Slide 20
Slide 20 text
In line with the content first approach, we have – in both the design and
development – worked from the content and up. When designing, we focus on
chunks and we have designed the presentation of each type of content individually.
For instance, we need to present products differently based on the context they are
in. When a product teaser appears as a byline or a lead feature in relation to an
article, we need to consider the role the product has in this particular context.
What does it take to support the teaser in this role? Do we need a short or a long
description, a price, a rating, maybe a buy-button? Only once we have these things
figured out, we work on the styling.
So basically, it's about designing content first, not pages.
Working in this way has been a great help in managing the dialogue with Hi-Fi
Klubben – and for us it has helped us to stay focused and ensure that the graphic
design and the aesthetic choices underpin and support the function that the
content has in a given context.
Also, it has helped us to prepare the editors for the shi$ in workflows that
responsive (which they had not been used to) and COPE would bring.