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Serverless App and Run on Google Cloud Platform #gcpug #next19extended #ServerlessDay 19.05.15 @sakajunquality

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About me - Jun Sakata - @sakajunquality - Google Developers Expert, Cloud - Working at Ubie, Inc. - #PubSub #CloudBuild #DarkTheme

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Agenda - Serverless Decision Making on GCP - Serverless Talk at Next 19

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Compute Products - Cloud Functions - App Engine - Cloud Run - Kubernetes Engine - Compute Engine

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Compute Products (Serverless) - Cloud Functions - App Engine - Cloud Run - Kubernetes Engine - Compute Engine

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Where Should I Run My Code?

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It depends Brian Dorsey - Where Should I Run My Code?

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Let’s look at the each product first

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Seveless Products Cloud Functions AppEngine Cloud Run Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run

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Compute Engine Before getting into serverless… - VMs - 416 vCPU and 12TB RAM… - Start quickly

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Kubernetes Engine One more non-serverless product - Fully Managed Kubernetes - Not cover much here...

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Cloud Functions - Functions as a service - Write an function - Event Driven - via Cloud Pub/Sub, GCS, HTTP... - Fully Managed Env - Including http endpoint - Scales with usage

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Cloud Functions: Sweet Spot and Constraints Sweet Spot - Cloud Pub/Sub and GCS - Don’t care about runtime env - ETL - HTTP Constraints - Specific Languages - Interact with specific event - Function level - Duration - Max function duration: 540 s

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Cloud Functions example: Cloud Pub/Sub with Go func Hello(ctx context.Context, m PubSubMessage) error { log.Println(string(m.Data)) // Your Logic Here... return nil }

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Cloud Functions example: HTTP w/ node exports.helloWorld = (req, res) => { let message = 'Hello World!'; res.status(200).send(message); };

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Cloud Functions: Supported Languages - Go 1.11 (GA) / 1.12(alpha) - Node 8(GA) / 10(beta) - Python 3.7(GA) - Java 8 (alpha) - and more…!

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AppEngine - Developers focus on app code - No servers to manage - No Patches / updates - Versioning / Traffic Splitting

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Standard Environment and Languages 1st generation - Python 2.7 - Java 8 - PHP 5.5 - Go 1.9 / 1.11 2nd generation - Python 3.7 - PHP 7.2 - Node.js 10 - Go 1.12 (beta) - Java 11 (alpha) - Ruby 2.5 (alpha)

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Flexible Environment and Languages - Python - Java - PHP - Go - .NET - Ruby - and custom containers

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AppEngine: Sweet Spot and Constraints Sweet Spot - HTTP request-response - Stateless serving Applications - Scaling to high traffic Constrains - Languages - HTTP only - Scaling (FE)

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Why AppEngine? - More Focus on Codes - For Web serving - For Vertical Load

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At the Day1 Keynote

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Cloud Run - Container image with code listening on $PORT for HTTP - Managed Endpoint - SSL Termination - 1-80 concurrent requests - Timeout: 15min - Zero to 1000 instances scale - Pay for CPU and memory @100ms

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Cloud Run on GKE - The same dev experience on Kubernetes - More flexibility control - Custom nodes / hardwares / VPC - Build on the top of existing Kubernetes - Pay for cluster

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Cloud Run example: Go package main import ( "fmt" "log" "net/http" "os" ) func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintf(w, os.Getenv("HELLO_MESSAGE" )) } func main() { http.HandleFunc("/", handler) log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe (":8080", nil)) } Normal Application

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FROM golang:1.12-alpine as build RUN apk add alpine-sdk WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/ COPY . . RUN go get -d -v ./... RUN go install -v ./... FROM alpine RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates COPY --from=build /go/bin/hello /usr/local/bin/hello Cloud Run example: Go Dockerfile Normal Container Image

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Cloud Run and Cloud Run on GKE Without GKE - Fully serverless - No cluster to manage - Pay for what you use With GKE - Serverless developer experience - Run in GKE - Pay for the Cluster

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Cloud Run: Sweet Spot and Constraints Sweet Spot - Serverless - HTTP req workload - Scale from zero to way up - No specific runtime requirements Constraints - Must be containers

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Why Cloud Run - Serverless developer experience - Fully managed or on the top of kubernetes - Run anything with http - Open source

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Developer Experience Container to production in seconds - Just deploy - Any stateless containers - Any languages and library - URL in seconds

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Natively Serverless - No manage servers - Focus on code - Scale up fast - Scale to zero

