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SOA SSO & @MattKetmo PHPTour Lyon 2014

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Service Oriented Architecture “Developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms” #EventDriven #DistributedSystem

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/me Matthieu Moquet @MattKetmo Developer at …for almost 3 years

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Back to 2011…

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Slide 6 text 1 monolithic PHP app o Core website o Web mobile o B2B platform o Backoffice tools o Web views (mobile apps) o External widgets

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Plain Old PHP No Dependency Injection No functional tests High coupling …hard to maintain

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# wc -l lib.trip.php 3678 …longest method: 1000+ lines

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get rid of the TECHNICAL DEBT

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started from scratch since 2012

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Let’s embrace best practices

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1 bundle BlablacarAppBundle BlablacarBlogBundle BlablacarFaqBundle BlablacarTripBundle BlablacarUserBundle ... N bundles OR

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Services & Controllers §  Should controllers access the repository? §  How should I split my services? §  Is ContainerAware that bad? §  How to organize my Business Layer?

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Where should I put my Model & Doctrine entities?

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Forms Should I map my entities with my forms?

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Validation §  Should I map validation with entities? §  Should I use groups?

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Translations §  Catalogue message? §  Should I use key identifiers or phrases? §  How to name the keys?

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Route naming homepage blablacar_homepage blablacar_main_homepage

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Events §  Listen on Doctrine events? §  Create your own? ACTION / PRE_ACTION / POST_ACTION ? §  Subscribers VS. Listeners

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Design When you don’t have full-time designer, then Bootstrap(2) FTW

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With a few developers… At the beginning, you need to start quickly, (but you take time to write conventions). Legacy App New App

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Then you hire new people

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How many developers to be more efficient?

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More code means…

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Heavy Container

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$ app/console cache:warmup Warming up the cache for the dev env with debug true

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$ app/console assetic:dump Dumping all dev assets. Debug mode is on. 23:00:32 [file+] /path/to/web/css/0e781b6.css 23:00:35 [file+] /path/to/web/css/0e781b6_part_1_bootstrap_1.css 23:00:35 [file+] /path/to/web/css/0e781b6_part_2_buttons_1.css 23:00:35 [file+] /path/to/web/css/0e781b6_part_2_card_2.css 23:00:35 [file+] /path/to/web/css/0e781b6_part_2_form_3.css 23:00:35 [file+] /path/to/web/css/0e781b6_part_2_grid_4.css 23:00:36 [file+] /path/to/web/css/0e781b6_part_2_list_5.css 23:00:36 [file+] /path/to/web/css/0e781b6_part_2_navbar_6.css 23:00:36 [file+] /path/to/web/css/0e781b6_part_2_panel_7.css 23:00:37 [file+] /path/to/web/css/0e781b6_part_2_vcard_9.css 23:00:37 [file+] /path/to/web/js/e66598b.js 23:00:37 [file+] /path/to/web/js/e66598b_jquery_1.js 23:00:37 [file+] /path/to/web/js/e66598b_bootstrap_2.js 23:00:37 [file+] /path/to/web/js/e66598b_script_3.js

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$ phpunit -c app ........................... .............. (63/975) .......................... ............... (126/975) .............. ........................... (189/975) .......F................ ................. (252/975) .............F....

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Changed few lines of code? Run the full test suite!

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Optimize test execution time Invest in parallelization processes Split TestSuite in VMs (on AWS) Run 1h tests in 10min

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One big projet makes your team less reactive How often do you deploy your main project?

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Changing foundations is expensive What if we want to change…

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What if we want to change The backend framework? We don’t plan to change it, and we couldn’t

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What if we want to change The testing framework? We won’t rewrite the whole test suite. But we can use several frameworks at the same time (eg. Behat)

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What if we want to change The frontend framework? Well, we are stuck with Bootstrap2. Updating to Bootstrap3 or rewriting our own will take time.

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What if we want to change The assets builder? Assetic took too long to compile all assets. We moved to asset management with Grunt.

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What if we want to change The data layer? Actually frontend servers make MySQL queries. But in the long term, it’s not a good practice (see coming slides).

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We’ll ALWAYS have technical debt. We must LIMIT it as much as possible.

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Think as small as possible µServices The secret to building large apps is never build large apps. Break your application into small pieces. Then, assemble those testable, bite-sized pieces into your big application — Justin Meyer

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3 patterns to build a better software architecture…

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Request-Response GET your resources synchronously Data Layer

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Request-Response $user = $this ->get('my.repository.user') ->find(1337);

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Request-Response $mysql->query('...')

