etc. API support – Azure Static Web Apps with Azure Functions Bring Your Own Functions

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Orchestration Details

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Coding Durable Functions – Good to know & have! Azure Application Insights Concious Versioning Side-by-Side Deployment Deployment with Breaking Change Azure Storage Explorer Deployment Slots Azure Key Vault / Configurations

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Error Handling – FunctionFailedException() Call another function activity Use Automatic Retry on Failure – CallActivityWithRetryAsync() Try-Catch Blocks Durable Timer ( context.CreateTimer()) .NET App Logging / Application Insights Durable Functions Monitor

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Automatic Retry

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Try – Catch

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Deployment & CI /CD Azure Function App (Windows + Linux) Azure Function App Container Azure Container Registry GitHub Actions/Workflow ARM Templates PubXml

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Azure Container Apps (Preview) MS Docs: Fully managed serverless container service Built for Microservices scales dynamically based on HTTP traffic, events, and long- running background jobs Full support for KEDA and DAPR

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Use Case: Serverless Power for Azure’s Cloud Security By Roberto Rodriguez

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Demo - Serverless Function Chaining Example F1 F2 F3 Azure BLOB Trigger Orchestrator Function Starts Orchestration SendMessageToServiceBus() SendSMSCallviaTwilio() SendNotificationEmail()

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Expected Results

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Learning Resources • • Microsoft Learn – Azure Functions • Get updates via Twitter @AzureFunctions • Azure Functions University by Marc Duiker (YouTube) (GitHub) • • Azure Serverless Community Library

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As a developer, I Serverless because I can solve complex problems, build modern apps and it makes me productive!

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Tack så mycket! Thanks! @cjkodare