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Cython — 
 Making Python as Fast as C Mosky

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Cython ➤ Cython is a source-to-source compiler (a.k.a. transcompiler). ➤ Cython is a superset of Python. ➤ Provides optional static type declarations. ➤ Makes writing C extensions for Python easier. ➤ Makes Python faster by pre-compiling and static type. ➤ Sometimes faster by orders of magnitude. ➤ The pandas uses Cython! 2

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.so C compiler .c .py import Python .pyx Cython

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Mosky ➤ Python Charmer at Pinkoi. ➤ Has spoken at: PyCons in 
 TW, MY, KR, JP , SG, HK,
 COSCUPs, and TEDx, etc. ➤ Countless hours 
 on teaching Python. ➤ Own the Python packages like ZIPCodeTW. ➤ 4

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Outline 1. Setup 2. Foundation 3. Practicing 4. Tips 5. Uncovered Topics 6. Other Solutions 5

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Install C Compiler ➤ Mac: ➤ $ xcode-select --install ➤ Ubuntu / Debian: ➤ $ sudo apt-get install build-essential ➤ Other: ➤ 7

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Install Cython ➤ Mac / Ubuntu / Debian: ➤ $ pip3 install cython ➤ Other: ➤ 8

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The from distutils.core import setup from Cython.Build import cythonize setup( name='cython-lab', ext_modules=cythonize( '*.pyx', language_level='3' ) ) 9

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The hello_cython.pyx print('Hello Cython!') 10

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Build ➤ Into package folder for development: ➤ $ python build_ext --inplace 11

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Define Static Types cdef int i, j, k cdef float f, g[42], *h 13

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cdef struct Grail: int age float volume cdef union Food: char *spam float *eggs cdef enum CheeseType: cheddar, edam, camembert cdef enum CheeseState: hard = 1 soft = 2 runny = 3 14

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ctypedef unsigned long ULong ctypedef int* IntPtr 15

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cdef struct Point: int x int y # either `struct` or `ctypedef` is not need cdef Point p 16

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cdef: struct Point: int x int y Point p 17

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Define Functions def add(a, b): return a+b cdef add(a, b): return a+b 18

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cdef object add(object a, object b): return a+b cdef int add(int a, int b): return a+b cpdef int add(int a, int b): return a+b 19

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.pxd Exposes cdef Func # mylib.pxd cdef say_hello(char* name=?) # another.pyx from mylib cimport say_hello 20

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Using C Lib from libc.math cimport sin # or cdef extern from "math.h": double sin(double x) 21

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Function Visibility 22 Same 
 File Other .pyx .py Funcs in .h/.c Visible
 directly Visible
 via cdef extern Invisible cdef Visible
 via .pxd & cimport cpdef Visible
 via import def

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Binding During 23 Same 
 File Other .pyx .py Funcs in .h/.c compile-time compile-time x cdef cpdef run-time def

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Type Conversions 24 C From Py To Py short, int, long int int float, double int/float float char* str/bytes bytes array iterable list struct dict

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The Suggestion ➤ LIB_NAME.pyx ➤ Has functions. ➤ ➤ Call the functions. 26

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The Overflow ➤ Static types may also overflow in Cython silently. ➤ Try to make an overflow! ➤ In C: ➤ ➤ In Cython: ➤ 27

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Using C Functions ➤ Try to use the functions in C. ➤ Playing with fork, the system call, may be fun. ➤ In C: ➤ ➤ In Cython: ➤ 28

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The Functions ➤ Write three functions defined in 
 def, cdef, and cpdef. ➤ Try to call them in: ➤ The same file, ➤ Another .pyx file, ➤ And a .py file. ➤ Refer to the table, “Function Visibility”. ➤ The Cython code: ➤ lib_in_pyx_pyx ➤ use_lib_in_pyx_pyx ➤ test_lib_in_pyx_py 29

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cython -a ➤ cython -a NAME.pyx ➤ cython -a -3 NAME.pyx ➤ open NAME.html 31

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pyximport import pyximport pyximport.install() import my_pyx_lib # compile .pyx into .so 32

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import pyximport pyximport.install(pyimport=True) import my_py_lib # compile .py into .so 33

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Uncovered Topics

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Uncovered Topics ➤ Differences between C and Cython expressions ➤ language_basics.html#differences-between-c-and-cython- expressions ➤ Propagating Exceptions in cdef ➤ language_basics.html#error-return-values 35

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➤ Extension Type — cdef class ➤ extension_types.html ➤ Generic programming using Cython's Template ➤ ➤ Conditional Compilation ➤ language_basics.html#conditional-compilation 36

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➤ Profiling ➤ ➤ Parallelism (No GIL + OpenMP) ➤ ➤ Using C++ in Cython ➤ wrapping_CPlusPlus.html 37

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Other Solutions

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Other Solutions ➤ Numba: translates Python to optimized machine code. ➤ @jit ➤ CFFI: calls C code in Python dynamically. ➤ Cython versus CFFI – fuzzy notepad ➤ pybind11: makes C++ code available in Python. ➤ Cython, pybind11, cffi – which tool should you choose? – Setfans Welt ➤ Dask: provides advanced parallelism for analytics. ➤ Comparison to Spark – Dask ➤ panda and Enhancing performance – pandas. 40

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Cool Down ➤ Did you use NumPy and SciPy efficiently? ➤ Profile your program. ➤ Consider the portability — you are writing C programs! ➤ Algorithm still does matter. ➤ Pick the most suitable solution. 41

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Recap ➤ static types by cdef and in function definition. ➤ cdef function & cpdef function. ➤ .pxd exposes cdef functions. ➤ cdef extern for C functions. 42