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Request-Response Id   Firstname   Lastname   Pseudo   Email   Birthday   1337   Ma'hieu   Moquet   Ma'Ketmo   ma'[email protected]   1988-­‐12-­‐17  

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Request-Response However front-end servers should NOT access the database directly It should fetch normalized data from an internal service API for the win!

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Request-Response GET /users/123 Do you speak REST ? Better versioning & normalization

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Request-Response …or you may speak: § SOAP § XML-RPC § Protobuffer § Thrift § etc.

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Request-Response Even RabbitMQ can be used for synchronous requests scrutinizer-ci/rabbitmq src/Scrutinizer/RabbitMQ/Rpc

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Command $cmd = FooCommand('bar'); $handler = FooCommandHandler(); $handler->execute($cmd); Do not expect a return value

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Command Perfect for asynchronous jobs §  Send e-mails / SMS / PUSH notifications §  Image processing §  Data indexation §  Saving complex data §  etc.

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Command publish consume RabbitMQ   DIRECT  rou

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Command publish consume Easy  scaling  

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Command Service is accessible via a queueing system only (not REST) §  RabbitMQ §  ActiveMQ §  Beanstalkd §  Gearman §  … More at

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Sending Newsletters publish 100k messages Create an army of workers in AWS consume send mails message payload = emails address + content App Scheduler (Java + Quartz) Worker NL @10am segment X Get users of segment X (Scroll ElasticSearch)

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PubSub Obverser / Event Dispatcher

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PubSub $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();! ! // Listen using an object or a callback! $listener = new AcmeListener();! $dispatcher->addListener('foobar', array($listener, 'onFoobar'));! ! $dispatcher->addListener('foobar', function (Event $event) {! // do something else with the events! });! ! // Dispatch event! $dispatcher->dispatch('foobar', $event);! Example with the Symfony EventDispatcher

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PubSub Notify your infrastructure of every business events Publish events without knowing who is listening Create services without any core changes

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PubSub pub RabbitMQ   TOPIC  rou

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PubSub Use Case BI

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user.register user.edit_bio user.left_rating user.post_trip ... Data Warehouse Log every business events in Hadoop

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user.register user.edit_bio user.left_rating user.post_trip ... user.register user.post_trip ... Meanwhile… RealTime Dashboard Log every business events in ElasticSearch

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ReqRes — Command — PubSub Message Broker RabbitMQ removes hard link between services

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Now we have the keys to start a distributed architecture let’s start decoupling our application… Front-end desktop + mobile Hard to split in several projects (need to delegate jobs) API For mobile apps & partners Backoffice Set of administration tools Workers Already decoupled from the core app

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Backoffice A set of independent tools Easy to split

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Backoffice — CRUD Some tools are just data manipulation: – User Management – Blog – FAQ GET /users PUT /users/123 Data Layer

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Backoffice — Moderation Manage user « data » which need to be moderated user.upload_avatar user.edit_bio user.left_rating UI to check data manually Auto detect spam & non compliant data Machine Learning data.received data.treated send mails

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Backoffice — URL Shortener Some tools are completely independent SHORTEN No data shared with core business

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Authentication Splitting our backoffice in many apps should not be a pain for the UX

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Let’s build a Single Sign-On service

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Single Sign On “SSO is a method allowing a user to access multiple applications, making only a single authentication.”

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Single Sign ONCE Simple Case: Shared Host / Shared Domain

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« OAuth is an open standard for authorization […] to access server resources on behalf of a resource owner » — Wikipedia

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OAuth2 Grant Types Authorization Code Connect-like workflow Implicit Grant (Direct Token) Usefull for JS app Password flow Trusted app (client credentials) Client Credentials Basic (use of client id + secret)

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Do It Yourself with

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From LDAP to OAuth Given I am on the login page Then I should login with my LDAP credentials App LDAP Login

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There is a bundle for that

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FR3DLdapBundle/config.yml # LDAP Configuration! fr3d_ldap:! driver:! host: "%ldap_host%"! username: "%ldap_username%"! password: "%ldap_password%"! baseDn: "%ldap_username%"! user:! baseDn: "%ldap_user_dn%"! filter: "%ldap_user_filter%"! attributes:! - { ldap_attr: "uid", user_method: "setUsername" }! - { ldap_attr: "cn", user_method: "setName" }! - { ldap_attr: "mail", user_method: "setEmail" }! service:! user_manager: "acme.user_manager"!

