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Next Level Serverless W E L C O M E

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Danielle Heberling Software Engineer @deeheber Farrah Campbell Ecosystems Director @FarrahC32

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My Intro to Tech was not like many I hear...

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My Intro to Tech was not like many I hear...

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Pacific Source Farrah Intro

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Pacific Source Farrah Intro

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Pacific Source Farrah Intro

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Farrah Intro

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Farrah Intro

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Farrah Intro

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Farrah Intro

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Farrah Intro

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Danielle Intro

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Danielle Intro

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Danielle Intro

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Danielle Intro

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Danielle Intro

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Danielle Intro

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What and Why We are both driven to learn, get better, & build skills. Marketing and Engineering work hand in hand. Farrah wants to be a nerd. Danielle desires to connect and learn from others outside of her immediate technical community.

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What and Why

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What and Why We knew we wanted to create something that was useful to our company (we focus on business value). We knew we wanted to build something that was helpful to a broader audience than just our current customers (We are a startup and always looking for new users). We knew we wanted an inclusive theme.

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What and Why

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What and Why

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What and Why

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Planning ● Time ● Team ● Easy to integrate with other systems ● Select which tools to use What and Why

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Build the simplest thing possible.

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What and Why - Tools We Chose

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What and Why - Architectural Overview

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Project Creation - Dev Env Setup First step and First Error of many more to come. Working through failures is part of the development process.

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Project Creation - Invite

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Project Creation - Add a Stack

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Project Creation - Create Environment

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Project Creation - Renaming Buckets

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Project Creation - Our YAML Translator

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Project Creation - Commit to Source Control

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Project Creation - Deploying the Stack

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Project Creation - Found a Bug

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Project Creation - Roadblocks

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Project Creation - Writing Code for the Function

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Project Creation - Translated Text working

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What We Learned What we learned ● AWS translate has a limit of 5000 bytes ● We can fix bugs alongside building ● Spacing is different in different languages ● Will need additional functionality to process hyperlinks and images that appear in markdown formatted files ● Working together is fun

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Next Steps Next steps ● Looping to allow for longer translations ● Add polly (text to speech) ● Ability to process more than plain text files

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Why are we excited? Danielle

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Why are we excited? Farrah

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Finished Product

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How are you going to use the Serverless Mindset? Closing

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@FarrahC32 @deeheber