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One experience in Multi-Cloud - Managed or GKE or other environment - Portable with Knative - No vendor lock

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Knative - OSS by Google, Pivotal and more - Extends Kubernetes Components

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Knative - Serving - Building - Events

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Knative in GCP - Serving => Cloud Run - Build => Cloud Build - Events => maybe

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Serverless Decision Makings Which product to use Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run

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Choosing a Serverless Option

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- Abstraction Level and Technical Requirements - Ease of Use / Controllability and Team and Org - Billing Model Serverless Decision Makings

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Abstraction Level and Technical Requirements Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run Function Code Container Runtime

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Abstraction Level and Technical Requirements Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run Events HTTP Requests HTTP Requests HTTP Requests

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Abstraction Level and Technical Requirements Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run Single Endpoint URL Routing App Versioning and Traffic Splitting App Versioning Support Any Languages

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Ease of Use / Controllability and Team and Org Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run Events HTTP Requests HTTP Requests HTTP Requests

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Ease of Use / Controllability and Team and Org Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run Ease of Use * depends Controllability *depends

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Ease of Use / Controllability and Team and Org Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run More Dev Focused More Dev Focused More Dev Focused Build Tools / Cluster Management

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Billing Model Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run Usage Usage Usage Resources (w/ GKE)

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Operating? Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run - Metadata server - Stackdriver - Serverless VPC access

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Making “the right” decision?

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No Worries Brian Dorsey - Where Should I Run My Code?

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Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run Might be hard Easy Migrating Services

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Serverless Fireside Chat at Next ’19

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We did GCPUG there!

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Fireside Chat with Serverless PM / PMM / DA / SWE - At Next 19 SF Community Corner - Googler answered questions about Serverless matters

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Googlers - Facilitator - Martin Omander: DA, Serverless - Panel Members - Donna Malayeri : PM, GAE FE and Knative Eventing - Matt Soldo: PM, GAE SE and Migration strategy between products - Guillaume Laforge: DA, Java - Karolína Netolická: PM, Networking for serverless products - Steren Giannini - PM, Cloud Run - Filip Knapik - PM, Cloud Functions, Cloud Run - Adam - SWE, Serverless, Cloud Run

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When will Cloud Functions properly support C# / .NET? - Will be but No ETA - Cloud Run does not support C# as gVisor has bug - Currently works on CloudRun with GKE

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- Because CloudBuild requires billing account Why does AppEngine SE Java (8) do not require "Enabling Billing" and AppEngine SE NodeJS do need "Enabling Billing"?

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- Definitely it’s coming - matter of couple month, or weeks Why does Cloud Run (w/GKE) not support VPC?

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How to versioning in Cloud Run? - Like AppEngine’s versioning - That’s coming / No ETA

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How to versioning GCF? - Not in the plan now - If this is for Cloud Pub/Sub, New Beta Pub/Sub to Cloud Run

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Does Cloud Service Mesh have a plan to support seveless services? - In the Long term yes

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Are Cloud Run and Function compatible with IAP? - Not Yet - If use Cloud Load Balancing with Cloud Run w/ GKE

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- Easily move one to the other - Consistency Cloud Functions Node.js 10 now uses the same environment variable name as Knative Serving, what does this mean?

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Cloud Run currently provides an API for Knative Serving, but how is it related to Knative Build and Knative Eventing? - Knative Build => Not in the plan - Cloud Build - Tekton - Install Knative Build CRD - Knative Eventing - working on…

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Are there any cross-service transactions, such as data store and task queue, provided by appengine api, to be provided by gen2? - Leaving the old services for 1st Gen - Replacing as Cloud Scheduler / Cloud Task for gen 2 - Cloud Client Library

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Deprecation Plans for Gen 1? - Active and keep supporting many years - Even if languages are no longer supported at community - Like Python 2.7 or PHP5 - Google add patches for securities

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What's your favorite serverless service on GCP? with reasons - Cloud Scheduler - Cloud Tasks - Cloud Build - App Engine - Cloud Functions - Cloud Run - ...

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More samples on GAE FE websocket? - Beta and coming soon

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Cloud NAT coming to Cloud Run? - Cloud Functions soon - Cloud Run Yes but no ETA - GAE not sure

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Takeaways Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run

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- Several Choices are available for Compute Serverless on GCP - Cloud Functions / App Engine / Cloud Run - Find the sweet spot and Care about Constraints - More Languages and Runtimes are coming - More Features are coming Takeaways

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Next and I/O videos 2019 - - - - - -