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Revolution Conf – 27/09/13!

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1.  Reading   2.  Drinking   Two  Caveats  

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The diversity in our department enables us to be innovative and creative, resulting in revolutionary, ground breaking and immersive experiences for our target customers.

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We build awesome products our customers love.

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What  is  tone  of  voice?   It’s the way we express our personality. It’s what we say but more importantly, how we say it.

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A great brand is built around a strong personality, and a strong personality has a distinctive and recognisable tone of voice. The University of Manchester

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Be authentic

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Be authentic Be consistent

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Why  is  tone  of  voice   important?  

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Tone  of  Voice     Hall  of  Fame  

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Tone  of  Voice     Hall  of  Fame  

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Tone  of  Voice     Hall  of  Fame  

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Values   Brand   Personality   Tone  of  voice  

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Finding  your  tone   of  voice  

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Formal Informal Serious Funny Mature Youthful Technical Simple

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Intelligent Not Confusing

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Confident Not Arrogant

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Friendly Not Familiar

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Learning  from  others    

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It’s  hard  to  get  excited  about  buying  things  for   school  on  Monday.  Even  a  new  pencil  case   hardly  takes  the  edge  off  the  gloom.  Pop  in  and   see  us  for  a  milkshake  or  a  hot  chocolate  and   make  the  most  of  the  last  couple  of  days.   It  would  be  madness  to  leave  the  house  in  this   weather  –  have  breakfast  delivered  to  your   door.  

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All  content  wriNen  internally.  One   person  signs  off.     Never  planned  communicaQon   strategy.   Does  it  sound  ‘pacty’?   Honest,  open  and  warm.   Organic  audience  research  

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Find  stuff  you  want  

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Get  yourself  a  liNle  something  

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•   Founded  in  2004   •   11  acquisiQons  across  Europe   •   2  million  subscribers   •   6  million  unique  visits  per  month  to  UK  site   •   94%  of  their  subscribers  would  recommend    

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Oh LOVEFiLM, why I oughta.

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•   Tone  of  voice  is  how  we  express  ourselves,  how  we  sound   •   Values,  brand  and  personality   •   Any  company  can  ask  quesQons,  make  decisions   •   AuthenQc  and  consistent   •   Understand  your  audience,  adapt  tone  as  needed   •   Communicate  to  everyone  involved   •   Guide  and  manage  as  needed     Summary

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•   Tone  of  voice  is  how  we  express  ourselves,  how  we  sound   •   Values,  brand  and  personality   •   Any  company  can  ask  quesQons,  make  decisions   •   AuthenQc  and  consistent   •   Understand  your  audience,  adapt  tone  as  needed   •   Communicate  to  everyone  involved   •   Guide  and  manage  as  needed     •   It  can  take  years  to  build  and  only  one  tweet  to  destroy.   Summary

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