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From LDAP to OAuth Given I am on "/me" with "user" access token Then I should get "user" resources in JSON App LDAP OAuth2 API

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There is a bundle for that

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FOSOAuthServerBundle/ security.yml firewalls:! api:! pattern: ^/api! fos_oauth: true! stateless: true  

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From LDAP to OAuth App LDAP OAuth2 API Login

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Enforce security PO said, this SSO entry-point should be a top-notch secure app

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There ARE bundles for THAT

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SchebTwoFactorBundle SpomkyIpFilterBundle CCDNUserSecurityBundle NelmioSecurityBundle …

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App LDAP OAuth2 2FA FW

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What about the client?

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Of course, there is a bundle for that

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# HWI OAuth Configuration! hwi_oauth:! firewall_name: "main"! resource_owners:! acme_sso:! type: "oauth2"! client_id: "%client_id%"! client_secret: "%client_secret%"! access_token_url: "%base_url%/oauth/v2/token"! authorization_url: "%base_url%/oauth/v2/auth"! infos_url: "%base_url%/api/me”! paths:! identifier: "id"! nickname: "username"! realname: "name"! email: "email"!

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UX — We don’t really need this login form

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UX — We don’t really need a one-button page

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302 Found UX — Get transparent login process

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OAuth is all about authorization, not authentication Watch out for weaknesses & attacks

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GET /api/me { "id": 1337, "firstname": "Matthieu", "lastname": "Moquet", "nickname": "MattKetmo" } (the cheat)

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CSRF session[state] === params[state].

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Cover Redirect (is a joke)

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id_token Multiple Response Type Encoding Practices. Provides an assertion of the identity of the Resource Owner.

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However if OAuth2 is not designed to be an SSO protocol, what should I use?

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It seems Symfony have a bundle for everything…

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SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) SAML is an XML-based protocol that uses security tokens containing assertions to pass information about a principal between an identity provider, and a consumer. There are bundles/lib for that (but not maintained, see impl.) §  pdias/FOSSamlBundle §  aerialship/SamlSPBundle §  chtitux/sfSAMLPlugin (symfony1)

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CAS (Central Authentication Service) Example of client implementation BeSimple/BeSimpleSsoAuthBundle

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JWT (JSON Web Token) Payload signed server-side with a JSON Web Signature (JWS). auth.   signed token request

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JWT (JSON Web Token) Sign payload using a secret key auth.   signed token request

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firebase/php-jwt curl –H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV..." $key = "s3cr3t_key"; $token = array( "sub" => "mattketmo", "aud" => "", "exp" => 1356999524, ); $jwt = JWT::encode($token, $key);  // eyJ0eXAiOiJKV...

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namshi/jose OpenSSL + cookies // Auth (SSO) $privateKey = openssl_pkey_get_private("file://private.key"); $jws = new JWS('RS256'); $jws->setPayload([$userId]); $jws->sign($privateKey) setcookie('identity', $jws->getTokenString()); // Client App $jws = JWS::load($_COOKIE['identity']); $publicKey = openssl_pkey_get_public("/public.key"); if ($jws->isValid($publicKey)) { $payload = $jws->getPayload(); $userId = $payload['id']; }

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OAuth2 + JWT

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OpenID Connect Feb. 2014 —

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Core app is now lightweight o Tiny container (less services/listeners) o Test suite is smaller o Forget about technical debt

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Choose the right tools for the task Backend / Frontend / Datastore / …

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Make experiments

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Work faster No more bottleneck & dependencies with other dev teams

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Install dev environment in less than 1h

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Bootstrap everything composer create-project blablacar/backoffice-app git clone [email protected]/worker-skeleton.git via git or via composer

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Enforce reusable components { "require": { "blablacar/monolog": "~1.0", "blablacar/scheduler-client": "~1.1", "blablacar/redis-client": "~1.2", "blablacar/rabbit-mq-admin-toolkit": "dev-master" } }

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Be ready for production Don’t loose time in configuration setup Parameters for $ENV Config template for $PROJECT Config file for $PROJECT/$ENV Centralized build tool to generate a project configuration file for any environment (local / dev / staging / prod)

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Never miss a log

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Don’t be lost in translations Open-sourced a tool to manage your project translations easily More information tomorrow, 9:45

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Thank you Slides available at Leave feedbacks @MattKetmo